There are five planets in Pisces and your career sector as the month begins, which is a huge emphasis on this part of your chart. This is about your vocation, being in the public eye, your status, your legacy and what you want to do with your life. Take note of any new opportunities that come your way at this time as there’s a sense of destiny about your stars. Consider any new proposition carefully but do explore things fully.
You may also meet someone this month who becomes a key role model in your life, someone who inspires you by what they do and who they are. If there was ever a time to research and focus on your vocation and the bigger picture, it’s now.
Having said that, your planet Mercury is in Pisces and retrograde until the 17th. This means that Mercury’s effectively on go-slow but this is not your cue to sit back and do nothing and wait for other people to contact you. In fact, misunderstandings and miscommunications are often rife when Mercury’s retrograde, so double check that people have received your message, your job application, your phone call and don’t assume that they’re simply biding their time.
When Mercury’s retrograde, it’s an excellent time to go back to an old project, chase up an old contact or apply again for a job or position. Sometimes it’s about being second-time or even third-time lucky when Mercury’s playing the trickster. So there’s lots that you can be getting on with but hold your horses with any major decision where possible until after the 17th. New information often comes to light when Mercury turns direct and whatever news you’re waiting for turns up on or around the date.
This is also a brilliant time of the month for you as on the 18th the Moon’s in Gemini and close to lucky Jupiter. In fact, if you look up at the night sky on the 18th, you might be able to see the Moon and Jupiter close together. They promise blessings, good fortune and things going your way. So make the most of this positive and optimistic duo and enjoy yourself.
Another key date to note and a great day to initiate new beginnings with regard to your work and career is the 11th when there’s a New Moon in Pisces. Send a text, make a phone call and ask for what you want. It’s a powerful day to reach out to the universe and move one step closer to your dream vocation.
However, you may already be aware that you’re not going to get what you want without a certain amount of hard work involved. Saturn in Scorpio suggests that you have to knuckle down and work hard to pay your dues and show you mean business. You may have to keep the day job whilst you seek out fame and fortune but Saturn is a fair taskmaster and if you put in the effort, rewards come further down the line.
The mood shifts towards the second half of the month as three of the personal planets move into Aries, Mars on the 12th, the Sun on the 20th and Venus on the 22nd. Aries is the sign that rules friendships, groups and clubs in your chart. This is about considering the bigger picture and creating a new vision for what you want. Try out a new social event and do something different.
It’s a good time to catch up with friends and prioritise socialising, especially if work’s meant you’ve been off radar. There may be some last-minute invitations that come your way and as Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, is also in Aries, some surprise news or a friend whose behaviour could shock you.
The last week of the month looks wonderful for organising a spontaneous get-together or being in touch with a friend you haven’t seen for ages. If you’ve been too busy to prioritise love, then it’s the perfect period to ask a friend for an introduction. The days on and around the Full Moon on the 27th look especially lively and when Venus and Uranus combine on the 28th, anything goes in love. It’s a head-over-heels combination whether you meet someone new or realise you’re falling in love with a friend.
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