Geminis are in for a roller-coaster ride of a month with lots of excitement, new opportunities and some unexpected twists and turns along the way. There’s a host of astrological reasons why. Firstly this is eclipse season and the current eclipse cycle that runs from 2010-2013 cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. Eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light, they’re potential power points but also shadowy and dramatic.
Last month’s solar eclipse in Gemini took place on the 20th May, a time of inner change, new initiatives and decisions. This month’s lunar eclipse on 4th June cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, focusing on relationships and external events. As this eclipse coincides with the much-talked about Venus transit on the 5th/6th June, you can expect the Diamond Jubilee (UK) weekend to be potentially transformative. Venus rules love, money and pleasure and for some of you this will be a deeply emotional time. It may be that things beyond your control zap you forward and urge you to re-examine your life, what makes you happy and what you ultimately desire.
The other major event in June is Jupiter, planet of opportunity, entering your sign of Gemini on the 11th, where it remains until June 26, 2013. So this is a period of growth and personal development, when you’d be wise to consider new opportunities in travel and education and experience life to the full. It’s a dramatic time for some Geminis and when you look back on this period, you may realise how significant a turning point it was for you. Jupiter also rules freedom and liberation so this is about breaking free from ties that bind you or any area of your life where you feel trapped. Jupiter remains in your sign until June 2013.
It’s a good time to start making big decisions about your future, especially with regard to money and your investments/debts or security. Your planet Mercury is in Cancer and your cash zone from the 7th – 26th June and in that time it clashes with the Uranus/Pluto square. The Uranus/Pluto square is a long term transit that plays out between now (the first contact is on the 24th June) until 2015. In brief, Pluto in Capricorn = corporations/govt versus Uranus in Aries = revolution/individual rights and we’re already witness to major change in many countries of the world.
For you personally, this is about your financial security and any changes you need to make with regard to your own future. If you’re having thoughts about community living or creating a life that’s not dependent on the state, then you’re in tune with your stars. Uranus in Aries asks you to revision your future and to take inspiration from your friends or a group, club or society that’s innovative and different. Doing things the way it’s always been done no longer works, so try and stay one step ahead of change.
There’s so much potential and possibility open to you now that it’s hard to know what to talk about or where to focus energy. For some of you undoubtedly, it’s love that’s going to turn your world upside-down as Jupiter is your relationship planet and in Gemini suggests an all-encompassing and amazing love opportunity. Venus too, Goddess of love, is on an extended stay in Gemini and the key date to note is 27th June when Venus turns direct. You don’t have to rush any decisions until then but be aware that what happens in your love life is bound to have a knock on effect on other areas of your life.
In addition, your career or vocation may also be undergoing a sea-change. Think back to the eclipse of the 20th May and what happened the following week. Neptune is currently in Pisces and your career sector shifting the boundaries and asking you to question what you’re doing. Whether you have a desire to use your creative imagination or to be of service to others, finding a vocation that’s deeply meaningful is part of this process.
Jupiter squares up to Neptune on the 25th June so expect similar waves to what took place at the end of May. There is a boundless feel about this aspect that anything’s possible and this really is a time in your life when dreams can come true, but it will take courage and vision to grab hold of new opportunities. This experience may also bring with it confusion and a feeling that you’re lost or all at sea. Have trust that whatever’s calling you, whether it’s love, spirituality or your vocation requires deep faith and it’s faith and trust that will see you through. This is your turn in the spotlight so take a deep breath and play to your full potential.
[Gemini from]