Gemini Monthly Stars July 2013

Gemini MandalaGemini (21 May-20 June)

As the month begins, your ruler Mercury remains in retrograde motion. This happens three times a year for approximately three weeks and this year, the retrograde phases take place in water signs, ruling your finances, work and vocation.

This time around Mercury’s in Cancer, the sign that rules your money, possessions and all that you value in life. When Mercury’s retrograde, it’s traditionally not a wise time to make major decisions or sign any key transactions. This is because new information often comes to light when Mercury turns direct and this happens on the 20th July.

For the first few weeks of the month you may feel as if you’re playing a waiting game and there may be a certain amount of miscommunication, delays or frustration where cash is concerned. If you’re chasing up money or want to initiate a money-making activity then your best bet before Mercury turns direct is the 8th and 9th July.

On the 8th, there’s a New Moon in Cancer, which is always positive for new beginnings and making a fresh start and on the 9th Mercury connects with the Sun. Speak up and be true to who you are when the Sun and Mercury come together.

It’s an unusual month as this aspect is the only one that Mercury makes. Otherwise it’s ambling along in one of the water signs. This is not your style as you prefer life when you can think on your feet, make things happen and gain access to information quickly. For most of July, however, it’s about doing things differently, learning to go with the flow, be patient and trust your intuition. The water signs rule emotions so you may find that work and money are emotional issues for you this month.

Something quite remarkable does take place, however, from the 17th-19th July, the days just before Mercury turns direct. I’ve often found that if you want something specific to happen, the days leading up to Mercury’s direct motion are the perfect time to try and push things through. So wherever finances are stuck or money’s causing frustration, you can move things forward, plus serendipity is at work. This is due to a grand water trine that peaks on the dates mentioned and you may find yourself in the right place at the right time or find that you’re especially lucky.

This is because Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, is now in Cancer and your money sector where it remains for a year-long adventure. This has got to be good news for you in the long run on the cash front and with support from Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces in a grand trine, these three planets are boosting your work and money sectors mid-month. It’s a wonderful combination when you can turn dreams into reality whether you discover your vocation or find your dream job or role in life. Play to your strengths and believe anything’s possible and it just might be. Mars, the action plans is also in Cancer from the 13th adding energy and passion to the mix.

The only downside is that if money comes in, it’s likely to go out just as quickly whether you have debts to clear or you want to repay a friend who’s helped you out in the past. It does depend on your current situation how this is going to play out and you may find that your ‘easy come easy go’ nature means you want to share your good fortune. It’s up to you.

Jupiter is your partner planet so for some of you this may be a stroke of good fortune for your other half, a cash bonus or a new job. Keep your feet on the ground whatever happens and family will remind you to keep calm and not get carried away. Even if something special does happen this month, you still have Saturn, the planet of hard work, in your work sector and Neptune, the planet of dreams and schemes, in your career sector. So it’s important to deal with the facts and ensure that any promises are put in writing, especially on or around the 26th. You may find that not everyone’s as trustworthy or loyal as you had hoped so keep your wits about you.

If you’re looking for love, it’s the first half of the month that looks most interesting when you have Mars, the passion planet, in your sign of Gemini and Venus, the love planet, in your communication sector. Keep love light and enjoy getting to know someone well before diving in to a new relationship. Money and love aren’t always compatible bed-mates and it’s important that you know why you’re attracted to someone new. Same goes if you’re in a relationship or married as money is one of the biggest issues when it comes to love. If you can keep the two separate and not allow the boundaries to become blurred, you’ll make life easier for yourself.

Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign for a full prediction. If you don’t know your Ascendant but know your time of birth, send me your birth data (date, time, place of birth) and I’ll let you know your Ascendant (the sign that was rising on the horizon when you were born). If you’re born on the cusp and you’re unsure of your Sun sign, send me your birth data and I’ll confirm it for you. I’m here to help.

 [photo from]

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