January is the month to dream and dream big. The main planetary focus is on your fellow air sign of Aquarius which rules the sector of your chart that’s about expansion and seeking out new opportunities.
Whether your goal is to travel, study, follow a spiritual path or learn something new, your curiosity levels hit over-drive as soon as the New Year begins.
Plus your ruling planet Mercury enters Aquarius on the 5th where it remains until mid-March. This is because on January 21st Mercury turns retrograde and is on go slow in this sector of your chart until February 11th. This tells you that timing is the key to your success early in the year and if you really want something to happen, you’re going to have to get creative and refuse to give up.
The planets are backing you however to start the new year as you mean to go on and find a way to follow your passion, an inspiration or your curiosity. The timing is perfect to explore, to experiment, to reach out and do something different. You will feel the urgency of this perhaps as early as New Year’s day when you’re ready for a change and keen to move away from everyday routine and the more humdrum and boring aspects of daily life.
One area of your life that must be addressed before you can leap off the precipice and fly high is money as money matters are being flagged up during the first Full Moon of 2015. This takes place on January 5th and cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of your chart plus this Full Moon is powerful as it links in to the Uranus-Pluto square that has dominated the heavens for some time.
So don’t ignore finances or money matters that demand your attention. Before you go wild at the January sales, check your balance as unexpected expenses may come your way. Plus, look at how you’re going to be able to finance what you want to do now and over the next few months. You can find a way to fund your dreams but you may have to make sacrifices elsewhere.
Look at what you can let go of or get rid of and see if there are any regular outgoings that you can give up in order to save or fund what you want to do. Declutter your possessions, sell whatever’s no longer useful to you and make sure your outgoings and incomings add up. This is your first major task of the year and it’s an important one.
Then it’s on to the bigger goals and looking at ways to expand your life and it may be helpful to hear that you don’t have to do this on your own. In fact the more you team up with others, the easier and more fun it becomes to do what you want. Whilst your ruler Mercury is in Aquarius, it teams up with two key planets; Saturn in your opposite sign of Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. These are both fire signs and they both focus on ‘people’ sectors of your chart. This might be your partner, romantic or otherwise, or your friends or a new tribe or group which you decide to join. Hold hands with other people and work towards fulfilling your dreams, ambitions and secret desires.
The New Moon on the 20th also falls in Aquarius and is a brilliant day to sign up to a course or book a holiday. The New Moon signals new beginnings but with Mercury on go slow the day after on the 21st, this is the time you need to get creative, experiment and be flexible. When Mercury’s on go slow, your plans often change and rather than go directly from A to B, you have to be willing to follow where life leads, start over and try a second or even third time before you succeed.
Know also that you’re building towards an extra rush of energy or action that culminates late February or early March. When there’s something you really want, often you have to try twice as hard to prove how important it is to you and that’s what’s being asked of you right now. Your nature may be to move on or give up easily but if you don’t show your commitment and your resilience, you won’t get what you want.
The same goes in relationships now you have Saturn in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. This is often an indication that you have to work a little harder, you have to show your commitment and work at love. For some, this may be a time when you’re willing to go that extra mile for someone special and that may mean taking a trip abroad. For others, this is about a holiday romance and how to keep the romance alive once you’re both back home and dealing with everyday issues.
There will be times this month when you feel as if you’ve lost your way and you’re unsure where to turn. You may be questioning your work direction or your vocation in life especially in the middle of the month and this could be one reason why you’re keen to gain new qualifications and consider new work options or even a change of direction. Go with the flow, explore what arises and know that you’re on a journey of discovery. It’s an exciting although sometimes bewildering start to a new and expansive year.