Gemini Monthly Stars August 2014

HandstandGemini (21 May-20 June)

Your ruling planet Mercury is one step ahead of the rest of the planetary pack in August and what’s happening to you means you’re the one who’s setting new trends and leading the way. As the month begins, your ruler Mercury, the planet of communication is in your communication sector so this is a double whammy for finding your voice, getting your message across or gossiping wildly.

The exchange of information and ideas is exceptionally creative now and you need to find a way to introduce what’s new and different into your work or projects. Share your ideas and other people will sit up and take notice.

The 2nd in particular is a brilliant date when Mercury teams up with the planet of opportunity, Jupiter in Leo and your communication sector. Apply for a TV show, enter a competition on radio, speak at a conference and sell, sell, sell your ideas. You’re at your most persuasively brilliant.

Leo is also the sign that rules your local community, travel and getting out and about. It’s often a hectic time when you have planets in this sector of your chart and for some this means that August is going to be especially busy with lots of to-ing and fro-ing. There may be last-minute invitations for a holiday, a trip away, a weekend music festival or any other shape or form of jolly, party or celebration.

This is all well and good but do take care that you don’t take on so much that you run out of steam. The weekend of the 9th/10th is a case in point when there’s a sociable Full Moon cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of your horoscope and yet Saturn is in square aspect to both the Sun and the Moon.

Saturn is currently in Scorpio and the sign that rules your everyday work, your routine and your health. Saturn can be something of a taskmaster and it’s important to pace yourself with Saturn in this sector of your chart or you can wear yourself out. So yes, have a good time but keep a close eye on your health and well-being at the same time.

Mars joins Saturn in Scorpio this month upping the pressure and the ante. This is an intense burst of energy and as it’s in conflict with the planets in Leo, you may find that different areas of your own life jar this month. Maybe you’re interested in socialising and partying but bored of work. Maybe you’re out of work and worried about how you’re going to afford all the things you want to do. Transport costs could hit the roof and there may be problems with a mode of transport when you need to buy a new car or something similar.

Saturn is the ‘get real’ planet so you do have to focus your attention on your everyday lifestyle and what’s working and what’s not. For some, this is about looking at the bigger picture of your career or vocation and where you’re heading in life. Note what happens on or around the 5th and 7th when Saturn trines Chiron and Mars trines Neptune, both of which are in Pisces and your career sector.

Finding the right path in life may feel a challenge now and you wonder how you’re going to get from your current situation to your dream lifestyle. You may be clear about what needs to change especially if you work in a profession that’s physically challenging. For some, this month is crunch time for your work or lifestyle either on the Full Moon of the 10th or on the New Moon of the 25th.

The 25th is the day of the Mars/Saturn conjunction in the heavens and this is when the pressure feels especially intense. You may come to the end of the road of a work project or job and in some way or other you realise that you can’t carry on as before. The end of the year is a turning point when Saturn leaves Scorpio behind but what takes place this month is likely to be the catalyst for change.

On the 15th, Mercury moves into Virgo, the sign at the base of your chart, ruling your home and family. These areas of your life take priority from mid-month to late September whether you’re decorating, visiting family, looking to move home or you’re involved in some other family or home-related event. You may decide to return to your past whether you visit elderly relatives or your childhood home.

It’s via your home and family that you can find a solution to any work or health-related issue when someone in the family is able to step in and help you out with kids or housework or financial constraints. Work as a team and you’re bigger and better than you are on your own. The New Moon of the 25th is the turning point and a great day to putt new home or family-related schemes in place.

Finally this month, the love planet Venus enters Leo on the 12th and if you’re looking for love, get out and about and socialise. This is brilliant for chatting and getting to know someone new whether on or off-line. New introductions and making friends are well-starred and love flourishes when you meet someone who’s on your wavelength and who makes you happy.

Jupiter, your partner planet, is also in Leo so fun times and easy communication help love grow. Your legendary wit and sense of humour is going to be extremely attractive to others and will help you deal with the more serious side of life in your usual breezy fashion.


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2 thoughts on “Gemini Monthly Stars August 2014”

  1. Well done Sally, spot on as usual. I look forward to reading your forecast at the beginning of the month it sets me up and enlivens my expectations. Your descriptions are always balanced, well considered and helpful. Keep up the good work, Robert

    1. Thank you Robert. It’s always lovely to hear praise after a couple of days frantically writing to hit the 1st of the month deadline. 🙂 Hope all is well with you. best, Sally

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