Gemini Monthly Horoscope November 2015

twins, GeminiGemini (21 May – 20 June)

Home and family areas dominate the planetary action as November gets underway with the focus on the sign of Virgo down at the base of your chart.

The key planets are Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens. When these two conjoin on the 3rd, use this conciliatory aspect for cordial family relations.

There might be happy news, there’s a sense of togetherness and it’s an ideal time to put any bad feelings to one side and focus on what works when it comes to family matters.

The other planet which is now firmly established in Virgo is Jupiter, the biggest and best planet in astrology. You often benefit in some way from the areas of life highlighted by Jupiter so again this emphasises your home, property moves and family celebrations.

Whether you’re keen to change where you live, you want to make money from your home or you’re ready for a DIY makeover, the first two weeks of November are brilliant for making progress.

Remember that with Venus and Mars in this sector of your chart, help is at hand so ask family for favours, share household chores and expenses and look at what next for all of you. It’s a bounteous time for home and family.

Being a Gemini, you’re ruled by the communication planet Mercury. This month, Mercury whizzes through the zodiac as it’s back up to speed. There’s a sense of progress, no reason to hang around but instead get on with things, make decisions and spring to life.

On the 2nd, Mercury enters Scorpio and your work and health sector where it remains until the 20th. This is good news if you’re looking for work, need to do research or you’re involved in more meetings or interviews than usual. Mercury in Scorpio is an intense and analytical energy brilliant for concentration and single-minded activities.

This is very different to your own butterfly nature so if you do need to focus on a work project, wrap something up, complete a deadline. Mercury’s transit through Scorpio will help you.

Plus on the 11th, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio and the New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings. This is an excellent date to apply for a job, to deliver a presentation, to ask for promotion, etc. It’s a pro-active energy and the more you sow seeds and set new intentions, the more you can achieve over the next fortnight.

There’s another factor currently influencing your work but more importantly your vocation and your dreams for the future. This is the planet Neptune in Pisces up at the top of your chart and on the 18th Neptune turns direct in the heavens.

This can be a potentially creative time for you when your imagination runs wild and you’re full of great ideas for what next. Neptune benefits artistic work or any role which serves humanity to the greater good. In fact, you often need a mission or to tap into a bigger purpose when Neptune is dominant.

An everyday role, a 9-to-5 job aren’t enough for Neptune’s vast well of potential. If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, this can be a confusing or disorienting experience when you feel lost or ‘all at sea’. Remember that Neptune was the Sea God in mythology.

So be aware this month that you might find yourself yearning for something different or you feel pulled towards a new path in life. Try and balance this with more practical matters and keep your feet on the ground. It’s probably not the best time to give up the day job to follow your heart but instead, keep one foot firmly grounded in reality whilst you let your imagination and creative abilities soar.

Love is part of this month’s planetary picture and when first Venus and then Mars enter the sign of relating, Libra, on the 8th and 12th respectively, love is in the air. Libra rules romance and love affairs in your chart so it’s good news if you’re single and looking for love.

Libra also rules the sector of your chart which represents children and pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment, luck and fun. This is about finding the feel-good factor in life and doing more of what you love. A healthy work/life balance is essential now so ensure that it’s not all work and no play and be sociable even if you are busy.

The last week of the month is potentially more challenging for your 1-to-1 relationships and this is partly due to the planet Saturn which is currently in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and can be a heavy influence wherever in your chart it resides.

Sometimes Saturn represents endings, difficulty or you’re given an ultimatum as Saturn rules commitment. This can be in connection with a personal romantic relationship or a business partnership. Either way, the last week of the month is pivotal for your next steps.

This is because Mercury, your ruling planet enters Sagittarius on the 22nd but also there’s a Full Moon which cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of your chart on the 25th followed by a major aspect between Saturn square to Neptune on the 26th.

Put all this together and you have to get serious about love and relationships. If you’re having any trouble with one person in particular, this is unlikely to be a passing phase and you’re advised to deal with your situation head on.

Look at what you’re prepared to put up with and what you’re not. It doesn’t serve you well when you feel trapped or tied to another individual and this might bring up an issue around your own level of freedom.

Try not to get too gloomy or be around other people who weigh you down. Instead, let go of trying to control the situation and follow where your heart leads. Neptune’s tides will either wash you further apart or you need to shore up a relationship and establish firm foundations brick by brick.

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