Gemini Monthly Horoscope June 2016

Gemini June 2016Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Things are starting to go well this month, your birthday month, but you still have some personal issues to deal with, unfinished business perhaps and this might be because of what’s happened in your recent past.

As the month begins, your ruling planet Mercury remains in the earth sign Taurus. Mercury is the fleet-footed messenger but Mercury’s been going nowhere fast in Taurus and the most hidden sector of your chart since April 5th. So somewhere in life you’ve had to slow down, drag your feet, complete what you started.

It is worth wrapping things up properly now before you move on but ensure that you do so sooner rather than later. This is not the time to procrastinate in life because you would be wasting other more valuable opportunities if you do so.

Your first green light of the month arrives on the 5th when there’s a New Moon in your sign of Gemini. New Moons are a brilliant symbol of new beginnings, a time to set intentions, take the initiative.

Plus, when the New Moon falls in your sign, think of this as your personal New Year and a chance to set resolutions for the rest of 2016 and beyond. This is when you want to be focusing on what’s new rather than what’s old in your life.

On the 12th, Mercury enters your sign of Gemini and whizzes through the sector of your chart which rules you, your personal goals and aims, your image and how other people see you. Mercury is strong in Gemini, the sign of communication and this is your chance to act fast and get ahead. Speak up, find your voice, ask the right questions, initiate important conversations.

There are other reasons this month why you need to act fast, be nippy, act clever, duck and dive. Think about your skills as a Gemini and what this helps you achieve in life. Gemini is the sign of trade, multiple options and is linked to technology, and all forms of communication, including the written and spoken word. You can be persuasive when you choose and you can harness humour to good effect in your life.

The more Gemini your nature, the more things will go your way. Yet there are certain areas where you are going to be held back and where you’re questioning your own progress.

You have to look realistically at what you can and can’t achieve and be aware that it would be very difficult this month to do everything you want or to get everything your own way. You might also need to consider what isn’t working out and decide what or who you’re prepared to let go of.

The bigger picture here is the Saturn-Neptune planetary aspect which is exact on June 18th. These two planets first clashed at the end of November 2015 and they will encounter each other one more time mid-September 2016. This acts as a backdrop, a theme in your life. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius and your relationship sector square to Neptune in Pisces and your career sector.

Your opposite sign of Sagittarius rules relationships, both personal and professional and it’s here where you encounter Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens. You might be up against authority, there might be someone in your life who’s holding you back or you’re scared of commitment and getting into an arrangement that you can’t back out of.

Neptune is the planet of dreams but also confusion and together the Saturn-Neptune square can indicate fear, doubt, a lack of boundaries or the opposite, an obstacle or boundary in your life that you can’t overcome.

The New Moon in Gemini might highlight clearly where you’re up against any opposition and the same applies to the Full Moon which cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on June 20th. These are the peak periods in the month when you’ll recognise where you need to put yourself first and if so, what that means for a close relationship, your career or vocation.

The whole picture indicates a time when you’re rethinking who you are and what’s important to you. There will be times when any change feels impossible and other times when you’ll see more clearly what your options are and the next steps available to you.

This is also an important month for love and it might be that events within your partner’s life have a knock-on effect in your own. Another important planet in Gemini is Venus, the planet of love and relating, and Venus remains in your sign until the 17th. Here too you have some big decisions to make or perhaps life steps in and you sense that you have to follow your destiny.

If you’re going to please yourself this month, invariably this means you’ll disappoint someone else, whether close family, a loved one or someone you work with. It swings both ways however and the actions of someone else could leave you feeling unsettled or unsure.

Events towards the end of the month indicate that this is when you are more likely to feel secure, either emotionally or financially. It’s almost as if you have to go through a questioning period or lose yourself in some way before you find the answers you seek.

At the Solstice, the Sun enters Cancer and your personal money sector on June 20th. Plus, there’s a stunning Jupiter-Pluto planetary aspect on June 26th. This too highlights one of the financial sectors of your chart and it’s linked to prosperity, hidden riches.

Jupiter and Pluto are in earth signs, the element linked to money, security, wealth. What began during October 2015 can now be brought to completion and with Jupiter blessing the section of your chart which rules your home, your family and your past, it’s here where good fortune can be found. You might find you have to take a step back this month before you can make progress the way you choose.

Finally, action planet Mars turns direct in Scorpio and your work and health sector on June 29th. This too indicates that it’s time to let go of the struggles of recent weeks and get ready to initiate any changes in your life that are overdue.

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5 thoughts on “Gemini Monthly Horoscope June 2016”

  1. Wow that’s so awesome read. AND spot on pages of my life right now..about the money bit not sure how that could be true.just getting ready for new beginning..

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