Gemini Monthly Horoscope January 2016

2016, GeminiGemini (21 May – 20 June)

Your ruling planet Mercury is the main player in January but it’s not a straightforward month by any means because Mercury is retrograde from the 5th-25th.

This is often a period when communication is chaotic and that includes transport and technology. Take the pace slow whenever you can and double-check all your arrangements and important correspondence.

It’s also likely to be a tricky period for New Year resolutions or wherever in life you want to get ahead. The intention is there but moving forward at top speed is unlikely.

Plus you might find that your own plans change suddenly whether there are unexpected events taking place or new opportunities which are offered to you. Keep your eyes and ears open and take life one step at a time.

On the 2nd, Mercury enters your fellow air sign of Aquarius and you may be keen to book a holiday or sign up for a course as soon as January gets underway. Yet only three days later on the 5th, Mercury is retreating through the heavens and three days after that on the 8th, Mercury reverses out of Aquarius and back into earth sign Capricorn.

Don’t worry too much if your plans don’t work out as the year begins and if you are coming back off a Christmas or New Year holiday, allow yourself extra time to get from A to B. Often when Mercury reverses through the zodiac, this is a time when you’re rethinking what you want and questioning what next. Once the Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th followed by a stunning Full Moon on the 24th, then you can make decisions with clarity and trust your intuition.

You will get where you want to be but in January, expect diversions and a complete rethink of your plans and/or long term goals.

Once Mercury’s back in Capricorn on the 8th, it’s important to turn your attention to money matters because Capricorn rules joint finances in your chart. This is the sector which governs savings & debts, mortgages, taxes, insurance, inheritance, investments. In other words, all joint financial transactions and/or money you share with a third party.

With Mercury on go slow for most of the month of January, don’t be surprised if money is unforthcoming in some shape or form. Someone might be slow to pay up or you have to renegotiate financial terms. Be patient if this is the case and know that new information often comes to light once Mercury is back up to normal speed.

Traditionally this isn’t a good time to invest your money or set up a new loan or finance transaction. Instead bide your time whilst you do what you can to sort money matters out. You have to pay attention to your finances now but you won’t always get what you want directly.

Plus there’s a link to the past where money’s concerned whether it’s an old bug-bear, someone who’s let you down before or a mistake that you need to learn from and fast. Be cash savvy now and don’t fall prey to a trick that’s caught you out in the past. Think reinvention when it comes to cash and look at ways of doing things differently. Embrace what’s new and relegate what’s old and outdated to where it belongs.

There is a promising period mid-month following the New Moon in Capricorn on the 10th when both the Sun and Mercury team up with Jupiter in your home and family sector. It’s here in these areas of your life where you can embrace opportunity and have faith that things will work out.

Listen out for a new money-making idea or turn to family to help one another financially. You can make money through your home too whether you’re on the move, renting a room or selling unwanted goods. Keep your options open and push full steam ahead once Mercury’s back up to speed on the 25th.

One area of your life that is blossoming now are love and relationships because Venus the love planet is currently in Sagittarius and your relationship sector where it remains until the 23rd. Focus on your 1-to-1 relationships both personally and professionally. Other people can help you significantly and love is there for the taking.

Yet there’s another key planet in Sagittarius and this is Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens. Sometimes Saturn brings commitment and a long-term partnership; other times it symbolises the end of the road and the need for change. The all-important date is the 9th when Venus and Saturn come together in the heavens. This is the time in the month when you see your own situation clearly and know what you need to do in order to find the happiness you deserve.

If you’re looking for love, the best date is the 13th when Venus teams up with spontaneous Uranus in your friendship sector. Ask for an introduction as love and friendship are linked.

The Full Moon too on the 24th is prime time for new connections as this Full Moon is in Leo ruling the sector of your chart which highlights new faces and new places. Even if January is something of a stop-start scenario, by month’s end you’re more than ready to do what you do best; socialise, explore and have fun.

Finally, the other key planetary movement this month involves action planet Mars which enters Scorpio on the 3rd. Scorpio rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and health. It’s these areas of life which it’s worth getting right and focusing on for a large part of 2016.

This will mean different things to different people but it’s about having work that feels useful, becoming more active, looking after your body and your health. Work, service and health come together to form the basis of your life. Once you get the basics right, the rest can follow.

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