Gemini Monthly Horoscope August 2015

Gemini August 2015Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

It’s all going on in the sign of Leo as the month begins. Leo is the sign that rules communication in your chart so listen out for new ideas and put your gift of the gab to good use.

Leo rules siblings, neighbours and your local community and it’s the ideal time to make new friends and to expand your network.

This is where you find your ruling planet Mercury until the 7th but more importantly the planet of opportunity Jupiter is in this sector of your chart as the month begins. There’s a real buzz going on in Leo as Jupiter connects with love planet Venus and your ruling planet Mercury on the 4th and 7th respectively.

Make the most of this; talk to people, read books that inspire you, make a list of things that you want to do, write down your ideas, use your clever brain. Think new faces, new places and seek out variety in life.

This might feel all the more pressing for you if there’s an issue around work or your health. Saturn is in Scorpio and this sector of your chart and on the 3rd Saturn clashes with Jupiter in a square aspect. For some, this might indicate the end of a contract, a redundancy or a job coming to a natural close. You might be bored with your routine or low in energy. If ever there was a time to be re-inspired, it’s now.

This is confirmed because action planet Mars also enters Leo on the 8th. This sector of your chart is buzzing. Think big and don’t let fear or doubt stop you living the life you choose. On or around the New Moon in Leo on the 14th, you might be considering buying a car or updating your phone or technology.

Don’t forget however that Venus is on go slow throughout the month of August and as Venus rules money, this isn’t the best time to flash the cash. If you do have to make a major purchase, be savvy, ensure you get a bargain and think economy rather than extravagance.

Venus is primarily the planet of love and this turns your attention inward. Events in the first week of the month could bring matters to ahead and any big debate will be enlightening. A clash of values or beliefs means you will want to review or rethink your relationship in some way.

The reverse is also possible, i.e. you find it impossible to communicate well with the one you love or the fact that they’re currently absent makes your mind wander and your thoughts kick into overdrive. Remember that when Venus is on go slow, nothing is definite so bide your time, calm any fears and trust that your intuition will guide you.

The big news this month is Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, changing signs on August 11th. Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and since July 2014, Jupiter’s been in Leo, the sign that rules communication in your chart.

If you’ve been able to make significant progress with the way you communicate on- or off-line, you’ve been in tune with Jupiter’s expansive nature. Jupiter rules travel and education and it’s about reaching out on a global level, gathering new information and learning from the people in your tribe.

Jupiter’s move into Virgo turns the spotlight to your home, family, your past and your roots and Jupiter remains in this sector of your chart for the next 13 months. When Jupiter’s in Virgo, this is a classic time to move home and to expand where you live. With Jupiter’s ‘foreign’ theme, you might be planning a move abroad or a get-together with family who live scattered around the world or in a different country.

A big family celebration is well-starred with Jupiter in Virgo and it’s the perfect time to catch up with people from your past and to remember your roots and where you come from. For some, it’s about expanding your own family whether this is your own children, an adoption, the addition of a step family or living within a community.

Mercury accompanies Jupiter’s move into your home and family sector as Mercury too is in Virgo this month from the 7th until the 27th. You can make speedy progress now and it’s important to notice what you want when it comes to home and family as this is your chance to speak up and state your intentions. A family pow-wow, a reunion or holiday is the perfect setting to get reconnected.

The end of the month offers another glimpse into what this new planetary transit means for you as the Sun and Jupiter connect in Virgo on the 26th and the Full Moon cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis on the 29th: a perfect weekend for a wedding or finding your dream home.

Plus, Pisces is your career sector so this isn’t only about home and family but about your working life and where you’re heading. On the 13th, your ruler Mercury opposes Neptune in Pisces and this again flags up some dissatisfaction around work or career.

If you’re not on the right track, this month’s stars hint at inner rumblings or discontent. Notice carefully what you’re thinking and feeling around work matters as any small voice is only going to get louder from now until the end of the year.

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