Gemini May 2019

Gemini, umbrellas

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

This month feels like ready, set, go after a dreamy/confused start to 2019. In fact, your planet, Mercury, whizzes through three different star signs in the month of May. 

Pace Your Self

You too may find that life’s speeding up and, if you’re a typical Gemini, perhaps too much. Your usual mode of action is fast and you don’t always find it easy to stop and rest.

Even though Mercury, your ruler, moves through three star signs this month, that doesn’t mean you’re not also being encouraged to stop or, at least, slow the pace down. This is because the inner planets, including Mercury, are moving through Taurus in May and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.

Mercury will be in Taurus from the 6th until the 15th but the Sun’s in Taurus up until the 21st and the planet of relating, Venus, is in Taurus from the 15th onwards.  Traditionally, when planets are in this earth sign, you’re advised to turn your attention inwards, take time out, rest and retreat.

Nifty Relaxation

This is, however, a very different Taurus vibe because the planet of change, Uranus, is also in this sector of your horoscope. Uranus took up residence in Taurus in March and it’s conjunct your planet Mercury on the 8th and Venus on the 18th.

These dates could coincide with insights and your intuition may be strong. Or perhaps, you’re finding new or alternative ways to recharge your batteries. Knowing your star sign, Gemini, this would be something nifty like multi-tasking or meditating while you’re commuting.

Expect the unexpected too when Uranus is in action. This could flag up a time when you need extreme self-care or perhaps someone else requires your time, love and attention. You could find yourself chopping and changing your schedule and routine, because of external events.

Soothe Your Soul

The New Moon and Full Moon are also significant dates for you, especially with regard to taking time for yourself or contemplating what next for your work, lifestyle or routine.

The New Moon takes place on the 4th in Taurus and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. This is actually quite a lively weekend for you especially if you’re in a relationship or married. You might have a major social event to attend or decide your relationship warrants some quality time.

Taurus rules secrets and privacy in your horoscope. You might decide to keep certain thoughts or feelings to yourself. Notice what you’re craving in life or where you could benefit from setting new intentions. This is the ideal way to use the New Moon, to start afresh and create new daily habits that nurture you and feed your soul.

The Full Moon on the 18th cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and Full Moons shine a light on what’s happening. Yes, they can be emotional but they often bring clarity and insight. You see more clearly how to balance the different elements of your life. Once again, your well-being is foreground during this Full Moon. 

Get Up And Go

If you’re looking for work or want to apply for a job, it would be an ideal date to do so. Plus, you seem to have plenty of get-up-and-go available throughout May, even if you have to be careful you don’t overdo it.

Action planet, Mars is in Gemini until the 15th, the planet of drive and ambition. You could be training for a marathon as Mars is a physical planet, speedy and fast. You’re more aware of your physical body when you have Mars in your star sign and it’s a good catalyst to get fit and strong.

The 1st could be a remarkable date for you because this is when Mars in Gemini teams up with your planet, Mercury in Aries. They are in each other’s sign of rulership, which is called mutual reception in astrology. Basically, it means they are working together, a helpful influence.

As Aries is your group sector, notice where in life there’s camaraderie and people working alongside one another. This might be within your friendship circle or perhaps out in the world. This whole combination is great for speaking up, finding your voice and making things happen. The symbol of Mars and Mercury coming together indicates that you can ‘walk your talk’.

Money Advice

One area of your life that could hold you back or be a cause for concern this month is money. The slower-moving planets, Saturn and Pluto, are currently square to the inner planets as they move through Aries. The key dates are 1st & 2nd, 7th & 9th. Be careful you don’t over-extend your budget trying to join in with others. If one big event is too expensive for you, take a step back.

These are not strong dates either if you’re applying for a loan or want to invest your money. Instead, wait until later in May when there’s strong earth sign energy on the 11th & 14th, the 16th & 18th. Take the pace slow when it comes to money matters and consider steady growth and long-term reward. 

There is a slight shift after the 16th as action planet Mars enters Cancer and your personal money sector. The 22nd could prove special especially if someone from your past pops up to help you with good advice or financial support.

Speaking Up

Your planet Mercury is back in action on the 21st when it’s super speedy. This is the date that both the Sun and Mercury enter your star sign, Gemini, and immediately make a super conjunction. Therefore, use this dynamic Gemini energy to line up something special. Arrange a meeting or interview, launch a project or personal initiative.

This is a great combination for finding your voice, marketing, selling and being persuasive. In fact, for a lot of the month of May, you can’t help but leap in and speak up. This is a big theme in the coming month when your voice can and will make a huge difference, not only in your own life but potentially to the lives of others as well.

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1 thought on “Gemini May 2019”

  1. Great Sally thank you .. feels spot on as a Gemini .. lots of movement and new opportunities … but yes the need to recharge and retreat at times keeps popping up. Best, Amanda

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