Gemini May 2017

Gemini May 2017

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

There are some green lights on the road ahead this month although you’re not 100% firing on all cylinders. The best news for you however is the fact that on the 3rd your ruling planet Mercury turns direct after three weeks retrograde or on go slow.

Mercury retrograde can often be a frustrating time when plans go wrong or life seems more chaotic than usual. When Mercury switches direction, you hear news you were waiting for or you finally find an answer to a problem. If you’ve been especially muddled about making a decision, Mercury turning direct can promise clarity.

Yet there’s still a sense of chopping and changing even though Mercury is starting to move forward. This is because Mercury turns direct next to Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and sudden surprises. Taking a risk can pay off yet often there are no guarantees when Uranus is in tow.

This also indicates that your mind is working overtime and you might feel more frazzled or stressed than usual. Mercury in Aries is the fast talker which is great if you’re excited and there’s lots going on but less great if you can’t slow down.

Plus you have action planet Mars currently in your sign of Gemini which is a real adrenalin rush. This is good news for your stamina and physical activities. It suggests that you’ll be feeling more ambitious about getting ahead and pursuing your personal goals and aims.

Yet like Mercury in fire sign Aries, Mars in Gemini wants everything to happen overnight. You might be back up to speed and feel that you’re moving in the right direction but it’s either top speed or nothing at all.

In addition, the Sun is in your previous sign of Taurus until the 20th, one of the earth signs. This is a slow and steady influence and perhaps too slow for you. Having to continue to wait or be patient could drive you nuts so be aware of this possibility and pace yourself accordingly.

Think of life as a dance in the month of May, quick, quick, slow, and you’ll get more done than expecting everything to proceed in an orderly fashion.

Yet that’s not to say you can’t set some new intentions now and move life forward. Once the Sun enters your sign of Gemini on the 20th, you’re back in the driving seat and more than ready to celebrate your birthday month.

The New Moon on the 25th also takes place in Gemini and this is a brilliant date to launch a project or start something new. In fact, this is your personal New Year and a great date to review the year so far. Look at what’s worked out and what hasn’t and decide what you’re letting go of and where you want to focus your energy.

Your ruler Mercury moves back into Taurus on the 16th so on some level, this month is the planning stage ready for a smoother ride in June. Don’t take on too much now, bring certain jobs or projects to completion and think of what you’re doing as an opportunity to clear away the undergrowth of life so you have a clean slate to work from.

It’s also a good idea to trust your intuition when it comes to work and money matters. You may sense that you’re working towards a specific goal or you have to take your time before you know where you stand. This might test your faith but trust that things will work out and don’t rush into a new project without thinking carefully about the pros and cons.

The Full Moon on the 10th lights up your work sector and this would be a good date to notice where you’re being called forth and what options are available.

There may be times throughout May when you feel that you’re under pressure to perform or other people are demanding a lot of you. Key dates in this respect are the 11th and 29th. Yet there are only so many hours in the day and you have to prioritise your own needs. Try not to get in to a situation where life is all work and no play.

In fact, it’s your social life that’s likely to be buzzing now and it’s here where you’re happiest. So another reason not to get bogged down with the serious stuff of life and to prioritise all aspects of self care. Plus the Sun moves into your sign of Gemini on the 20th signalling the start of your birthday month. Hoorah!

If you’re a typical Gemini, you love making new friends, going new places and getting out and about. Your ruler Mercury turns direct in your friendship sector on the 3rd plus the planet of relating, Venus, is in Aries throughout the month.

You may reconnect now with friends you last saw some time ago or perhaps it’s a new set of friends who you’re getting to know on a deeper level. Pursuing hobbies and leisure activities is where you find fulfilment so keep working towards a healthy balance in your life. Remember to do more of what you love rather than what you think you should be doing. This is where happiness lies.

Love too could be lively now. Mars is the passion planet, ruling your libido, and Mars lights up your sign of Gemini throughout the month. Plus love planet Venus is raring to go in red-hot Aries. You may get your fingers burned however if friendship and love become too intermingled.

Leaping into an affair with a friend or falling for a friend’s lover or partner is a dangerous game. Be aware of this moving forward. Events around the 25th may highlight any issues in a new relationship.

If you are in a relationship or married, then spice up your love life. This is the ideal time to ring the changes and not allow a relationship to be dull or boring. The Saturn-Uranus connection on the 19th is a good date to set new goals together and to create bonds or tie which require shared responsibility.

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