Gemini June 2018

Solstice, Gemini

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

The Sun remains in your star sign Gemini until the 21st and your ruling planet Mercury is in Gemini until the 12th. This puts you in the cosmic spotlight and it’s an excellent time to focus on your goals and aims, to flit lightly through life and keep a varied and busy schedule.

You’re often at your best when life’s moving along at a fast lick. If you’re multi-tasking and have numerous projects on the go, so much the better. 

Also, the Sun and Mercury unite this month in your star sign Gemini on the 6th, an excellent date for speaking, writing and showing off your gift of the gab. This month also provides your New Moon in Gemini on the 13th, a lovely date for setting your intentions and being proactive. 

The New Moon in your star sign is as important as New Year’s Day. Stop what you’re doing and consider where you’re heading and why. Reassess your next steps and line up some fun, adventurous and meaningful activities. 

With Neptune firmly established in Pisces and your career sector, you are turning into something of a dreamer. This is all well and good if your envisioning brings you a clear sense of destiny but not so helpful if you end up feeling lost and confused. Bear this in mind close to the 6th and 7th when Neptune’s powerful planetary energy kicks in.

You’ll also feel this closely on or around the 18th as this is when Neptune changes direction in the zodiac. This means its planetary energy is particularly intense, both creative and inspirational but also potentially disorienting.

It’s important to channel your creativity into work and money matters this month. This is where there’s a real flow of energy, close to the 1st and 2nd and again on the 19th and 21st.

This is because of a Grand Water Trine which is created by three planets; first Venus, Jupiter and Neptune and second, your ruler Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune. Think cosmically with these combinations and have trust and faith in life and where it’s leading you.

When the emotional water signs are in play, there’s a sense that what you give you receive so bear this in mind as you move through the month of June. 

That’s not to say you can abandon yourself completely to the march of destiny and, in fact, you may have some tough decisions to make this month when it comes to money matters. In general, this kicks in after the 12th when your ruler Mercury enters Cancer and your personal money sector. Followed by the Sun’s move into Cancer on the day of the Solstice, the 21st.

Plus, one week later, there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and this Full Moon lines up with tough planet Saturn. In fact, there’s something of a power duo in Capricorn right now, as both Saturn and Pluto have taken up residence.

This means that finances are unlikely to be rosy. Instead, you have to decide where your priorities lie when it comes to money matters. Also, don’t give in or give up if other people demand money from you or tell you what you can and can’t achieve financially. Not all the advice you receive this month is beneficial, especially if you’re around people who believe in scarcity. Fear rarely helps anyone, instead be practical and sensible around money.

The dates to note are the 16th, 23rd and 27th when there are key oppositions highlighting the star signs Cancer and Capricorn. The main date is the Full Moon, however, the 28th, and the right time to make a significant financial decision. 

Start trusting your intuition too when it comes to money, especially now you have Uranus in Taurus, the money sign, and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Find your natural intuition and do what feels right, especially close to the 13th and 23rd when Uranus features strongly.

One area of your life that is foreground now is adventure because action planet Mars is currently in Aquarius and the sector of your horoscope which rules travel and study, the bigger picture in life. For most of the month, Mars is storming forward and the 1st may be a significant date for you when Mercury, your ruler, and Mars align.

You need plans to look forward to and you want to be striding through life with forceful optimism. Get things moving quickly and take advantage of some lively astrology for you in the first two weeks of June.

Note, however, that on the 26th, Mars turns retrograde and remains on go slow, i.e. in retreat until August 27th. Money could be a factor in deciding whether to go away or sign up to a course as the 26th is close to the Full Moon cutting across the financial axis of your horoscope.

Decide where your priorities lie and know that with Mars on go slow, you can’t get ahead as quickly you would like. Sometimes, you’re immersed in an activity that takes up all your time while Mars is retrograde. Perhaps you decide to study and shut yourself away for some of the time throughout July and August or you might be abroad working on a single project.

Mars switching direction could also slow things down for you and you do have to factor in the possibility of changing plans at the last minute.

Love may be part of the picture as love planet Venus is in Leo and opposes Mars across the zodiac, exact on the 21st. You may be loving someone from afar or find that you and someone close are separated by distance, culture or background. It doesn’t mean the end of love but you do have to dig deep to get what you want and make love work.

June isn’t a month when you get something for nothing but it can teach you about learning where your priorities lie and appreciating hard-worn victories.

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