Gemini July 2017

Gemini July 2017

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

There are two planetary shifts early in the month which suggest that July will be a month to remember. The first is love planet Venus moving into your sign of Gemini on the 5th where it remains throughout the month.

Venus in Gemini is flirty, playful and lots of fun. It’s a sociable placing for the planet of relating and this is a good month to extend your social circle and line up some key events. Note too that Venus is the planet of beauty and when you feel attractive, you draw other people into your life.

If you want to sort out your wardrobe, have a personal makeover ortreat yourself to some pampering, this is the perfect opportunity with Venus in your sign.

Plus it’s good news for romance especially as Venus is heading towards a gorgeous planetary connection with lucky planet Jupiter on the 18th. Jupiter is in Libra and your romance sector so make the most of a new relationship and draw up some long-term plans together. This is the time to give a marriage or long-term relationship a welcome boost or lift.

You still have responsibility planet Saturn in your opposite sign of Sagittarius which means that you can’t get everything your own way, especially when Saturn opposes Venus on the 24th. If there are any problems or issues in an ongoing relationship, this is when they’ll come to the fore.

Rather than see this as the end of the road, try and look at a personal situation in a new light or turn to a friend for advice or inspiration. When you think outside of the box, magic happens.

The other good news for you this month is the fact that your ruling planet Mercury is in the lively fire sign Leo from the 6th to the 25th. This too feels fun and sociable as Leo rules your communication sector and life close to home.

This is a brilliant month to go all out there to meet new people or get involved in your local community. Get to know your neighbours, catch up with your siblings. You’re often happiest when you’re engaging with other people so make the most of this positive vibe.

Mercury in Leo is good for ideas too and it’s through other people in your life that you can banter, talk things through, pick up inspiration. The 7th, 14th, 19th and 24th are all dates when Mercury’s vibe is strong. Use your connections to improve your life, whether you want to find love, meet new friends or start a new business.

The sign of Leo is especially strong later in July as both action planet Mars and the Sun enter Leo on the 20th and 22nd respectively. This is a courageous combination which peaks at the New Moon in Leo on the 23rd. This is the time to be bold, to ask for what you want, to do something daring.

This might be linked to study or learning, public speaking or teaching. Certainly, this is a chance to get your voice heard and the quicker you respond, the better. The New Moon is the first of two New Moons in Leo but what’s important about August’s New Moon is that it’s a Solar Eclipse, a powerful New Moon that often announces sudden twists and turns in life.

So make your mark this month and don’t hold back. The Sun and Mars come together in Leo on the 27th, another powerful date for a shout out. This is an activist combination that has drive and determination within it. It’s a go-for-it month on the whole for you so make the most of it.

The trickiest planetary activity this month highlights the financial axis of your chart. Before the Sun and Mars reach fire sign Leo, they are dragging their feet somewhat through the water sign Cancer, ruling your personal finances.

On their own, they suggest that you need to put energy and action into money matters. Yet they are not alone. On the 2nd and 10th, first Mars and then the Sun encounter Pluto, the all-or-nothing planet, in Capricorn and your joint finance sector.

The 10th in particular is a powerful date because there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of the zodiac on the 9th. Full Moons are a time when emotions are heightened and matters come to a head. You can’t avoid what’s going on and you might need to make a tough decision about money, or who pays for what.

There could be a swing in fortune and it’s important to stay away from any deal that smacks of corruption or wrong-doing. Pluto has links to the underworld and can flag up debt or loss. So keep a close eye on your finances now and don’t get involved in any shady dealings.

If you recognise that one financial situation has come to the end of the road, the Full Moon could be when you need to pull away, to step back, cut your losses even. Stand your ground as best you can with Mars active but don’t throw good money after bad or expend too much energy on a venture that’s had its day.

Watch out for the wrong advice too when first Mars and then the Sun clash with Uranus in Aries on the 18th and 21st. Someone’s judgement or advice could involve a high-risk strategy so steer clear of what a friend thinks you should do.

Instead, be bold when it comes to money matters and close the door on a deal that’s going nowhere. Watch out too for other people who are behaving badly. There’s a toxic feel to money and emotions now, as if the two are entangled but not in a good way.

There’s so much going well for you this month that you want to stay away from an unsavoury character or a difficult financial situation. Keep your work connections sweet and keep coming up with those bright ideas. There will be times this month when you need them.

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