Happy New Year! Hooray – 2020 is over and we’re moving into a brand new year.

You’re wise to crack on with things fast this year. Firstly, this is because your planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 30th, the last day of the month. Mercury will remain on go slow for most of February.
Capricorn Themes
Secondly, your planet Mercury is buzzing along in tune with the times. As January and a new year begins, Mercury is in earth sign Capricorn, where all the major planetary activity took place in 2020.
Mercury’s only here for a few days until the 8th but encounters Pluto on the 5th. These two key planets meet in Capricorn and your joint finance sector. Pluto is the planet of loss and transformation and you may need to make some final decisions around money matters early on this year.
This is also the theme of the New Moon on the 13th which takes place in Capricorn and pulls in Pluto. Tough decisions may be required and a new beginning can only emerge from something that’s coming to an end. That’s Pluto’s nature – think of the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Aquarius Themes
Yet, by the time of the New Moon, Mercury is already chasing ahead into Aquarius, the star sign of the moment. Mercury moves here on the 8th and will remain in Aquarius until mid-March.
Whereas Capricorn represents tradition, the establishment, things that are set in stone, Aquarius represents the future, technology and all things modern.
Mercury’s move into Aquarius is urging you to turn your attention to the future and build on new plans and dreams. It really does feel as if you’re closing the door on 2020 and you’re ready to embrace more freedom in your life.
Jupiter is the planet linked to hope and faith and moved into Aquarius at the end of December. The big planet is thought of as being lucky and fortuitous, representing opportunity and growth. Your planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter on the 11th and there’s a Sun-Jupiter conjunction on the 29th.
Both these dates are important for planning ahead and envisioning what next. Aquarius rules travel and study in your horoscope, the bigger picture of life. It’s a good month to fire some arrows high into the sky and see where they land later in the year.
Consider signing up for a course, learn new skills online, increase your knowledge or find out more about a religion or spiritual path, a philosophy or belief system.
There will be times when you doubt where you’re heading or you sense a crisis of faith. This may kick in for you from the 13th to 17th. Alternatively, you could be caring for someone close who’s vulnerable or scared.
A Leap of Faith
This month’s astrology does require a leap of faith, a boldness, a belief that after the darkness comes the light. The Full Moon on the 28th is a special Full Moon this month and ties in to this theme.
Use the clarity of the moon to listen to your intuition and if you’re ready to slow down or take a step back, do what feels right.
You may be considering emigrating or moving elsewhere and this too fits January’s theme for you. You will need to take stock in February especially if events move quickly this month. For now, however, the stars are encouraging you to line up and work towards future plans.
Wonderful … thank you Sally
hello – I’m a Gemini getting ready for a new baby at the end of Feb. I run my own business so I’m working busily to plan ahead and set up contracts in advance of my new arrival. I’m a bit worried about the aspects of financial loss and difficult decisions you mention. Can you offer some more insight on what that might mean exactly?
A lot depends on your personal situation and what happened last year. January’s challenging astrology is wrapping up 2020 so if your financial situation changed dramatically last year, this is the month to cut costs where necessary and reassess what next. Focus is required. Hope that helps and sending best wishes.
that helps, thanks so much Sally!
Such words of wisdom so knowledgeable. Sometimes I read your monthly predictions and think you know me better than I know myself. You highlight things that have passed through my thoughts but have not made any sense, until now. I can relate to 90% of the things you describe, that I find reassuring as you are confirming what I am thinking. Planning my future and changing the path I am currently on is my main goal this year. Now it’s down to me to make it happen. You always help with my decision process. Thank you Sally.
Thank you, Jannet. Sending you very best wishes for 2021. Warm regards, Sally