Gemini (21 May – 21 June)
This is one of the more dramatic months of the year and there may be times when you want to run away and escape to pastures new. Yet, hang on in there and know that in a few weeks time, you’ll be looking at life from a completely fresh perspective.
The reason why January could be topsy-turvy is because this is an eclipse month and eclipses tend to bring what’s hidden to light. They are linked to dramatic events and the unexpected.
There’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Capricorn on the 6th and a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 21st which cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. They trigger different points in your horoscope and both are important.
The Solar Eclipse highlights your joint finance sector so this is about money, but also the hidden and taboo side of life. It’s a daunting eclipse in some ways because the Sun and Moon are wedged between Saturn and Pluto, two of the tougher planets.
Therefore, be aware this is not a time to break the rules or obstruct the law. In fact, you might find that your hands are tied during the eclipse period. Stay on the straight and narrow with regard to money matters and do your best to keep your money and cash flexible and accessible. This whole combination suggests the tough arm of the law or rules or regulations that stop the flow of money.
Your planet Mercury is in Capricorn by the time of the eclipse and remains here from the 5th to the 24th. Line up meetings or negotiations that help you weave your way through what could be a tricky month financially.
When in doubt, do the right thing and pay close attention to debt, savings, interest rates and financial deals. Get the right people on your side and gain expert advice when necessary.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st completes an eclipse cycle which began in August 2016. This feels easier for you, partly because both the Sun and your ruling planet Mercury move into Aquarius later this month, one of the eclipse signs. The Sun changes star sign on the 20th followed by your planet, Mercury, on the 24th.
The Leo/Aquarius axis is about education and learning, travel and new experiences. You may have been on a journey of discovery over the last couple of years, perhaps with a few diversions or stops and starts along the way.
It would be a good idea to get away from it all later this month to gain a fresh perspective on your situation. Take some time out or head off on a day trip and clear your head. Consider how far you’ve come over the last few years and decide where you’re heading next and why. There may be more than one reason why you’re ready for a change of scene.
This is linked partly to what’s happening in your career and vocation sector. You’ve had the planet of dreams but also confusion and illusion, Neptune, in Pisces and your career sector since 2012. This year and this month in particular, Neptune’s influence is strong.
Therefore, you may be questioning what next more than usual. You might be keen to pursue a new role or vocation that’s more in line with the compassionate, creative or spiritual side of your nature. A job that has meaning and purpose, for example, or a role that actively helps other people.
The 13th and 31st are key dates in this respect when firstly, Jupiter squares Neptune followed by Saturn in sextile to Neptune. New ideas may come via other people or perhaps money is an added factor in what you want to do and why. Being tied down or restricted doesn’t suit your mercurial nature as a Sun Gemini, so bear this in mind and do what you can to loosen any ties that bind.
You have a lot of support on your hands this month so turn to people you trust as and when necessary. Other people can benefit your life not only personally but professionally as well.
This new wave began in November 2018 when big planet Jupiter entered Sagittarius and your relationship sector. This boosts your 1-to-1’s and it’s here where opportunity lies, through close connections, joint ventures and teamwork. If you want to stick to a New Year’s resolution, for example, find a buddy, someone to be accountable to and that will make new challenges more fun.
This month, on the 7th, the planet of love and relating, Venus, joins Jupiter in your opposite star sign, Sagittarius, where it remains throughout January. Venus rules love and money, all the good things in life and this is Venus at her best. Having someone by your side who’s supportive and loving will help you navigate the month’s trickier astrology.
One of the best dates is the 22nd when Venus and Jupiter come together in the heavens in Sagittarius. This is a gorgeous date for love and relationships, so look out for someone special or enjoy being with the one you love. If you fancy a last-minute trip somewhere exotic, this would be a gorgeous time to line up a special date.
This is also a positive month to turn to your friends or a group for advice and inspiration. Action planet Mars is moving swiftly through Aries and this sector of your horoscope all month. Plus, Mars teams up with lucky Jupiter on the 25th and you have live-wire Uranus in Aries in action during both eclipses.
This is a go-getting combination so get someone on your side who’s bold and daring, someone who can help you move forwards and fast. Group connections are well-starred and one person in particular will be indispensable. When you are around people who are uplifting, experienced and inspirational, this makes a huge difference in your own life.