Gemini Horoscope October 2022

Gemini horoscope, lorikeets

October could turn out to be the pivotal month of the year. There’s so much big astrology taking place echoing what’s coming in 2023. Here’s what’s most significant for you to take note of:

Mercury Turns Direct

Your ruling planet is linked to communication and the mind. On the 2nd, Mercury turns direct after being retrograde, i.e. in retreat since September 10th. It’s been quite a chaotic Mercury retrograde phase so you may be delighted to get back on track.

Sometimes, news or information comes to light on the day Mercury switches direction. You may hear from someone who’s been quiet or communication arrives ending a delay. Mercury turns direct in Virgo and your home and family sector.

Therefore, it’s a good time to reach out to the ones you love and set things in motion, whether you’re involved in a property deal or money matters are significant.

The 7th & 8th could be important in this respect when your planet Mercury teams up with power planet Pluto in Capricorn and your joint finance sector. Plus, Pluto turns direct on the 8th and is going to power forward through Capricorn leaving this part of your horoscope for the first time since 2008 in March 2023.

The 7th/8th would be ideal dates to finalise a money matter or set things up to secure your financial future. This may be linked to your home, your family or your connections to the past.

Full Moon Aries

Mercury leaves Virgo on the 11th and returns to air sign Libra where it turned retrograde mid-September. Libra rules all the good things in life in your horoscope – children, romance, creativity, entertainment and luck. You may be picking up where you left off one month ago. Mercury remains in Libra until the 29th.

One day before Mercury changes star sign, on the 9th, there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac. This could be a celebratory Full Moon for you as Aries & Libra rule social sectors of your horoscope.

Plus, lovely Venus sits next to the Sun in Libra during the Full Moon phase. This might be a passionate time for romance and ideal for a first date. You may be celebrating a child’s success. Or, be enjoying life with your friends. Make the most of this Full Moon and be around people you love.

There’s a lightness when planets are in Libra, the star sign linked to relating. The Sun & Venus remain side by side until the 22nd when they make a powerful conjunction in Libra before changing star sign the following day. The 22nd is another date that would be great for social events and bringing people together.

Solar Eclipse Scorpio

On the 23rd, the Sun & Venus move into Scorpio side-by-side. Scorpio is an intense water sign linked to emotions. When you move into Scorpio season, you’re moving from the light into the dark metaphorically.

On a basic level, this means you’re wise to turn your attention more to work than play. You may have projects, tasks or chores you want to complete. Plus, Scorpio is the star sign that represents your health so consider booking in for a physical MOT or take a holistic approach to your well-being.

On the 25th, there’s a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, a New Moon with extra oomph. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023. Check out the eclipse do’s and don’ts below but know that a Solar Eclipse is encouraging you to close a door on the past and start over.

Certainly, the end of the month is the time to reorient your compass and navigate towards work and your future path. This is because three days after the Solar Eclipse, expansive Jupiter returns to Pisces and your career and vocation sector where it remains until December 20th.

You may be wrapping up loose ends where your career or vocation is concerned. You might have to dive deeply back into a project or have a deadline to complete.

Mars Retrograde

The planet of drive and ambition Mars has been in your star sign Gemini since August 20th and will remain here until March 25, 2023. On the 30th of this month, Mars switches direction and turns retrograde. Mars will be on go slow until January 12, 2023.

Mars retrograde is a time to take your foot off the accelerator and not push too hard. Instead, you’re wise to focus on planning and rework your strategy ready to leap into action mid-January next year.

You could feel frustrated or find that your energy levels are low while Mars is retrograde. Gemini rules your physical body, also your personal goals & aims. If you’re feeling lost or unsure about what next, take your time and explore your options. There’s no rush when Mars is in retreat.

Even though Mars only turns retrograde on the 30th, it’s slowing down throughout the month and there’s a powerful Mars-Neptune square aspect on the 12th.

This combination can feel confusing and you need to be wary of lies or untruths. Don’t promise more than you can deliver and be careful about what you write or say. This could be used against you when Mars is retrograde.

It’s a cosmic reminder that sometimes you’re wise to do less not more. And, if you’re unsure about what to say yes to, don’t commit yourself. The end of the year feels like a time to be wrapping things up rather than starting something new.

Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts

Eclipse season kicks in this month & next as the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle continues. Here are some eclipse tips:

  • Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that you’re not always in control.
  • Ideally, don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
  • Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
  • Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
  • Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – sometimes, they offer a turning point ready or not.

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