Ruling Planet
Your ruling planet is Mercury linked to communication, trade & high jinks. This month, Mercury isn’t acting alone as Mercury teams up with the Sun in Scorpio on the 8th and the planet of relating Venus in Sagittarius on the 21st.
Teamwork and partnership could be key themes for you moving forward. It’s an ideal time to get the right allies on your side and find the people who can help you or guide you in relation to your work or your health. Alternatively, you may be the one stepping into a role as coach or guide.
Scorpio Season
For the first half of November, your ruler Mercury, the planet of relating Venus and the Sun are all in Scorpio. You may be looking for a new job or be seeking work that inspires you. There’s energy and enthusiasm here and you might be making a bold decision regarding your work or lifestyle.
You could commit to a new healthy workout or fitness plan and take good care of your body. The mind-body-spirit connection is closely intertwined and it’s important to focus on all these key areas, rather than prioritise one over the other.
You may choose to invest in your health and well-being to lower your stress levels. This fits with what’s happening in your star sign Gemini. You have action planet Mars here but Mars is currently retrograde, i.e. in retreat. This may lower your energy levels or you find it harder to work at full throttle. A slower pace might be required.
The more you stay on track with your work and routine and the more you consider what serves you well in life, the more you can benefit from this month’s astrology.
Lunar Eclipse
On the 8th, there’s a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Eclipses are powerful and your dreams could be off the radar on or around the eclipse. Try not to let your emotions lead you astray and know what anchors you and keeps you grounded.
The Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac is about work and health, your lifestyle and routine, also service to others, whether this is your religion or a volunteer role. It’s in these areas where you’re wise to be curious and notice where life’s calling you.
Sometimes, eclipse events arrive with a bang when the unexpected kicks in. Other times, you notice sign-posts or synchronicities leading you down a new path. Take care of your well-being and prioritise habits that support you. This eclipse cycle will continue until October 2023.
Yet, you could run into some hesitation or experience fear or doubt. This is because during the eclipse, the Sun & Moon are square to Saturn in Aquarius. Someone could challenge your beliefs or put their foot down around your commitment to your work or your health.
You may sense the Saturn-Uranus square aspect kicking in once again. This was the major planetary aspect of 2021 and it’s been active since the middle of 2022.
It’s worth asking where you feel trapped or hemmed in (Saturn) and where you want to break free or rebel (Uranus). If something’s got to give, this eclipse could be the time when things break down in order for you to break through.
The trickiest dates for you this month are potentially the 9th & 10th, also the 29th. These dates are not great for taking risks or acting impulsively. Notice when you want to break the rules or where you’re being deliberately contrary.
Jupiter Joy
The period from the 5th to the 11th is all about the eclipse energy caught up with the Saturn-Uranus square. Come the 15th, there’s a change in pace and this may be when freedom kicks in.
The inner planets connect with big planet Jupiter on the 15th, 16th & 21st. This highlights the work and career sectors of your horoscope. Jupiter connects you with the world, as it’s the global planet.
This would be a good time to reach out to your foreign connections to expand your career or to seek adventure. You may be planning to work abroad or to take a sabbatical to study something you’ve always dreamed about.
Jupiter returned to Pisces and your career and vocation sector on October 28th and only remains here until December 20th. Jupiter’s completing what it started back in May 2021 and possibly where it peaked during April 2022.
Jupiter’s the planet linked to luck and good fortune so grab your surfboard ready to surf the waves of live and see where this leads you.
Love & Relationships
On the 22nd, there’s a shift in energy as the Sun leaves behind Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, one of the fire signs. Your ruling planet Mercury is here from the 16th and the planet of love Venus from the 17th.
Sagittarius is your opposite star sign so the focus turns towards love and relationships, your business partnerships too. It’s about your one-to-ones and the people you interact with, work with and live with.
Therefore, you’re wise to turn your attention to other people in your life. Ask someone to take the lead or help you out if you’re struggling. Make time for your partnerships or let other people know if you’re looking for love.
On the 23rd, there’s not only a New Moon in Sagittarius, a symbol of new beginnings, but the best planet Jupiter turns direct in the heavens. This is powerful astrology for love and relationships because Jupiter’s your partner planet. This may coincide with a celebration or meeting someone who can turn your life around.
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