As the month of May begins, lovely Venus is completing its journey through your star sign Gemini. This is an ideal time to embrace life and do more of what you love.
Put yourself first and be open to love and happiness. The Venus-Jupiter alignment on the 5th could spell good news for your involvement with a group. Or, perhaps you’re celebrating a friend’s success.
Money is under the cosmic spotlight this month too, with action planet Mars in Cancer and your personal money sector until the 20th. Be proactive when it comes to money and make some bold moves. Lovely Venus joins Mars in Cancer on the 7th and this same sector of your horoscope, where she remains until the end of the month.
You might be treating yourself or investing money in objects of beauty. Or, you choose to enhance your surroundings at home or improve your family’s quality of life.
Lunar Eclipse
This is eclipse season too and this month’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio takes place on the 5th. This is part of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle which began in November 2021 and will complete in October 2023.
This is about your work and health and being of service to others. These are the key areas under the eclipse spotlight. Sometimes during an eclipse, an unexpected event signifies the need for change and there can be a theme of endings.
Alternatively, during a Lunar Eclipse, you may be caught up in a competitive situation. Things might be changing fast and it could be tricky trying to keep up with everything shifting, perhaps on a daily basis.
Therefore, it’s imperative to keep close tabs on your health and stress levels. Do your bit to help others, to listen and counsel but don’t take on the woes of the world. This is important if you don’t have a lot of energy and you’re starting to feel tired or worn out. If so, stop and turn inwards, rest and retreat. Put your well-being first.
If you’re aware that something’s got to change in your life, this eclipse could be the time when things break down in order for you to break through. At the same time, notice where you want to break the rules or where you’re being deliberately contrary.
Mercury Direct – Turning Points
Also, it’s important to note that your ruling planet Mercury remains retrograde until the 15th. Mercury’s been on go slow since April 21st and traditionally, this is not the time to make any big decisions.
Instead, you’re wise to play a waiting game rather than act impulsively. Once Mercury switches direction mid-month, this can be a significant turning point for you, a time of insight or deep intuition. Mercury turns direct in Taurus, your previous star sign. Therefore, allow yourself time to be quiet and listen to what’s calling you. Trust your intuition.
Sometimes in life, you have to take a step back before you can pick up speed. Effectively, you go slow to go quicker. Perhaps, you’re caring for yourself or others more than usual during this period and this necessitates a slower pace of life.
Once the Sun moves into your star sign Gemini on the 21st, you may find the energy or confidence to get moving with new ideas and plans that have been bubbling away. Another significant turning point will be June 11th when Mercury joins the Sun in your star sign.
Jupiter Goals – Peace & Retreat
One day after Mercury turns direct in Taurus, big planet Jupiter moves into Taurus on the 16th. This turns your attention towards the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Taurus is the star sign before Gemini and Jupiter remains here until May 2024.
Jupiter’s the best planet in astrology linked to expansion and growth. This may offer you an opportunity to focus on your inner world, to develop your spirituality or your trust and faith in life and the universe.
You may see more clearly the connection between mind, body and spirit and you could benefit from going on retreat or bringing more silence and solitude into your life. Quiet times can be nourishing and nurturing.
This could indicate a period when you choose to go into therapy or explore life beyond the everyday. Push back the boundaries of life and get to know yourself and the universe on a deeper, more expansive level.
Also, it’s important to point out that in May 2024, Jupiter will move into your star sign Gemini and this only happens once every twelve years. Therefore, you could think of this coming year as a time of planning and preparation, getting ready to embrace new opportunities or a big adventure next year.
New Moon, New Beginnings
If there’s something you want to give up or make a commitment to, the New Moon in Taurus on the 19th would be a good date to choose. This New Moon may be linked to inner work or a spiritual aspect to your life.
It’s a great New Moon for taking time out from your everyday life to work on a piece of research or immerse yourself in a project that’s hands-on. Art, sculpture, gardening, building, cooking, massage – any activity that uses your hands.
This mid-month period is hugely busy and part of starting over can be recognising where you have to say no or drop something that’s taking up too much of your time. On the 18th, Jupiter clashes with Pluto in Aquarius immediately after entering earth sign Taurus.
Aquarius is your travel and study sector and you could decide that one course of action isn’t right for you. Or, perhaps life steps in and tells you no.
Around this period, action planet Mars enters Leo and your communication sector on the 20th. Immediately, Mars clashes with Pluto on the 21st and Jupiter on the 23rd. This combination feels angry or explosive.
If you work in an environment where you’re dealing with angry people or frustration on a daily level, this could take its toll. Or, perhaps there are challenges in your local community or an issue with a sibling or neighbour that triggers bad feelings.
Alternatively, it may be a time when you recognise that you’re wise to move away from a toxic situation in your life. Do what’s right for you even if you know it’s not easy to do so.
Hopefully, the Sun’s move into Gemini on the 21st will fire you up and give you the confidence and courage you need to put yourself first. This is the start of your birthday season and you’re right to put yourself first and take centre stage.
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Lovely lady, I’ve been reading your monthly report for years. It gives me a “heads up” as to what to watch out for. As a Gemini I’ve been beat up quite a bit these past years. God bless you for your insights.
May God’s blessings bless you forever and ever.
thank you 🙂