Jupiter On the Move
The big news this month is big planet Jupiter on the move. On the 11th, Jupiter leaves Pisces, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope, which represents your career and vocation, your status and reputation.
Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and has been in Pisces from May to July 2021 and from December 2021 up until now. Jupiter will return to Pisces in the last two months of 2022.
At its best, Jupiter brings new opportunities, success and a wealth of work. You may have found a way to break free from the daily grind and follow your vocation over the past year. Or, this may have brought a sabbatical from work or a chance to work abroad as Jupiter is the planet of liberation and freedom. Jupiter benefits you most when you play big in life and grab new opportunities.
As the month begins, there’s a supportive planet aspect between Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn on the 3rd. This links work and money for you and it’s a good time to pay off debt or boost your savings or investments.
Plus, action planet Mars is in Pisces at the peak of your horoscope until the 24th. Keep your eye on the ball regarding your career and future path and make the most of some stunning astrology.
Jupiter’s move into Aries from the 11th feels bright and breezy for you and Jupiter remains in this fire sign until the end of October. Then, Jupiter returns to Aries at the end of December for another five months. Aries rules friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network in your horoscope.
This is about finding people of like minds and making sure that your social life is not only fun but supportive too. Bring new friends into your life by enjoying new activities and make an effort to catch up with old friends. Jupiter will create the opportunities, perhaps through a friend’s wedding, anniversary or school reunion. All you need to do is say yes.
If you have built up a successful business while Jupiter’s been in Pisces or your career’s back on track, here’s your chance to take what you do out into the wider world and get people on board who can help you. Jupiter in Aries is about gathering people around you, a team or people of like minds who can work with you and make life easier, more enjoyable and fun.
Key dates are the 24th/25th when Mars enters Aries and there’s a lucky Moon/Jupiter conjunction. Being one of the air signs, you are one of the most social signs of the zodiac. If you’ve been trying to do too much on your own, May’s stars are urging you to reach out and reconnect.
Mercury Retrograde
It is important to note, however, that your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde in your star sign on the 10th, the day before Jupiter enters Aries. Mercury’s the planet of communication and remains on go slow until June 3rd.
This flags up a time for renegotiations or trying again where you failed in the past. Mercury retrograde phases are ideal for the re-words, i.e. review or revise your plans or current situation, retreat and reflect.
This is especially important for you as it feels like a personal Mercury retrograde phase. Mercury switches direction in your star sign Gemini and retreats back into Taurus and the most personal and inner sector of your horoscope on the 23rd.
This is often a time when your inner life is busier than your outer life, for whatever reason. You may have a lot to think about or you need to take care of your mind, body and soul. If you’re more than ready to take a step back or take time off work, it would be an ideal way to spend this Mercury retrograde phase.
The most interesting period for Mercury retrograde is from the 20th to the 25th. Listen out for insights and synchronicities. This is about choosing your allies wisely. Again, this is about getting the right people on your side. You may be changing advisers or something similar.
Lunar Eclipse
Also this month, there’s a second eclipse taking place cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. This is a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th that follows on from the Solar or New Moon Eclipse on April 30th.
Your dreams could be off the radar on or around this Full Moon/eclipse period. Try not to let your emotions carry you away and know what anchors you.
This axis is about work and health, your everyday lifestyle and routine, also service to others, whether it’s your religion or a caring profession. It’s here where you’re wise to be curious and notice where life’s calling you or where there’s a wake-up call.
Sometimes, eclipse events arrive with a bang as the unexpected kicks in. Other times, you notice sign-posts or synchronicities leading you down a new path. Take good care of yourself during the middle of the month and prioritise habits that support you.
New Moon Gemini
The turning points come thick and fast for you at the end of May and beginning of June. There’s a powerful and enthusiastic Mars-Jupiter conjunction on the 29th in Aries and your friendship sector. Notice who steps up for you.
Then, on the 30th, there’s a New Moon, a symbol of new beginnings in your star sign Gemini. This is an ideal time to set the wheel of fortune in motion and start pushing through your new ideas and plans. It will only be a few days later that your planet Mercury is also back up to speed on June 3rd. Get ready for those green lights switching on.
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