Money Matters
Your ruling planet Mercury plays a key part in this month’s astrology. This is because Mercury moves through Cancer and your personal money sector from the 5th to the 19th. The Sun is also here up until the 22nd.
This means that the areas of money and value are highlighted strongly in your horoscope for most of July. The Full Moon on the 13th could be a decisive moment regarding money. The Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac ruling finances for you, your money and money that belongs to other people or organisations.
You may be dealing with expenses or debt but the advice is to tie up loose ends as best you can. It might be helpful to cut your losses to ensure your financial security. If you know you need to ditch the debt, trust your intuition on or around the Full Moon.
The beginning of July could also be pivotal for money. Mars is in Aries up until the 5th and your friendship and group sector. It’s here where there’s push and thrust, whether you’re joining a political party or turning into an activist.
Team up with the right people but do avoid financial deals, especially on the 2nd. This is because there’s a tough clash between Mars in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn on this date. Do what’s right for you and avoid getting involved in other people’s money issues.
What does help is Venus’ move into Cancer on the 18th where she remains until mid-August. Family or loved ones could be there to help you out financially.
Or, perhaps you’re the one who’s extending your generosity to benefit the ones you love. Cancer is a sharing, caring star sign so pool expenses when you can and lean on friends and loved ones for support.
Another stand-out date is the 16th when your planet Mercury sits next to the Sun in Cancer. Who can you talk to or reach out to for financial advice or help? This would be a great date to ask for a pay rise or come up with new ideas around earnings.
Love & Popularity
With Venus in your star sign Gemini until the 18th, you’re likely to be popular if not in love. People power remains strong this month and friends and loved ones could bring happiness and good cheer your way, at least from the 5th onwards.
You only have the Goddess of love in your horoscope approximately once a year so make the most of Venus in Gemini. It’s an ideal time for dating, mating and winning over people of influence. The 13th & 14th are days when Venus is especially strong. Book a holiday with your partner or go on a romantic date.
A Social Vibe
From the 19th onwards, your ruler Mercury is lively in Leo and your communication sector. Mercury is joined by the Sun in Leo on the 22nd.
This combination is sociable and cheerful. It’s a good time to make new friends and get the right people on your side. Unleash your gift of the gab and be your charming, persuasive self.
Allies and friends in high places could be a strong support for you towards the end of July. Work at your friendships and improve your network & connections.
The planet of opportunity & travel Jupiter is strong in Aries and your friendship sector. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 28th boosting its potential. Jupiter’s power peaks on the 23rd & 31st, also during the New Moon in Leo on the 28th.
You could be exceptionally busy towards the end of the month, especially if you’re trading, selling or getting more involved in your local community.
In business, word-of-mouth recommendations are your best-selling tool. In whatever way you’re looking for support or advice, reach out to others and create a strong network of people around you.
The last week of the month looks wonderful for celebration and good fun. Celebrate a friend’s birthday, travel far & wide, go to a festival with your friends. Join in with any activity close to home that lifts your spirits and boosts your high-energy vibe.
Last-Minute Merchant
There’s a flexible, slightly unpredictable vibe towards the end of July. This is due to Uranus, the planet of change and spontaneity, which aligns with the karmic north node in Taurus on the 26th. This often indicates the wheel of destiny turning.
Uranus’ planetary energy is vibrant. Take advantage of a last-minute opportunity, flex your adaptable muscles and show willing. Keep your schedule easy and light and if you need to dash off and see someone unexpectedly, go for it. Move things around to suit you but be aware that plans could change suddenly.
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