This month is about embracing what’s new in life and especially if you found yourself retracing your steps in January, February is all about exploring new horizons.
One reason for this is the fact that for most of the month from the 7th to the 25th, your ruling planet Mercury is in your fellow air sign Aquarius. Aquarius rules travel and study in your chart, it’s where you find meaning in life, a deeper purpose, something beyond the everyday.
So this is an excellent time to make some new plans whether you’re keen to go away on holiday with your friends, you want to do something special with your children or you think it’s about time you studied or learned something new. Even if it’s a weekend away somewhere different, a shift in perspective will do you the world of good.
This is also the theme of the eclipse that falls across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. This month there’s a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse in Leo on the 11th and this mirrors an ‘almost eclipse’ which took place in August 2016. So events back then might be relevant to what’s happening in your life now.
Eclipses are game-changers and they are where you find the exciting energy. This is the start of a new eclipse cycle that completes in two years time. So focus your attention on learning, your education, exams. You might be ready to start something new now, to throw yourself into a period where you’re ready to gain new qualifications.
The eclipse could flag up a reason why you need to update your learning or get on top of new technologies. Either for fun or work reasons, this is an excellent month to channel your lively Gemini mind into something new and exciting.
Friends too are part of the picture and it might be because of your friends that you’re keen to stride out in the world. Action planet Mars is in your friend and group sector all month and on the 3rd, it’s joined by the planet of relating, Venus.
So be around friends who are passionate about life, chase off on a mad-cap adventure, do something different and daring. Find a new group to join, whether you’re ready to socialise more or you’re a Gemini on a mission. This might be for a political, environmental or humanitarian cause and someone could try to enrol you strongly in the month ahead.
On the whole, this looks like being a good thing if you’re inspired to join in with a new group of people who have a strong sense of purpose. The only question mark is when it comes to money matters and here you should be wary of any group activity that costs a lot to join.
Don’t let anyone push you into parting with your cash if this doesn’t sit easily with you, especially close to the 22nd. This is when there’s plenty of excitement for new ideas, new plans but ensure you take charge of your finances. Someone could use bullying tactics or even blackmail now and if so, you’re wise to back off.
The end of the month feels volatile for friendship and the 27th is the date to note. Be attentive to what you get involved in and if someone’s using anger or even violence to get the results they want, step back.
This is also potentially a full-on month for love and if you’re looking for a relationship, love and friendship are closely linked. The weekend of the 10th/11th might prove special in this respect. Yet know that if an affair begins passionately, it’s likely to be a stop-start scenario, maybe for a few months yet. Love planet Venus chases after Mars but from next month goes into retreat and backs off.
If you’re in a relationship or married, this is the month to think what next. Do something different together to spice up your love life, whether you travel, find a new hobby or social activity. Kids too are part of the picture and perhaps more so now than usual.
This might mean a new step-family or trying to make a decision about whether to have a child or not. If your feelings are unsure, give yourself some time to think things through. The beginning and end of the month could be more volatile for love, a time of disagreement. Otherwise there’s plenty of potential for love and harmony and Valentines Day on the 14th is perfect for making a commitment.
There is one more eclipse in February which takes place on the 26th. This is a Solar or New Moon eclipse and it’s the last in a cycle which began in March 2015. This is an important eclipse for you because it takes place in the sign of Pisces at the top of your chart.
This eclipse cycle is about your work/life balance, your home and family, your career and vocation. Events towards the end of February could be pivotal for your future and where you’re heading and this might go one of two ways. Either you’re incredibly inspired by what’s happening in your life and you’re ready to take on a new creative role or a position that suits you perfectly.
However as this is the last eclipse in a cycle, you might be ready to let go of something, to move away from a position or role that’s no longer working for you. Certainly this could be an emotional time because not only is the Sun in Pisces from the 18th but your ruling planet Mercury enters Pisces, the day before the eclipse on the 25th.
Plus the Sun and Moon sit next to Neptune in Pisces so this is a time when your dreams and imagination are strong. Use the powerful creativity in this eclipse to think what next, to line up some new dreams and goals for the year ahead.
If you are feeling disillusioned with what you’re doing in life or things seem to be falling apart rather than coming together, use the eclipse energy to focus your attention. It may be that you need to get serious about your career, your future and where you’re heading. This month’s eclipse might just be the start as you take your first tentative steps towards a new career, job or role.