Gemini December 2019

Gemini, winter

Mercury Moves

Your ruling planet Mercury is moving quickly this month and is in sync with the other planets. This suggests you’re at the forefront of the action. 

Mercury spends most of December in your opposite star sign, Sagittarius, from the 9th until the 29th. This highlights your relationships, both personal and professional. In fact, this symbolises all your 1-to-1’s, your enemies as well as your sweethearts.

The Full Moon on the 12th cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and lights up your relationship sector. This could be a pivotal moment for your 1-to-1’s. Full Moons often coincide with drama as they heighten emotions and the light of moon brings clarity. Trust your intuition when it comes to love and partnership.

Jupiter Goals – Money & Sex

Also, this month, there’s big news as big planet Jupiter is on the move. It leaves behind your opposite star sign, Sagittarius, and moves into earth sign, Capricorn, on the 2nd where it remains until December 2020. 

Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and Jupiter has been in Sagittarius and your relationship sector since November 2018. This has turned the spotlight on to your relationships and your significant 1-to-1’s. 

The houses of the horoscope follow on from each other. Even though Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn, the focus remains on other people and joint ventures. In particular, shared finances and resources. 

This is the planetary equivalent of the settling-down period, creating a joint bank account and learning to live alongside another person. Capricorn rules sex and intimacy in your horoscope so think about what next in a relationship and get serious about love.

This doesn’t only apply to a personal relationship. You may be ready to start a business partnership or work alongside someone else in a specific role in your life. A lawyer, an agent, a personal trainer, a therapist, for example. 

When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it’s the perfect time to get expert advice, especially when it comes to finance or legal matters. Jupiter’s a global planet so there are no restrictions and you can expand your circle of expertise.

Jupiter Leaps Into Action

This month you will discover what Jupiter in Capricorn means for you on the 15th when there’s a Jupiter-Uranus trine aspect and on the 27th when there’s a Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. 

These major planetary events could coincide with a gift or bonus or an opportunity to boost your cash flow, your investments or clear a debt. The key is to work alongside other people and think collaboration rather than competition.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse

There is, however, another major factor highlighting these areas of your life. This is a New Moon or Solar Eclipse which falls in Capricorn on the 26th, the day before the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. 

This eclipse is part of an eclipse cycle which began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020. For you, it falls across the financial axis of your horoscope. Therefore, it’s about all things to do with money, possessions and assets. 

Potentially, it’s about debt, money owed and a shift in earnings. Eclipses represent highs and lows and your situation rarely remains the same during an eclipse cycle.

It’s not just about money, however, although this is a key feature of your month ahead. It’s also about where your values lie, your self-worth and hidden feelings or emotions. In astrology, money and emotions are closely linked. They are not separate at all. Notice the emotional pull around money and what you give and receive.

Once your planet, Mercury, enters Capricorn on the 29th, then you will see how this powerful planetary energy in Capricorn can make a difference to your life, financially, emotionally and/or sexually.

Mars Scorpio – Work & Stamina

This month, there is a lot of planetary energy surrounding your work and career and this may be in response to what’s happening on the financial front. Your ruler, Mercury, is in Scorpio until the 9th along with Mars, the action planet, which remains in Scorpio throughout December. 

This indicates a go-for-it month whether you’re after a new job or seeking work that inspires you. It could meanthe run-up to the holiday period is especially busy.

Mars teams up with Neptune in Pisces and your career sector on the 13th. This would be a brilliant time to work on your vision for the year ahead and follow your calling. Get in touch with your vocation in life and seek work in a field that’s worthwhile, meaningful or caring.

On the whole, this month’s astrology feels enthusiastic and energetic for you. It’s an excellent month to apply for a new job and make some bold decisions regarding your work and lifestyle. 

Commit to a new healthy workout or fitness plan and take care of your body too. This is a time when the mind-body-spirit connection is closely intertwined and it’s important to focus on all areas, rather than prioritise one over the other. 

You may choose to invest in your health and well-being and make a commitment to getting well, getting fit or dealing with stress. The more you can find your way forwards with regard to your work and everyday routine, and the more you consider what serves you well in life, the more you benefit from this month’s full-on astrology.

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