Gemini December 2018

Gemini, winter

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is on the move on the 1st but in retreat. Mercury is retrograde until the 6th and returns to Scorpio at the start of the month. Scorpio rules your work and routine, your health and lifestyle. If these areas of your life have been full of frustration recently, you get a second chance to sort things out.

The 6th would be a great date to book a health consultation or restore some good habits in your life that have gone by the wayside in recent weeks. It’s also an excellent date to apply for a job or chase up a previous application. Sometimes, new information comes to light when Mercury changes direction and brings good news your way.

This could turn out to be a significant month for your work and career because the relationship planets are boosting these areas of your life. The planet of relating, Venus, also returns to Scorpio on the 2nd where she remains throughout December.

You may remember Venus was in Scorpio previously from September 9th to October 31st and turned retrograde on October 5th. If this flagged up problems with colleagues or workmates, here too there’s a theme of second chances. Resolve any difficulties and don’t be afraid to speak from your heart. 

Sometimes being a Gemini, you can let things go as you don’t always like to deal with the messy side of life. This isn’t wise in the month ahead. In fact, it’s a great month to focus on teamwork and create strong bonds with the people in your life on a day-to-day basis. The more you work together and help each other out and delegate, the easier you make things for everyone. Be a key player in this respect.

The other planet to note is action planet Mars currently in Pisces and your career and vocation sector. Mars remains here until the end of the month. This could turn out to be an ambitious month for you when your focus is on your career and vocation and how to improve your status and reputation. There could be an award or accolade that comes your way, perhaps around the 7th.

It’s an excellent month to socialise with the people you work with and enjoy any Christmas parties. Admittedly, Neptune is dominant this month and Neptune rules alcohol, losing yourself and getting carried away. The key dates are the 7th and 24th, so take care that you don’t overdo things if you’re out and about partying. It could be harder than usual to keep your drinking moderate.

Sometimes, when Neptune’s strong, this can flag up a scandal or betrayal and this is linked to your working life. Be savvy with regard to what’s happening and don’t get embroiled in office politics or underhand behaviour. Keep things real and be the voice of reason.

Also, you may be questioning what you’re doing, where you’re heading and why. If so, throw yourself into this process as it’s a good time to explore what next. Use your imagination, brainstorm your ideas (although make sure they’re not pinched!) and use image and art to give you inspiration. 

Neptune has taken up residence in your career and vocation sector and it’s not leaving anytime soon. This favours an artistic or compassionate vocation and it can take you on a magical, mystery tour. This can be wonderful if you give in to enchantment or downright disorienting and confusing. Do whatever’s right for you.

Relationships are also under the cosmic spotlight this month. Your planet, Mercury, returns to your opposite star sign, Sagittarius, on the 12th joining the Sun in this same sector of your horoscope. The Sun remains here until the 21st.

Sagittarius rules all 1-to-1 encounters in your life, both personal and professional and this could be an outstanding month for love and relationships. The highlight might be the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 7th. This could bring someone new into your life and it’s an excellent date to start over with an ex or current partner.

The top date, however, is the 21st when your planet Mercury teams up with the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, also in Sagittarius. This brings your planet and your partner planet together in your relationship sector. This is quite amazing astrology and it would be a wonderful date for a marriage or proposal.

Mercury and Jupiter got together last month on November 27th, but Mercury was retrograde, i.e. in retreat. What was seeded then, however, could now bear fruit. Plus, it’s an excellent date to try again if you failed once before. Reconnect with someone important in your life, confirm a business partnership or joint venture and use your relationships to boost your progress.

This combination spells good news for love and partnership. The 20th is a good date for finding love if you’re keen to meet someone new.

On the 21st, the day of the Solstice, the Sun enters Capricorn and your joint finance sector. Plus, on the 22nd, there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. Money is highlighted, whether you’re spending it, investing it or receiving it. 

It’s a good time to make a financial decision and consider your finances in general. The Full Moon often brings clarity when you can see the bigger picture. Make some sensible and sound money moves.

On the 25th, Christmas Day, the Moon’s in Leo highlighting social events and communication in your horoscope. Don’t only celebrate with family this year but invite in other people or nip round to the neighbours for drinks. Being with your siblings would be ideal.

Fast-forward to the 31st, New Year’s Eve, and the Moon is in Scorpio. Some of you Gemini individuals might be working the late shift or perhaps you want to go out but not go wild. Do whatever feels right for you.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful festive season, whatever your faith and however you choose to celebrate.

2 thoughts on “Gemini December 2018”

  1. Steve Phillimore

    Thank you Sally for your astrology all year. Love your sporting astrology, it’s a bit different to everyone else. I am buying your books from Amazon as Christmas presents, is that good for you or do they take too much commission. Anyway, happy Christmas and have a happy healthy new year ,

    1. Thank you, Steve. All good for me if you buy my books as Christmas presents 🙂 Happy holidays to you too. Sally

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