Gemini December 2017

winter, Gemini

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Your ruling planet Mercury is in your opposite sign of Sagittarius throughout December. This highlights your relationships, both personal and professional. In fact, this symbolises all your 1-to-1’s, your enemies as well as your sweethearts.

Both the Full Moon on the 3rd and the New Moon on the 18th also light up your relationship sector. The Full Moon cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and the New Moon takes place in Sagittarius. So relationships are where the action’s at, or not.

Certainly this is an important area of your life throughout the month but it is worth bearing in mind that Mercury’s heading for another retrograde period from December 3rd to 23rd. When Mercury’s on go slow, sometimes you change your mind when it comes to a relationship, you and someone special are parted for a while or you feel as if a relationship is unravelling in front of you.

It’s important to be patient while Mercury’s on go slow and put off the major decisions. Misunderstandings and miscommunication tend to be rife so don’t listen to hearsay and wait and see what occurs once Mercury’s back up to speed in time for the holidays.

Mercury retrograde can also symbolise a theme of second chances when it comes to love, whether you hear from an ex or try again in a partnership that stalled first time around. New information is often slow in coming to light or you harbour a secret or confidence that would affect a 1-to-1 relationship or business partnership if it was revealed.

This whole theme is about taking your time and considering how you value yourself within your close relationships. It’s healthy to create relationships and working partnerships that are on an equal footing. Mercury retrograde in your relationship sector flags up the ideal scenario for a review or period of reflection.

Having said that, this could out to be an incredibly exciting month for love and relationships and there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, love planet Venus also enters Sagittarius on the 1st where it remains until the 25th. This is often a peak period for love and romance when you’re ready to open your heart and follow where your emotions lead.

Love and friendship are linked this month too, whether you fall for a friend or you have unrequited feelings for someone you’ve known for some time. The exciting dates for love and friendship are the 10th, 16th and 20th.

The start of the month, however, is not advantageous for a passionate liaison because Mars in Libra and your romance sector clashes with Uranus on the 1st. This is potentially volatile so steer clear of trouble and if you do fall out with someone, you might have to play a waiting game to see what takes place. You could also recognise who’s not worth your time as December begins.

The other important factor to note is that the planet Saturn has been in your opposite sign of Sagittarius since December 2014. As Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens, this may have been a tough couple of years for a marriage or long-term relationship or perhaps you’ve been on your own. Saturn’s about making compromises, it’s where you learn about boundaries and what you can’t have, rather than what you can have.

On December 20th, Saturn leaves Sagittarius and this frees up the whole area of relationships for you. If love’s been a drought, you may meet someone you connect with easily; if love’s been tough, expect to feel free, perhaps for the first time in a long while.

If you know your love life would benefit from some TLC (tender loving care), model this behaviour and be more romantic, initiate more sex and talk about mutual plans. Your future will feel brighter and full of hope for doing so.

All in all, December is a critical month of the year to decide which relationships and partnerships in your life you’re going to take into 2018 and where you’re ready to move on.

Saturn has to move somewhere and on the 20th, it enters the earth sign Capricorn, where it’s going to remain until 2020. Saturn adds the ‘get real’ factor to life and as Capricorn rules joint finances and shared resources, it’s in the area of money where you’re going to have to work hard, knuckle down and get serious.

Immediately after Saturn enters Capricorn, the Sun and Venus both meet up with Saturn on the 21st and 25th. This could reveal where your individual issues lie around money and financial partnership.

One way or another, money is about to become a serious topic and that includes securing an income and creating a strong foundation for you and your family. You might decide that marrying into money is the way forward or be on the look out for an investor or partner for a business idea.

Money may come to you as an inheritance or even a bribe, with strings attached. You too could experience a crisis of conscience over a large amount of money, especially if financial and emotional ties are involved.

Finally this month, there’s a lot of planetary energy surrounding your work and career. This may be in response to what’s happening on the financial front. Certainly, once Mars, the action planet, leaps into Scorpio on the 9th, this symbolises a go-for-it month whether you’re after a new job, or seeking work that inspires you. It could mean that the run-up to the holiday period is especially busy.

Mars joins lucky Jupiter in Scorpio and on the 3rd Jupiter teams up with Neptune in Pisces and your career sector. This would be a brilliant time to work on your vision for the year ahead and to do whatever calls you. Get in touch with your vocation and seek out work in a field that’s worthwhile, meaningful or caring. Jupiter and Neptune are boundless, giving influences.

Don’t worry too much about what you begin this month, what’s important is that you take action and do something, whether you try out a volunteer role, sign up for an online course (after the 23rd) or consider starting your own part-time business. Be bold and commit to a new game plan ready for 2018.

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