FULL MOON [10 Pisces 12]
London – September 2, 2020 (06:22 GMT +1)
New York – September 2, 2020 (01:22 GMT -4)
Sydney – September 2, 2020 (15:26 GMT +10)
I think many of us would like to be sailing away at the moment – I’m constantly moved by images of the sea and seem to have attracted a fair few sailors on my timeline. The sea’s lure equals escape and, in 2020, the desire to escape and expand our horizons resonates more powerfully than usual.
Therefore, you may find this week’s Full Moon in Pisces emotional, wistful, sentimental. Hark back to the past and feel your emotions fully. It’s a positive period to let the tears flow and release what’s pent up or blocked.
Even if you’re not sailing the Seven Seas, it’s an ideal Full Moon for losing yourself in your imagination and delving deep into the dream world. Those sleepless moments in the middle of the night may be more frequent now as the magical light of the Moon shines down upon you.
Earth & Water
This Full Moon links star signs in the elements earth and water, the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces.
Oppositions can create tension and emotions are heightened. What’s been hidden may come to light with crystal clarity. Important matters can culminate or complete on this last Full Moon in the zodiac cycle.
Ideally, aim to flow between the opposing star signs of the Virgo-Pisces axis. In Virgo, you’re on dry land, sorting things out, taking care of your body, getting organised. Whereas in Pisces, you’re swimming in the sea, losing yourself, heading into the unknown and marvelling at the boundless nature of the universe.
Take some time out for you during this powerful Full Moon phase. Engage your logical left brain and intuitive right brain and encourage creativity and new ideas to spring to life.
Let’s Go Fly A Kite
This Full Moon creates a Kite pattern. The Sun at 10 Virgo is in a Grand Earth Trine with Uranus at 10 Taurus and Jupiter at 17 Capricorn. The Moon at 10 Pisces is in a wide conjunction to Neptune at 19 Pisces.
This is going to be a powerful Full Moon if you have planets/angles around 10 degrees of the earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) signs. The trine from the Sun to Uranus is the closest planetary aspect, ripe for innovation, originality and spontaneity.
The dominance on planets in earth signs during this Full Moon is creative and productive. Build firm foundations and take care of essentials; food in your belly, a roof over your head, somewhere warm to sleep.
Earth is the element most closely linked to nature, which provides for many of our needs and is a rich source of sustenance, comfort and reassurance.
Savour slowly & deeply what’s in your life, appreciate what’s yours and lose yourself in the wonder of nature’s eternal abundance and sensuality. Engage all your senses; touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell. Activate the Moon in Pisces and bring in your sixth sense as well.
This Full Moon/Kite pattern isn’t about letting go of the rope or heading blindly out to sea. Instead, ensure you know where safety and solid ground lie, before casting off your anchor and rediscovering wonder & beauty in the world or in your imagination.
Here are the areas highlighted by this week’s Full Moon. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:
- Aries: Retreat & recuperation – work, service, health & fitness
- Taurus: Friends, groups & networks – self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs
- Gemini: Career & vocation – home & family
- Cancer: Travel & study – life close to home, neighbours & siblings
- Leo: Other peoples’ money & joint resources – personal possessions & self-with
- Virgo: Relationships & one-on-one partnership – personal goals & self care
- Libra: Work, service, health & fitness – retreat & recuperation
- Scorpio: Self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs – friends, groups & networks
- Sagittarius: Home & family – career & vocation
- Capricorn: Life close to home, neighbours & siblings – travel & study
- Aquarius: Personal possessions & self-worth – other peoples’ money & joint resources
- Pisces: Personal goals & self care – relationships & one-on-one partnership
Here’s wishing you a Happy Full Moon