Full Moon Pisces: Letting Be

FULL MOON [28 Pisces 14] 

London – September 21, 2021 (00:55 GMT +1)

New York – September 20, 2021 (19:55 GMT -4)

Sydney – September 21, 2021 (09:55 GMT +10)

I think many of us would like to be sailing away at the moment – I’m constantly moved by images of the sea and dreaming of travel. The sea’s lure equals escape and in 2021 the desire to escape and expand our horizons resonates more powerfully than usual.

Therefore, you may find this week’s Full Moon in Pisces emotional, wistful, sentimental. Hark back to the past and feel your emotions fully. It’s a positive period to let the tears flow and release what’s pent up or blocked.

Even if you’re not sailing the Seven Seas, it’s an ideal Full Moon for losing yourself in your imagination and delving deep into the dream world. Those sleepless moments in the middle of the night may be more frequent as the magical light of the Moon shines down upon you.

Earth & Water

This Full Moon links star signs in the elements earth and water, the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces.

Oppositions can create tension and emotions are heightened. What’s been hidden may come to light with crystal clarity. Important matters can culminate or complete on this last Full Moon in the zodiac cycle. Plus, it falls at late degrees of the two star signs as the Sun gets ready to move into Libra in two days time.

Ideally, aim to flow between the opposing star signs of the Virgo-Pisces axis. In Virgo, you’re on dry land, sorting things out, taking care of your body, getting organised. Whereas in Pisces, you’re swimming in the sea, losing yourself, heading into the unknown and marvelling at the boundless nature of the universe.

Take some time out for you during this powerful Full Moon phase. Engage your logical left brain and intuitive right brain and encourage creativity and new ideas to spring to life.

Mercury-Jupiter Alliance

There’s some intriguing astrology taking place during this Full Moon. Jupiter is traditional ruler of Pisces and on the same day as the Full Moon, Mercury at 23 Libra is trine to Jupiter at 23 Aquarius.

Mercury and Jupiter are planets that are both linked to study and education. Jupiter represents growth & expansion, opportunity & progress. Whereas Mercury is the planet linked to the mind & communication.

Put the two together and this combination is great for meetings, interviews and big picture thinking. Use your social networks, take a risk & keep the lines of communication wide open.

There’s a strange dance going on in the heavens which is going to impact you if you have key planets at 23/24 degrees of the air signs, Gemini, Libra & Aquarius.

Mercury turns retrograde at 25 Libra on September 27th & will trine Jupiter three times but also square Pluto three times over the next couple of months.

There’s an intensity around that pivotal point in the zodiac – 23-25 Libra. Something you’re giving up or something that’s taken away from you could create space in your life or bring you more freedom.

This Full Moon period may be even more important to let things be and allow your creative or spiritual source to come flooding forth. Dive deep into whatever inspires you and make the right connections.

Here are the areas highlighted by this week’s Full Moon. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:

  • Aries: Retreat & recuperation – work, service, health & fitness
  • Taurus: Friends, groups & networks – self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs
  • Gemini: Career & vocation – home & family
  • Cancer: Travel & study – life close to home, neighbours & siblings
  • Leo: Other peoples’ money & joint resources – personal possessions & self-with
  • Virgo: Relationships & one-on-one partnership – personal goals & self care
  • Libra: Work, service, health & fitness – retreat & recuperation
  • Scorpio: Self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs – friends, groups & networks
  • Sagittarius: Home & family – career & vocation
  • Capricorn: Life close to home, neighbours & siblings – travel & study
  • Aquarius: Personal possessions & self-worth – other peoples’ money & joint resources
  • Pisces: Personal goals & self care – relationships & one-on-one partnership

Wishing you a Happy Full Moon

5 thoughts on “Full Moon Pisces: Letting Be”

  1. Hi Sally, thanks for your interesting article! Mercury was 25 degrees Libra at US election 2020. Something going kn behind the scenes…

    1. Oh, that is interesting, Patrick. Thank you for pointing it out – it would make sense that this could be a big time for revelations, especially with the US facing its Pluto Return next year.

      1. Ooooooo yes Sally! Germany’s Kaiserreich was founded 150 years ago, I think also the year the USA changed it’s form of govermment into the US Corporation. It is said that already changed behind the curtains. China’s Communist Party: 100 years ago founded (unfortunately at my birthday 😝) Also watch Trump’s astrology: Jupiter trine his Sun when Mercury is back in play… Watch the conspiracy theorists 😉

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