Full Moon Libra: Recalibration

Full Moon

Full Moon [18 Libra 43] 

London – April 8 2020 (03:35 GMT+1)

New York – April 7 2020 (22:35 GMT-4)

Sydney – April 8 2020 (12:35 GMT+10)

This week’s Full Moon falls in the star sign Libra, cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac – me v. you. Notice where the Full Moon falls in your own horoscope and which planets/angles are close to 18 degrees.

Moon Libra – Peace & Harmony

Libra’s zodiac symbol is the Scales. If you were born with the Moon in Libra, you thrive in a peaceful & harmonious environment and appreciate relationships that are in balance. In whatever star sign you find the Moon in your birth chart, this is where your emotional needs are met.

Libra is the sign of the zodiac that is averse to conflict. Yet, when you’re born with the sign of the Scales dominant in your birth chart, you invariably have to deal with inequality in your life and you are naturally drawn into relationship issues. Often, it’s a case of trying to balance the scales rather than live in a world of constant equilibrium and harmony.

Full Moon & Relationships

At this Full Moon, consider where recalibration is needed in your own life, where balance is required. Many of us are currently starting over in some way. This is the ideal time to do so while the Sun is in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.

You may have to consider other people in your life more than usual during the Full Moon period, especially if you’re at home with family and have extra demands on your time and attention.

Or perhaps, you’re working in a helping or service environment. Here too, try to ensure that the Libra scales are balanced. If not entirely harmonious, at least aim for compromise, equality and fairness.

Close relationships fall under scrutiny at the Full Moon when the Sun in Aries opposes the Moon in Libra. Aries is the sign of the ego, where the Sun can shine bright. Me first, my agenda, not yours.

Libra’s the opposite principle – ‘you first’, ‘what do you think?’, ‘you decide’. Notice your differences in relationships and try not to make one another wrong.

Relationship issues may flare up during this Full Moon when emotions are heightened. Drama is intensified and impulsive, spontaneous behaviour can cause controversy.

If you’re apart from loved ones, you might find it especially challenging during this Full Moon. Craving love, wanting to be in someone’s arms, needing your loved ones close.

And, remember that sleep can be elusive during the Full Moon period as the dream world takes over. Breathe deeply, take life slowly.

Jupiter/Pluto – Global Events

The Full Moon falls square to the power duo, Jupiter & Pluto, at 24/25 degrees Capricorn. It triggers the first conjunction of these two powerful planetary bodies, exact on April 5th.

If anything, this adds to the drama, feeling swamped by emotions or the impact of our global crisis. Certainly, it seems to indicate that for many of us our personal lives are currently part of something bigger.

What’s happening out in the world is having an effect on us all as individuals, bringing the eternal cycle of life, death & rebirth closer to home.

The theme is change during this Full Moon, doing whatever’s needed to recalibrate or go deeper still. Rebirth & renewal, seeking the places in your own life which require transformation. It’s big astrology, encouraging big thinking, planning ahead.

In affairs of the heart and significant partnerships, both personal & professional, choose your battles carefully and decide where you take on the role of peacekeeper.

If you’re trying to push forward with your own plans and projects, the Full Moon could be the time of ultimate wobble. Keep striving for recalibration.

What Does It Mean For You?

The Aries/Libra axis is about relationships for everyone but these two star signs rule specific areas of your life. This is where balance may currently be required. Notice whether your scales are out of kilter or need realignment. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:

  • Aries: Personal goals & self care/relationships & one-on-one partnership
  • Taurus: Retreat & recuperation/work, service, health & fitness
  • Gemini: Friends, groups & networks/self-expression, creativity, children & affairs
  • Cancer: Career & vocation, the future/home & family, the past
  • Leo: Exploration & learning, seeking meaning/life close to home, neighbours & local community
  • Virgo: Other peoples’ money, shared resources, all things taboo & hidden/personal money, possessions & assets, self-worth
  • Libra: Relationships & one-on-one partnership/personal goals & self care
  • Scorpio: Work, service, health & fitness/retreat & recuperation
  • Sagittarius: Self-expression, creativity, children & affairs/friends, groups & networks
  • Capricorn: Home & family, the past/career & vocation, the future
  • Aquarius: Life close to home, neighbours & local community/ exploration & learning, seeking meaning
  • Pisces: Personal money, possessions & assets, self-worth/other peoples’ money, shared resources, all things hidden & taboo

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5 thoughts on “Full Moon Libra: Recalibration”

  1. I am Taurus with Gemini as ascendant. This is so accurate I am trying to get back to regular meditation and Buddhist study. Missing my grandchildren but now doing gardening lessons in their mum’s garden via FaceTime Also I am not being at all good at doing exercise, as I am over 70 with health issues I can’t go out for a walk started doing a good Joe Wickes for seniors but fell by the wayside. I will have to keep trying and hope the new moon does not have me rooted to my chair watching TV

    1. Lovely comment, Jenni. Take good care of yourself. Slowly, slowly with all the new – best pace during the Full Moon 🙂

  2. I am Taurus with Gemini as ascendant. This is so accurate I am trying to get back to regular meditation and Buddhist study. Missing my grandchildren but now doing gardening lessons in their mum’s garden via FaceTime Also I am not being at all good at doing exercise, as I am over 70 with health issues I can’t go out for a walk started doing a good Joe Wickes for seniors but fell by the wayside. I will have to keep trying and hope the new moon does not have me rooted to my chair watching TV

  3. Hello Sally,

    Thank you for the insights, in this unsettling times.
    You have stressed for Aries of personal goals, self care and with Capricorn ascendant our career vocation. I hope by my birthday falling on this full moon this year, and after losing the job, Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions this year; do some good to land me a stable job/ career in the filed I like.

    Warm regards and love
    Take Care

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