Today’s Full Moon in Capricorn [exact: Saturday 12th July 2014, 11:25 GMT] is powerful for various reasons. First of all, it’s a ‘Supermoon’, which occurs when the Moon’s orbit is close to the earth and coincides with the Full Moon.
The Moon is going to look bigger and brighter in the sky tonight and it’s the equivalent of a Full Moon on steroids. We can expect some stunning photographs around the world of this glorious Full Moon over the next few days.
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle
Full Moons represent culmination and the completion of a cycle and at it’s best a Full Moon symbolizes achievement and reward. It’s the harvest that swells and comes to fruition thanks to the seeds you’ve sown at an earlier stage. There’s a regular cycle that begins on the New Moon and the last one took place on June 27th 2014. This is the time to tune in again to the intentions you set at the creative phase of the Moon cycle two weeks ago.
Astrology works because the cycle of the planets mirror life on earth and it’s these cycles that can offer you greater understanding and insight and help you use this universal timing to positive effect in your own life. Today’s Full Moon signals a completion in more ways than one because it’s also part of a bigger cycle in the heavens that began on the cusp of 2013/2014.
The last New Moon in Capricorn fell on New Year’s Day 2014 so here’s a greater cycle that’s playing out in the heavens. This is the half-way point and a time to take stock, see where you’ve come from six months ago and decide where you’re heading in the second half of 2014.
Mars and the Cardinal Grand Cross
One planet that’s been hot on the heels of this wider Moon cycle is Mars, planet of action, energy and drive. Mars entered Libra in December 2013 and due to its retrograde cycle which lasted from March 1st-May 20th 2014, Mars is still in Libra. Mars has been the third spoke in the wheel of the Cardinal T-square and Grand Cross patterns that have dominated the first half of this year. Libra is the sign that opposes Aries where Uranus (change, unpredictability) currently resides and Libra squares Capricorn where Pluto (loss, transformation) is hiding out.
These three planets together suggest volatility; Mars is action but also anger and passion so you may have experienced conflict, sudden endings, a falling-out or other turbulent events at the tail-end of 2013 and in the first half of this year, 2014.
The fourth cardinal sign is Cancer and Jupiter in Cancer has completed the ‘cross’ shape in the heavens over the last year. Jupiter expands what it touches so this is like the wind to the flame blowing everything wide open. It’s hard to stay put in one place when you have four powerful planets facing up to one another. It’s not necessarily bad or difficult and for some people this has blown things wide open to opportunity and new beginnings. Some risks will have paid off, yet some will have bombed if you’ve been bold enough to step out of your comfort zone.
Full Moon: It’s Crunch Time
Today’s Full Moon recreates the Grand Cross yet not with Jupiter as Jupiter is currently at 29 Cancer and only a few days away from leaving this sign. It’s the Sun that’s currently at 20 Cancer opposing the Moon at 20 Capricorn, both square to Mars at 23 Libra and Uranus at 16 Aries. So this is the final goodbye of the Grand Cross and it’s crunch time.
Expect to be asking yourself questions such as ‘what stays and what goes?’. What do you feel passionate or angry about? Where in life are you ready to end it or move on? One word of warning with this powerful Full Moon: Mars-Uranus aspects are notorious for accidents so if you’re going to be impulsive, do it safely.
Yet the four cardinal signs represent the leaders and initiators of the zodiac and for some this is about the final hoorah. A new wave and a new stage is on the verge of breaking forth. Choose now which doors you close and which you will open to herald in a fresh start for the second half of 2014.