Here are your horoscopes for February 2024. You can also check out your Top Tips Astrology for February 2024 here.
You may need a different approach to work or future goals to be successful this month. When you get the right team on your side, you’re powerful. Alternatively, hang out with the wrong crowd and it could be the road to failure. Prioritise good working connections and you can get ahead in leaps and bounds. Circle the 22nd in your diary if you’re looking for love, as this is when love and friendship are linked. The key area to be cautious is money and it’s not the best month to invest in your future. Keep things steady and know that your financial prospects are better starred in March and April.
It’s all going on at the peak of your horoscope and this lights up your career and success path. You may feel as if you’re playing double or quits, but it is likely to be a time when major decisions impact your next steps. Are you moving up the ladder or sliding down the snake? Become part of a power couple in February and this could launch you into the stratosphere. The key dates are the 17th and 22nd. Freedom remains a major theme in your life and you won’t appreciated being held back or tied down in any area. Having said that, there could be a charming proposal on Leap Day, the 29th.
You’re speeding along this month. A desire to expand your horizons could see you saying yes to a last-minute trip or an innovative study course. Not all your plans will work out but, when they do, you’re in seventh heaven. A holiday romance could be on the cards, especially on or around the 22nd. Either that or you fall in love with your teacher or fellow student. As the month comes to an end, your attention turns toward your career and next steps. The 24th and 28th are positive dates to firm up your plans and sign a contract. Until then, live in the present and don’t worry overly about what next.
Money’s under the cosmic spotlight and a lot depends on your current situation. You could either be boosting your wealth or wracking up debt. Friends may be a true inspiration, but don’t let them be the cause of your financial downfall. If necessary, consider cutting your losses to break free from a restrictive financial relationship. The right partnership is one that’s based on equality, both financially and emotionally. The Sun’s move into Pisces on the 19th is your cue to follow your dreams. Be strategic and work out a way to turn your dreams into reality, preferably with a supportive partner by your side.
Relationships are under the cosmic spotlight, both personal and professional. Some partnerships may come to a sudden end and the key dates to note are the 5th, 14th and 17th. Yet, some new alliances could be forged and the 22nd may turn out to be truly special. Unexpected events at work might bring some twists and turns, especially if your desire for freedom or independence kick in. If this impacts you financially, wait until the Full Moon on the 24th to consider your next options. A binding contract could bring you financial security but leave you less well off than you may have hoped.
Take care of your health and notice your stress levels. If you’re trying to take on too much, this could slow you down more. Therefore, aim for balance in your life and prioritise your well-being, rather than trying to look after everyone else. If work’s busy, aim to get a good team around you, learn to delegate well and ask for help when you need it. Valentines Day isn’t especially romantic this year, but love could find you close to the Full Moon on the 24th. Leap Day, the 29th, is perfect for a proposal, as long as you’re not wearing rose-coloured glasses. Keep it real and either commit or quit.
For the first half of February, you might be spending more time at home or within your family. Close relations are linked to domestic bliss and you may enjoy making your surroundings more harmonious or beautiful. Yet, this could out to be a big month for your social life or your next steps as a parent. Your creative juices will kick in as you want to bring something new to life. Your identity could be undergoing a powerful change, as you start to see yourself differently. Romance is under the cosmic spotlight on the 22nd but rein in your spending. True love doesn’t have to cost you the earth.
You could find your voice as February gets underway, whether you’re writing, speaking or putting the world to rights. You’re likely to be more powerful in partnership than you are on your own. Home and family matters are under an intense cosmic spotlight. For example, you might be spending more time at home, for a specific reason. Or, perhaps you’re determined to move things forward in these key areas of your life. Consider how you can best empower the ones you love. When it comes to affairs of the heart, your situation could be changing fast. Perhaps, you have more than one romantic option.
Don’t go it alone financially this month. Instead, work closely alongside another person to secure your long-term financial future. Make your community and networking a priority, although it depends on your personal situation what you need. You might become a master of online marketing and promotion. Or, perhaps you take a step back from a key group in your life. One thing’s for sure, you’re going to be ringing the changes, as boredom is not an option. You could find love on your daily commute, especially if you’re being flirtatious on the 22nd. Take charge of family matters on the 28th.
You may feel as if the pressure is off you this month, whether you have less responsibility or you’ve moved away from a situation that was dominated by power and control. This might mean that you have less status or money at your fingertips. Yet, if you play your cards right, you could do well financially. Those Pluto conjunctions in your money sector on the 5th, 14th & 17th can go either way. Try not to spend recklessly or fritter your money away, whatever happens. You’re likely to feel more committed to a project or study course on or around the 28th. Speak up and build for the future.
‘Who holds the power’ is a good question to ask this month. You may be on turbo mode when it comes your personal goals. Alternatively, you’re quitting and closing a door on the past. Key dates to note are the 5th, 14th and 17th. Certainly, it’s a time when you may be keen to make an independent move and you’re ready to put yourself first. Perhaps, you’re letting go of something or someone connected to your home, family or a previous life. Love is a different ball game as it’s up to you whether love flourishes on the 22nd. Finally, when it comes to money, do the right thing or take the sensible option on the 28th.
Karma could catch up with you this month, so be honest about your past connections. Don’t be surprised to find an old foe emerging from the woodwork. Too much introspection or time alone may not be helpful, unless you have a deep and intense study project which requires total devotion. Switch off the news or social media and avoid the local gossip. The Sun’s move into your star sign Pisces on the 19th is a welcome diversion. It’s time to put yourself and your personal goals first. Commit to a long-term project on the 28th and hone your self-discipline. Say yes to creating your own happiness.
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Great insight as always Sally, it´s spot on for me (cancer sun and sagittarius rising)
Great news – and thank you 🙏
Spot on for me this month Sally, insightful horoscopes as always!