Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
There’s no point in holding back as September begins because action planet Mars is only in your star sign, Capricorn, until the 11th. You are, however, probably returning back to a personal project, goal or aim that you began in April or the first half of May earlier this year.
Perhaps you’ve been saving up or working out ways to fund a big event or project. Or maybe you realised the timing wasn’t right and you lost your mojo for a while. Mars represents passion, ambition and physical energy. When it’s in your star sign, you’re right to be assertive and competitive.
Another planetary factor that confirms you’re in charge is your planet Saturn turning direct in Capricorn on the 6th. You could step into a leadership position or take charge of your life in a significant way.
This is excellent for planning ahead and, if you’re a typical Capricorn, you know that you need a good business plan and strategy if you’re to make things happen. Give your ideas and dreams shape and form at this potentially successful time of year.
The one proviso is the 8th when Venus in Libra and your career sector clashes with Mars in Capricorn. Libra rules your career sector and this wouldn’t be an ideal time to fall out with someone in a position of influence. Keep on the right side of friends in high places.
Friendship is a powerful theme in your life at the moment and, in fact, has been for some time. This is because expansive Jupiter has been in Scorpio and your friendship and group sector since October 2017. This month, Jupiter teams up with power planet Pluto in your star sign Capricorn on the 12th.
This is an excellent time to use your connections and get back in touch with someone from your past. If you want to move on to the next stage in your career or current situation, you can’t do it alone.
Learn to schmooze other people, join in the right networks and come together with other people to work on a career project or a charitable cause. Politics, environmental and humanitarian issues are also under the cosmic radar.
This is a good move if you’re looking for love as Venus enters Scorpio and your friendship sector on the 9th, where it remains for the majority of the next four months.
This a passionate placing for Venus and you may be drawn towards someone you’ve known for some time or someone you’re working alongside on a daily basis. The 13th is particularly gorgeous for finalising a love or friendship deal.
September is also a good month to take yourself off somewhere different. Widen your perspective on life and shift around your routine. When you broaden your horizons, you see life through a new filter that can be revealing. The Sun is in Virgo and your travel and study sector until the 23rd but, more importantly, there’s a Grand Earth Trine which is exact on the 7th.
This is brilliant for brain-storming and generating positive ideas. It’s more about play than work and it pulls in communication planet Mercury, innovative Uranus and your ruling planet Saturn. If you’re a typical Capricorn, you know all about honouring the past and the importance of traditional ritual.
There’s a real opportunity now, however, to be progressive in your actions and to change what you do without throwing away what you’ve already created. This might mean tweaking study qualifications or reworking a creative project or masterpiece.
Go back to nature and be open to life’s inspiration, wherever it calls you. The more you explore life, the more you’re ready to implement what you learn later in the month. On the 22nd, Mercury enters Libra and your career sector followed by the Sun’s move into Libra on the 23rd, the day of the Equinox.
Plus, action planet Mars is back in Aquarius and your personal money sector from the 11th onwards. Work and money ideas come together beautifully and are potentially in flow, key dates 24th and 27th.
Again, there’s a hint that you have to change your way of doing things and let go of control. This will become evident at the Full Moon on the 25th which lights up your foundations. Fly high in September but ensure your safe base is ready and waiting before you take off.