Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
Some of the best planetary activity in October takes place for you at the start of the month. This is because both Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, are in your fellow earth sign Virgo until the 14th and 22nd respectively. Virgo rules travel and study in your chart, and the bigger picture.
Plus, Venus and Mars are at the same point in the zodiac on the 5th for the only time this year. This could prove special for a love relationship and it would be a good date to book a holiday or to sign up for a course. Look out too for a teacher or guru figure who can help you gain knowledge or learn something new.
In addition, power planet Pluto in your sign of Capricorn teams up with Mars on the 1st and Venus on the 3rd. This feels potentially transformational and it would be a good time to focus on your personal development or to pursue spiritual teaching.
If you’re the one who’s passing on knowledge or wisdom to others in the first few days of the month, you’re in tune with your stars, which means it’s likely to be a big success.
The trickiest few days with regard to travel, study and teaching are the 8th to the 11th as your ruling planet Saturn clashes first with Venus, then Mars. Saturn puts obstacles or limitations in your path when it makes a challenging planetary aspect. So take your time and don’t give more than you’re capable of. You might have to change your plans too, during this period.
One reason why you may need to remain flexible this month is because there’s a lot of planetary activity at the peak of your chart in the sign of Libra. The Sun’s here until the 23rd and communication planet Mercury is also in Libra until the 17th.
So there’s a strong focus on your career and vocation now, but it’s not a smooth month by any means. Firstly, the planet of opportunity, Jupiter, is getting ready to leave Libra and this part of your horoscope. In fact, on the 10th, Jupiter moves on.
This might coincide with someone leaving your place of work or perhaps a contract comes to an end or you recognise that you’re on the wrong path and it’s time to think again.
The Full Moon on the 5th will shed some light on your situation as it cuts across the Libra-Aries axis of the zodiac, highlighting your foundations. This could be a time when you’re having to juggle the work/life balance more than usual, but it’s also a good date for making a clear decision about your work and where you’re heading.
The 9th/10th may prove stressful as Pluto in your sign of Capricorn clashes with the Sun and Mercury in Libra. This again suggests that you may not be happy with your current situation and something’s got to give. Perhaps you have a boss you don’t get on with or you’re finding it hard to seek employment or gain promotion. Take a step back during this period to reflect on what’s not working but don’t push yourself overly.
Saturn, your ruler, teams up with Mercury and the Sun on the 13th and 16th, so here’s your opportunity to stand firm and to do what’s right for you. Any decision you make won’t be easy but you’ll recognise what needs to happen and why.
The next bumpy phase takes place from the 15th to the 19th when the planet Uranus in Aries and your home and family sector clashes with Mercury and the Sun in Libra and your career sector. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, so don’t hold on too rigidly to your plans during this period and get ready for anything.
There might be changes at home or perhaps you have to postpone work to look after someone close to you, a family member perhaps. You might want to step in too if someone you love is going through a tough time and needs extra help or support.
The 19th is the date of this month’s New Moon, a symbol of new beginnings and this too takes place in Libra. So all in all, this seems to a be a pivotal month for you when your plans are changing and you need to renegotiate what you’re doing and where you’re heading in the future.
Keep life as flexible as you can, be patient and trust that things will work out for the best. When one door closes, very often it’s because a new door is about to open. Note too that the planet of relating, Venus, and action planet Mars move into Libra on the 14th and 22nd respectively. This feels like handing over a baton to someone else or learning from someone new.
The big news this month is Jupiter’s move into Scorpio. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and good fortune, it represents expansion and luck and it spends one year in each sign of the zodiac. It’s been mentioned already that Jupiter’s leaving Libra and your career and status sector, and on the 10th, it enters the water sign Scorpio.
Scorpio rules your friends and group sector, so this is about bringing other people into your life. This could be because of changes at work and wanting more support or getting used to a new team.
Perhaps you’ve been too busy working recently and you’ve been neglecting your friends. You might want to make more of a difference out in the world, whether you’re keen to get involved in politics or lend your support to a charitable or social cause.
This is not a time to go it alone but instead to deepen your emotional connections. This is about creating strong attachments that cannot be broken.
Two dates stand out this month, the 18th and the 26th. Communication planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter on the 18th and the Sun and Jupiter unite on the 26th.
These are potentially lucky aspects that can bring in good news or introduce you to someone who will play a significant or influential role in your life. Scorpio is renowned for going in deep and this may be the start of a soul-mate encounter that’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.