Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
You’re in the driving seat as May gets underway as your ruling planet Saturn is in action on the 1st and 5th. However, the two aspects involved are oppositions and this suggests a certain amount of conflict or having to deal with matters that are challenging rather than easy.
Saturn is currently in the sector of your chart that rules friends, groups and the wider community. On the 1st, Saturn opposes Mars (action/libido) and on the 5th, Saturn opposes Mercury (communication) and both these planets are in Taurus, the sign that rules fun, creativity, children and romance.
Taurus is about all the good things in life, it’s where you kick back and enjoy yourself. So when Saturn opposes planets in Taurus, you have to ask what’s going on? Are you denying yourself certain pleasures or are you simply doing the sensible thing and looking after others, children in particular, abiding by the rules and playing fair. It’s your shout but do be honest with yourself and your motivations.
I suspect there’s one area of your life that is currently too strong to resist, whether it’s a love affair, a desire to start a family, a creative goal or something else that’s close to your heart. The first 10 days of May are building towards something special as on the 10th there’s a solar or New Moon eclipse in the sign of Taurus. This is the tipping point when you know exactly what you’re dealing with and more importantly can put the past behind you and start afresh.
Eclipses aren’t necessarily easy as someone or something can be ‘eclipsed’ from your life but they are powerful turning points. In the part of your chart that rules fun and good times, let’s hope this is a good omen which brings new impetus and a sense of renewal to your life. There are certainly enough of the personal planets stacked in Taurus as the month begins that suggest the time is right to chase what’s pleasurable.
In addition, Pluto, planet of transformation, is currently in your sign of Capricorn and supporting the Taurus planets. This brings a little magic your way and helps you change things in your life at a deep level. Self-understanding is Pluto’s reward, even if you need to trawl through some difficult stuff to seek out the nuggets of insight and self-realisation.
Mid-month the personal planets begin to shift signs and move into Gemini, ruling your work, routine and health. Venus (relating) is first on the 9th, followed by Mercury (mind) on the 15th and the Sun on the 20th. This is your cue to sort things out so your everyday lifestyle works as well as possible. If you’re looking for a job, it’s a brilliant month to surf the net, make new contacts and apply for work. There’s an exciting buzzy feel about this month’s events with some pleasant surprises and people willing to help you out. Whether you need to sort out childcare, you want a cleaner, you’d like advice on your health or to join a new fitness group, put strategies in place that help you achieve your goals.
The key to success in any of these areas is to ask for help and support and get good advice. Someone in your family may step in to assist you and the 18th and 21st look obliging. This could also be the perfect time to put the past behind you and let bygones be bygones where one family member’s concerned. If there’s a rift that needs healing, be spontaneous and speak up.
The best dates for work and health are the 27th/28th when Jupiter connects first with Mercury and then with Venus. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and opportunity, has been in this sector of your chart since June 2012 and at the end of next month will move on. So this is the grand finale and whatever you’ve been working towards or praying for, Jupiter often delivers. Expand your net wide and you can pull in a new job, more freedom, better pay or a clean bill of health. Jupiter’s influence is protective and acts as a blessing and hopefully there’s plenty of reason to celebrate.
The only shadow at month’s end is a second lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 25th. This cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and the Full Moon is square to watery Neptune. This feels deeply emotional but I wonder whether there’s a chance with this Full Moon to stop any worry or nagging doubts that have been giving you a hard time.
This may be as simple as changing your perspective on your situation, focusing on what’s positive about your life and making a decision to view the glass half full rather than half empty. It also suggests putting your own well-being first and letting go of anything that doesn’t serve you, bad habits and addictions included. Life’s short so why not choose to live your life as well as you can.
[artwork by Kitschensyngk at]
Thanks again Sal. Looking forward to May!
You’re welcomes, Berna. Always good to hear from you. Hope May’s good for you! best, Sallyx