Capricorn Monthly Stars March 2015

Chocolate bunniesCapricorn (22 December – 19 January)

It’s a big month coming up and one of the most important planetary events is the 7th and final Uranus-Pluto square taking place in the heavens.

This happens on March 17th and it’s an epic event astrologically as the first Uranus-Pluto square took place in June 2012 and its influence was felt a few years previously.

This is a key aspect for you as Pluto is in your sign of Capricorn and by now more than likely you know what it symbolises in your own life.

Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and change and Uranus is in Aries down at the base of your chart ruling your home, your family, your past and where you come from. Pluto is in Capricorn so this is personal and in particular Pluto targets your personal goals and ambitions, your image and appearance, how other people see you.

Together these two planets symbolise upheaval and change on a dramatic level and yet there are ways that you can work with the planetary pairing to at least try and make the best of this clash or conflict. The basic symbolism of the Uranus-Pluto square is out with the old and in with the new. Pluto’s the wipe-out planet and often Pluto represents decisions or events that are final, there’s no going back.

You might have experienced a falling out within your family or a sad loss over the last few years. Perhaps you’ve been itching for change and you’ve either moved or have felt restless. There might have been significant comings and goings at home, older children moving out, lodgers moving in, even a second family.

Pluto in your own sign represents an inner transformation, learning on a deep level. This can take you to dark places but when you emerge into the light, you see life differently. Link the symbolism to your own personal situation and know that whatever it’s meant for you over the last few years, this is the final hoorah. There’s a chance to close a door on the past in some way and to move on. New beginnings beckon.

Pluto is still strong for the first half of the month but the real action is in the sign of Aries as the relationship planets Venus and Mars are here until the 17th and 31st respectively and the Sun enters Aries on the 20th, the day of the equinox. There’s positive change going on at home this month and this is confirmed because of a brilliant planetary aspect that takes place on March 3rd.

This involves Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, in a stunning trine aspect to Uranus in Aries. Jupiter’s in Leo and the sector of your chart that rules joint finances and shared resources. It’s one of the more hidden sectors of your chart and it’s linked to the metaphysical realm. Along with Pluto in Capricorn, this is another indication that personal development and self-understanding can move along now at a fast rate of knots.

This month’s Jupiter-Uranus trine is the second of three aspects. The first aspect took place on September 25th 2014 and the third aspect will take place on June 22nd 2015. This is the middle one. It’s a brilliant symbol for a property move or receiving an inheritance, investment or cash bonus. If you’re thinking about going into business with a family member, do it. Joint ventures are highlighted too. Share resources or pool resources to make money go further. Think community.

One other important date for you this month with regard to these areas of your life is the 25th when the Sun in Aries is in a supportive trine aspect with your ruling planet Saturn in Sagittarius. This represents what’s going on behind the scenes, the repayment of a debt, a favour from someone in your past, good karma playing out. It might mean that you’re ready to put down roots, to settle again after a tumultuous few years. It feels grounding and calming for you.

The rest of the planetary activity this month takes place in the sign of Pisces, ruling communication, education and your local community. Your connections close to home matter a great deal when you have planets in this sector of your chart. The Sun is in Pisces until the 20th and Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the Sun here on the 13th.

Plus there are two gorgeous connections between the Sun & Mercury and Pluto in your sign of Capricorn on the 6th and 22nd. These combinations contain a little bit of magic within them. They’re powerful whether you experience a deep conversation with someone, your words have power or you experience a soul-mate connection.

This isn’t the month to go it alone but instead to build relationships and get to know new people in your local community. You might want to join a group close to home or team up with others and work together towards a mutual cause. Pisces is a caring and charitable sign that’s full of kindness and compassion. Reach out to others and notice when other people respond to you.

If you’re looking for love, this is a positive period to get to know someone in a meaningful way. Ask the right questions, be insightful, find out more about the person you’re interested in. Extend your social network and the right person will emerge. Plus on the 17th, Venus, the planet of love, enters Taurus, a fellow earth sign, and the most romantic sector of your chart.

This is a lovely settled energy and after the bluff and bravado of planets in fire signs, you’re more than ready to slow down the pace, to savour life and experiences, to enjoy simple pleasures and to nurture and nourish self and others. If you’re in a relationship or married, spend some quality time together walking, being affectionate, giving a massage, enjoying good food, being sensual.

The 24th is soft and gentle when Venus and Neptune, lower & higher octaves of one another, come together in a sextile aspect. Love and romance go hand in hand. The last day of the month, the 31st, Venus connects with Pluto in your own sign of Capricorn. A love transformation perhaps? There’s much to be grateful for and you’re craving a slower pace of life that grounds you and reconnects you to the earth.

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