Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
When it comes to love and relationships, it may feel difficult to get the balance right this month. At times you feel as if things are moving too quickly and at other times you feel as if everything has come to a halt.
There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, the planet Jupiter has been in your opposite sign of Cancer since last June and as Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and plenty, the relationship scene has been unusually lively.
Jupiter also rules freedom so even though some Capricorns will have tied the knot whilst Jupiter’s been in Cancer, others will have decided to move on from a relationship or marriage that was going nowhere. Jupiter’s now moving at a fast rate of knots in the final stages of it’s journey through the sign of Cancer and mid-July Jupiter moves on.
However, Mercury, the communication planet, starts the month in the sign of Cancer but on the 7th Mercury turns retrograde. The advice is clear. If you want to sort things out when it comes to love and have that important conversation, do it as soon as the month begins. Once Mercury turns direct on the 7th you may find that you’ve missed your opportunity, you change your mind or you’re unsure about what another person thinks or feels. Then you have to play a waiting game and it will only be later in the month that you know what’s what.
The Sun enters Cancer on the day of the Summer Solstice, the 21st, followed a few days later by a New Moon in Cancer, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. It’s only once Mercury’s back in Cancer, however, mid-July, that you or another person feel ready to speak up, say ‘I do’ or make an important commitment.
Hence the stop-start feel to love and relationships. It’s all about getting the timing right and being in sync with one another. It still can be a ‘summer of love’ but choose your moment carefully.
If you’re looking for new love, then it’s full steam ahead as Venus, planet of love and relationships, is in your fellow earth sign of Taurus until the 23rd. This is wonderfully sensual and indulgent and any new relationship will feel blessed. The trickiest time for love comes on the weekend of the 13th-15th when Saturn your ruler opposes Venus across the heavens.
Notice if you’re putting on the brakes when it comes to love or whether you’re simply dealing with reality or feel that you need to lay down some firm boundaries before a relationship can continue. It’s an emotional weekend as there’s a powerful Full Moon in the heavens and this month isn’t a time to be faint-hearted when it comes to love. Some bold decisions will be made and you’ll be ready for the next stage in your love life come mid-July.
This is also a big month for work and career matters and again there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, Mercury reverses into Gemini and your work sector on the 17th and for the last two weeks of the month you may find you’re in the dark or waiting on information. There could be mishaps or hold-ups and a general feeling of discontent.
Bide your time if this is the case and know that when Mercury turns direct on July 1st you’ll feel sure about what you’re doing, where you’re heading and why. This is also the date when you can make a major decision about work and what next.
Before then, the planet Mars in Libra and your career sector is in action. This is the third and final time that Mars will clash with the Uranus-Pluto square that’s pulling you in different directions. Mars has been in your career sector since December 2013 and this month is the third and final clash of Mars and the Titans of the sky. Think back to Christmas and New Year 2013 and Easter 2014, especially the 22nd/23rd April. Mars clashed with Pluto and Uranus on those two occasions and the third and final conflict takes place this month on the 14th and the 25th.
It depends on your current situation what this means for you but as Mars leaves Libra next month, this is the final stage in a project or work relationship. It may be a case of fighting for what you want and even taking on the boss or you could decide enough is enough and you don’t want to deal with any more aggro or difficulty at work. There is the possibility of retreat with Mars in Libra and refusing to do battle if that feels right for you but one way or another a door will be closed and you’ll be ready to move on.
If you have been slipping back into workaholic mode and this has affected your personal life, then this month you need to take stock and decide where your priorities lie. Same goes if there have been significant changes at home or within the family. Decide what’s going to work for all of you and the way the stars are angled this month, you are more likely to decide to put family and loved ones first.
Hi Sally, I really find your monthly stars the most accurate around. Keep up the good work. :0)
Thanking you. best, Sally
Hi Sally, I really find your monthly stars the most accurate around. Keep up the good work. :0)
The job I started last december with Mars on my Libra 10th house had a boss with the worst temper of all! The final straw was 14th as you said. Couldn’t deal with his ridiculous aggression anymore and I was just done and was ready to move on just like in one moment. I don’t know how I didn’t for so long! Glad this is over for me and I’m looking forward to the next chapter. And I will never take a new job when Mars in Libra never again, LOL.
Well, that’s something to bear in mind but also remember that this Mars in Libra period has been made more tricky as Mars turned retrograde in Libra from March 1st-May 20th 2014. Usually Mars only remains in one sign of the zodiac for two months rather than seven! Thanks for your comments again. It’s always great to hear of the astrology playing out exactly, even when it is painful! As you say, you’ll be more cautious next time. best, Sally
The job I started last december with Mars on my Libra 10th house had a boss with the worst temper of all! The final straw was 14th as you said. Couldn’t deal with his ridiculous aggression anymore and I was just done and was ready to move on just like in one moment. I don’t know how I didn’t for so long! Glad this is over for me and I’m looking forward to the next chapter. And I will never take a new job when Mars in Libra never again, LOL.
Well, that’s something to bear in mind but also remember that this Mars in Libra period has been made more tricky as Mars turned retrograde in Libra from March 1st-May 20th 2014. Usually Mars only remains in one sign of the zodiac for two months rather than seven! Thanks for your comments again. It’s always great to hear of the astrology playing out exactly, even when it is painful! As you say, you’ll be more cautious next time. best, Sally