Capricorn Monthly Stars July 2014

StarfishCapricorn (22 December-19 January)

Two important planets make a significant move this month and after June when life was on hold in one shape or form, you sense that July is a month when you can make some big decisions. This is confirmed as the Full Moon on the 12th falls in your sign of Capricorn.

This is the halfway point through your zodiac year from the New Moon in Capricorn to the Full Moon in your sign. This indicates a chance to take stock and look at how far you’ve come since your last birthday. What’s worked, what hasn’t worked; where have you achieved the most and what do you want to do differently. The Full Moon is perfect for making a decision by tuning in to your emotions. Check that your head and heart are in alignment before you act.

A few days after the Full Moon on the 16th, the planet Jupiter is on the move and it leaves behind your opposite sign of Cancer and moves into Leo. Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and Jupiter has been in your opposite sign since June 2013.

This has put the spotlight on relationships, your 1-to-1’s, both personal and professional. Jupiter is the planet of luck and opportunity and is associated with plenty. It’s the planet of freedom and when you have Jupiter in your relationship sector, you are given an opportunity to remove yourself from a difficult relationship, to choose to be single or to fall head over heels in love. For some, Jupiter in Cancer will have coincided with a marriage or a second honeymoon.

It’s not all been a smooth flow whilst Jupiter’s been in Cancer, however, as Jupiter has had to contend with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that’s dominated the heavens since 2012. Pluto is in your own sign of Capricorn and for some this means having to start over on a personal level. Uranus is down at the bottom of your chart, shaking your roots and making you feel unsettled. You may have decided to move and follow someone you love or the opposite and leave an established relationship.

Any major issues continue to reverberate throughout July as the Sun in Cancer clashes with Uranus and Pluto on the 4th-8th, then it’s Mercury’s turn from the 22nd-25th and finally Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto on the 28th. Put this all together and you’re ripe for making a big decision that will affect a romantic or business relationship. Either that or someone makes the decision for you.

The houses of your chart follow on from each other so even though Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo, the focus remains on other people and in particular joint finances and shared resources. This is the settling-down period, creating a joint bank account and learning to live alongside each other and enjoy all that entails. Leo rules your 8th house which is also the house of sex and intimacy so think next stages and getting serious about love.

Of course, this doesn’t have to only apply to a personal relationship and you may be ready to start a business partnership or work alongside one other person in a specific role in your life. A lawyer, an agent, a personal trainer, a therapist – these are some of the options. When Jupiter is in Leo, it’s the perfect time to get expert advice, especially when it comes to finances or legal matters. Jupiter’s a global planet so there are no restrictions and you can expand your circle of expertise.

This month you know what Jupiter in Leo represents for you on the last weekend when the Sun and Jupiter connect in Leo on the 24th followed by a New Moon in the same sign on the 26th. This is a cause for a celebration or the chance to attend a conference or workshop to improve your learning especially one that’s finance- or business-related. Follow your passion as Leo is the sign of creativity and celebration. Plus there’s an opportunity to boost your cash flow or your investments or to clear your debt over the coming year. The key is to work alongside others and think collaboration rather than competition.

The other major planetary movement this month concerns Mars, planet of action, which is currently in Libra, the sign up at the top of your chart ruling your career and vocation. Mars has been in Libra since December 2013 so this relates to a project you started around then. Mars isn’t comfortable in Libra as it has to drag his heels, take other people into account and can’t get on with the business at hand. You may have felt more frustrated or irritated with your work situation whilst Mars has been in Libra.

Mars leaves Libra on the 26th and throughout July it picks up speed and there’s a real opportunity to clinch a deal, grab a promotion or sort out your career to your advantage. This coincides with Mercury turning direct in Gemini and the other work sector of your chart. This takes place on the 1st so from then on in it’s full steam ahead whether you’re wrapping up a project or you’re busy finalising new work arrangements. There may be lots of paperwork to get through and a wealth of new information that comes to light once Mercury picks up speed.

Mercury remains in Gemini until the 13th but is joined by Venus in Gemini until the 18th. These two planets are the sociable personal planets so another sign that you get more done when you work alongside others or socialise with colleagues. Learn to delegate or run a team successfully and you achieve so much more. If you run your own business, this would be a brilliant opportunity to employ a VA or someone to help you with social media or marketing.

The top dates for work-related matters are the 7th and the 13th when Venus connects with first Uranus and then Mars in a harmonious aspect. Whatever you wish to do; work from home, move offices or change your living space to ease your working day, here’s your chance.

The other big news for you is Saturn your ruling planet turning direct in Scorpio on the 20th. Scorpio rules friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network so this backs up the theme of collaboration that’s dominant throughout July. Mars joins Saturn in Scorpio on the 26th where it stays until September 13th 2014 and this is your cue to take charge. Mars is strong and powerful in Scorpio so whether you need to lay down boundaries within a group or friendship situation or whether you’re asked to step up and take the lead, the stars are calling you out and it’s well worth heeding their call.

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