Capricorn Monthly Stars July 2013

Capricorn MandalaCapricorn (22 December-19 January)

We’re at the halfway point of the year and this is a key month for many of you Capricorns for a number of reasons. Firstly your planet Saturn turns direct on the 8th July after being retrograde, i.e. on go slow since mid-February. Often when your ruling planet turns direct, you find yourself ready to change tack and turn things around in your own life.

Saturn is in Scorpio and the part of your chart that rules friendships, groups, clubs and society in general. Whatever major decision you make now, it won’t affect you alone but other people you’re connected with.

Saturn is thought of as the planet that urges you to commit or quit so you may be making up your mind about your role within a group or network. This could focus on friends, like-minded people or be about your role in the world in politics or our changing society.

At times this month you may feel as if other people have the upper hand and their decisions impact on your own, like it or not. This is often the case when you have a stack of planets in your opposite sign as your influence or energy is weakened somewhat. As the month begins, the Sun (self), Mercury (communication) and Jupiter (opportunity) are all in Cancer and on the 13th they’re joined by Mars (action).

Cancer is the sign that rules your one-to-one relationships, both personal and professional and the most interesting planet in the pack is Jupiter. Jupiter spends one year in each sign of the zodiac and last month it entered Cancer where it remains until next summer. This is where your opportunities lie so for some of you this is a year when you’ll get married, meet your soul-mate or form a new and invigorating business partnership. Teaming up with others benefits you.

Especially where romance is concerned, however, you may doubt that this is going to be a year of success. There are a couple of reasons for this astrologically and the first is the fact that Mercury is retrograde in Cancer, i.e. on go slow until the 20th. This means that you don’t have the whole picture where love and relationships are concerned and someone may be deliberately keeping information from you.

It’s not a great time for honest and open communication and in fact, you’re wise to go with the flow for now and wait and see what occurs on or around the 20th when Mercury turns direct. This is the time to have that important conversation and in addition new information will come to light which gives you a clearer picture about your situation.

Mars is also an important planet to consider because it ups the passion factor but makes love and relationships potentially argumentative too. Certainly it’s a time when you’re likely to confront issues rather than avoid them and Mars does at least allow you to clear the air.

However, for many of you, this is an exciting time for relationships and the turn-around period is from the 17th-22nd July. This is when there’s a Grand Water Trine of planets including Jupiter in Cancer, your ruler Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This Grand Water Trine is followed by a second water trine involving Mars in Cancer. Water signs rule the emotions so expect a double or even triple of dose of strong feelings and passionate emotion.

If you’re in a relationship that no longer works for you, this is your chance to let go and move on. Jupiter is after all the planet of freedom. As these water trines coincide with Mercury’s direct motion, it may be news that you hear on or around the 20th that makes you realise where your heart lies and what’s most important to you when it comes to love and close relationships.

This has the makings of being a month of revelation for you. Water signs are all about trusting your intuition and doing what feels right rather than what you think is right. Put your own needs first and steer your boat in the direction of your choosing.

This month also sees the Uranus/Pluto square in action again and this is important for you as Pluto is in your own sign of Capricorn. It’s an ongoing planetary event but each time it’s in action, there’s a chance to learn more and implement the lessons learned into your own life.

Uranus is down at the base of your chart making life unpredictable for some especially where home and family are concerned. Pluto’s the transformation planet and it takes you down into the depths to offer deep insight and understanding. It’s not without its painful insights, however, but when you emerge you’re often wiser and stronger having shed a skin and to some extent at least being reborn.

The key dates this month are the 2nd-4th July and the 27th July-1st August. Take a deep breath and face your current challenges head on. The support of other people will be there for you so turn to friends and family and lean on them whenever you need them.

Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign for a full prediction. If you don’t know your Ascendant but know your time of birth, send me your birth data (date, time, place of birth) and I’ll let you know your Ascendant (the sign that was rising on the horizon when you were born). If you’re born on the cusp and you’re unsure of your Sun sign, send me your birth data and I’ll confirm it for you. I’m here to help.

[photo from]

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