Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
Happy New Year! This is your time of year and with both the Sun and Mercury, planet of communication, in your sign of Capricorn until the 19th, it’s time not only to celebrate but also to focus on you and what you want from the year ahead.
It’s important to look at the year that’s past and acknowledge what you’ve achieved, consider what you’d like to do differently and whether anything didn’t work out and what you can do to change that.
For some of you, especially if you’re born on or around New Years Eve, this is a major time of transformation as Pluto, the planet associated with deep change, is in your sign.
In mythology, Pluto is God of the underworld which symbolises intense experiences, things that happen which take you deep within yourself or expose you to the darker side of life. It’s not an easy planet as Pluto sometimes negates what it touches but it’s a powerful planet and like the mythical phoenix which rises from the ashes, your greatest learning and wisdom come via difficulty or soul-searching.
So expect life to feel intense now especially on or around the 6th when Mercury teams up with Pluto and on the 17th when Venus, planet of love and relating, teams up with Pluto. Whatever you feel strongly about, delve more deeply into it. Your words have power and you may gain profound insight into love and relationships or the power games that take place between you and a second party. This is your chance to get your relationships right, both personal and professional, and to ensure that you’re on an equal footing with the people in your life. If you’re not, what needs to happen and where can you make changes that will benefit you?
This is a key month for love as on the 9th, Venus enters Capricorn where it remains until the beginning of February. When Venus is in your sign, it becomes more important to look good so you feel good and subsequently attract people to you. You have a magnetic quality with Venus in your sign and especially with Pluto strong too, this is potentially seductive. Be mysterious and elusive but if you want someone, let him/her know. The 10th feels especially romantic.
There may be some issues around home or family and this is likely to be an ongoing situation. Unpredictable Uranus is down at the base of your chart and this means that you may swing wildly between wanting to be with family and then not, getting on, then falling out, then making up. Uranus is a sudden energy, things happen quickly and without forethought. It may be someone in your family whose impulsive behaviour causes problems and you need to be careful about asking for family’s advice, as you won’t always hear what you want to.
In fact, if you’re looking for support, it’s a good idea to turn to an old friend, someone who knows you well and whose friendship is steady and stable. Saturn, your planet, is currently in your friendship sector, putting the spotlight on associates, groups and clubs. If you’re feeling at all lonely, this is a good month to reach out to others and make some new resolutions to find people of like minds and to do more of what you enjoy.
Saturn and Pluto are in each other’s signs and they’re working together in a helpful way. It is a heavy energy, however, and you need people around you who understand you and who are there for you. It’s through your interactions with others that you can learn the most about yourself.
This month’s New Moon falls in your sign of Capricorn on the 11th, a great day for new beginnings and making a fresh start, whether personally or professionally. There’s a fast energy around work and money matters with Mars, planet of action, in your cash sector throughout the month and Jupiter, planet of opportunity, in your work sector. These two come together on the 4th, an enthusiastic combination, and suggest that the more dynamic and go-getting you are, the more opportunity comes your way.
The Sun and Mercury enter Aquarius and your money sector on the 19th and a brilliant week for finding work or making progress with your routine is the week beginning 21st. The Full Moon in Leo on the 27th cuts across the financial axis of your chart and with Jupiter turning direct on the 30th, this promises good fortune and new developments with work that help you feel you’re right on track.
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