Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
Venus, the planet that rules love and money, is now direct in your sign of Capricorn where it’s been since early November 2013. The planets suggest that the end of January was a significant turning point for you and Venus’ progress through your sign this month is steady and stable after a period when perhaps you’ve been in the dark or been dealing with deep and dark emotions.
Venus is the feel good planet and when you look good you feel good so it’s an excellent month to focus on your appearance, your health and your well-being. Venus in your sign brings popularity your way so make the most of this especially if you’re looking for love.
All relationships benefit from Venus in your sign and the key date for you this month is the 25th when Venus connects with your ruler Saturn in an easy sextile aspect. Saturn is currently in Scorpio ruling friends and groups in your chart so you may find that your affection for a friend deepens on or around this date or you meet someone new via a friend’s introduction. Love and friendship are linked.
Another planet that’s currently boosting your love life is Jupiter, planet of opportunity, in your opposite sign of Cancer. Jupiter is known as the lucky planet so again if you want to find love, don’t stay home alone but be more sociable and use the internet, friends or your place of work to let people know you’re available and looking for love.
Jupiter makes one major planetary aspect this month and that’s a square aspect to Uranus in Aries down at the base of your chart on the 26th. Together these two planets represent throwing out the rule book and doing things differently. You may feel inclined to seek out a childhood sweetheart on the internet or someone else from your past. You may make a bold decision to move in with a new love and set up home together. There may be a shock or a surprise around a relationship but life’s urging you to take a risk and see what unfolds.
Jupiter is especially strong in Cancer and adds a protective influence even though Uranus can be unpredictable and brings about change. As this aspect falls in between the Venus/Saturn connection and Mercury turning direct, don’t be surprised if by being spontaneous and living life to the full, you can turn events in the direction of your choosing. Yes, it’s a gamble but if you feel inclined to take a risk in love, it may well come off.
So, if Mercury’s turning direct on the 28th, it must also be turning retrograde, i.e. be on go slow and this is the case on the 6th. Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces and your communication sector on this date so back up your important data before the 6th and initiate any key conversations on the first weekend of the month. After that it may feel as if you’re communicating under water and trying to get a clear picture of what’s going on could be confusing to say the least.
There’s a poetic quality to your words or speech with Mercury in Pisces but it will be difficult to make much sense or be able to get your point across throughout February. So leave the important conversations until later and know that when Mercury turns direct, new information often comes to light that makes you glad you didn’t try too hard beforehand.
Money matters too are influenced by the Mercury retrograde period as Mercury moves back through the zodiac into Aquarius on the 13th, the sign that rules your personal finances. In addition, your ruler Saturn squares the Sun in Aquarius on the 11th and Mercury in Aquarius on the 19th. Both these factors suggest that you’re unable to get your own way financially and if anything you’re wise to hold tight to your money for a while yet.
If you were hoping to be paid money either by a friend or a group who owes you cash, you need to be patient and will have to wait until closer to the end of the month to receive any monies owed. Put off the big financial decisions until next month and don’t allow yourself to be rushed into any cash transaction that you’re not happy about.
If you know that your work situation is about to change, then that’s another reason to be more cautious with regard to spending. Mars, the action planet, is currently up at the top of your chart ruling your career and you can make great strides this month at work but for some, you’ll be slowing down from next month onward. If this is the case, pace yourself accordingly.
The best time for both work and money matters this month will be the weekend of the 15th/16th when you may be able to make some key progress with regard to your goals and ambitions and you may experience a sense of clarity regarding your money situation. This is because there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across your money axes on the 14th. Listen out for a ‘light bulb’ moment and look out for a man who can help improve your work or cash situation.