Capricorn Monthly Stars December 2012

Capricorn Month of JanuaryCapricorn (22 December-19 January)

Mars, the action planet, is firmly established in your sign of Capricorn as the month begins and it remains here until Boxing Day, the 26th. Mars is strong in Capricorn; it’s focused, determined and ambitious. Your sign of Capricorn provides the ground rules and discipline for Mars to make things happen. So the focus is on you and thinking about your personal goals and ambitions for the year ahead.

You can achieve a lot this month with Mars strong and some of you will be working hard. However, Mars doesn’t make any connections with the other planets so you may feel as if you’re having to do things on your own, carrying too much responsibility or at times feel absorbed in your own development and your path in life.

You may feel as if your friends are on one track in life and you’re on a separate track that runs parallel but doesn’t meet or connect. You may feel as if you’re changing and that inevitably means you don’t have as much in common with some of your close friends as you used to. With Saturn your planet in your friendship sector for the next couple of years, it’s ultimately a slow process but you will find yourself drawn towards new or different groups of people. As you change, so do your close relationships.

The start of the month finds you making some key decisions about friendships or a group in which you’ve been involved. Since October, the picture’s been blurred or unclear. There may have been problems with a specific group or club or association in your life, not enough members, too many chiefs and not enough indians, or no-one willing to take on a position of leadership. If you’ve been unsure about your own involvement or whether to say Yes to a new role or group, the first 10 days of the month are your chance to resolve any issue or problem. You now know what you need to do and through talking with others, friends included, you can decide where to lend your support and who gets your vote.

One of the challenges for you this month is finding a healthy work-life balance. Three of the personal planets move through the sign before yours, Sagittarius, throughout the month and this turns your attention inward. Often you require more quiet time when planets are hidden away in your chart, either to think and reflect or to rest and recuperate. The spiritual side of Christmas can sometimes be forgotten but if you turn inward you will know what’s important to you and whether you personally desire a closer connection with your own God, spiritual or otherwise.

For some, you may simply find that burning the candle at both ends, trying to meet work commitments and keep your family happy is exhausting. This can often be a crazy time of year and it does look as if you will struggle to get the balance right at times. If anything, you’re wise to prioritise some periods of rest, relaxation and days when you have nothing scheduled in the diary. Look after no. 1 and consider whether there’s anything you can do to ensure your well-being and to live a healthy and happy life.

Surprises come your way this month too especially around family, whether its good news for someone close or an unexpected visit or contact from a relative. Family arrangements may chop and change so be flexible but there are also blessings and happiness to be had where family is concerned.

Finally, this could be an interesting month for love and if you’re in a relationship or married, this may be one area of your life that’s changing. The end of a year is always a time to consider whether you’re happy in love and what you’d like to do differently. A powerful Full Moon on the 28th falls in the sign of Cancer and your love and relationship sector symbolising the end of a cycle and a sense of completion. It’s a good day to make a key decision about love and your emotions are heightened.

There is a possibility that you may be involved in an affair or have a secret infatuation for someone close, perhaps a friend. The Full Moon is a time to be honest with yourself and others and decide what the honourable thing to do is and the best outcome for everyone concerned. It’s a chance to get things right in your life and to ensure that you start 2013 the way you mean to go on. Live an authentic life and enjoy this Christmas season and the start of a brand New Year.

[photo from]

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