Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
The 1st day of the month is an important one for you as Venus, the planet of love, is in your opposite sign of Cancer and your relationship sector.
Your 1-to-1 relationships have been caught up in the Cardinal Grand Cross that’s dominated the heavens in the first part of 2014. If you’ve felt stuck in a situation or your own destiny has been inextricably intertwined with someone close to you, things now begin to shift.
On the 1st, Venus clashes with Uranus in Aries down at the bottom of your chart but also connects in a helpful way with Saturn in Scorpio. You can get rid of a problem that stops you fulfilling the potential of your love life. Whether it’s an issue to do with your home, your family or your past, this is the final goodbye and there’s a chance to move on.
Venus and Saturn promise a lasting love and for some this is a chance to make a commitment, get together with an old friend or simply be clear about what you want and need in a 1-to-1 relationship. Sweep out unpredictable elements in your life and know that constancy and loyalty either in love or friendship are essential ingredients for you when it comes to long-lasting happiness.
Friendships in general are intense this month with Mars powering through Scorpio and the sector of your chart that rules friends, groups and social networks. This is where you find your ruling planet Saturn and on the one hand this means you need to take the lead with regard to a key group in your life and on the other hand it’s important to recognise your deeper emotions and be truthful about your association with a group or one friend in particular.
The intensity levels are cranked up and if you are aware that you’ve been feeling any anger or resentment towards a friend or group in which you’re involved, here’s your chance to deal with it. In fact, if you do try and ignore what you’re feeling, you can’t as it’s the equivalent of a volcano waiting to erupt.
Take note of what happens on or around the 5th and 7th when Saturn connects with Chiron and Mars connects with Neptune. Both Chiron and Neptune are in Pisces, the sign that rules communication in your chart. This has the potential to be deeply healing and whether you’re asking someone for forgiveness or vice versa, this can be an emotional connection that’s powerful and releasing.
Another key date for friendships is the 15th when again you’re given an opportunity to take charge or take the lead in some way and deal with a problem that may go back to late 2012.
Finally, Mars and Saturn conjoin in the heavens on the 25th, the day of the New Moon in Virgo, and this feels significant for you. You may decide to step up to a new role within your community or group of friends or you finally see a way out of a position or role that’s restricting you. The decision you make on or around the 25th allows you to be free and move on at the end of the year. You may be saying Yes or No but when it comes to a friendship, group or social network, it’s whatever is right for you that matters. This is about your tribe and community.
This month there’s also a strong emphasis on the sign of Leo ruling joint finances and money transactions. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, entered Leo in mid-July where it remains until August 2015. This is a real chance for you to build some strong alliances that help boost you financially. It may be a new business partnership or starting a new savings scheme or investment.
Look at what comes your way this month especially on the 2nd when Mercury, planet of communication, connects with Jupiter. This can bring in good news or a lucky opportunity or meeting that adds value to your life. Another key date is the 8th when there’s a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo, a brilliant day for a meeting or interview, either with the bank manager, a financial adviser or someone close to you who you can work alongside to improve your cash flow.
Big money is linked to your home, your family and/or your past on the 8th and the weekend of 9th/10th is extra special. There’s a Full Moon on this date that cuts across the Aquarius/Leo axis of your horoscope and your money sectors. You can make a savvy decision mid-month that either helps you out financially or helps another group of people. It may involving cutting your losses as you’ve come to the end of the road with one agreement but either way, it’s worth your while taking the time to consider all your options so you make the right decision.
It’s a powerful Full Moon and even though what you decide won’t be a popular choice for everyone, your sense of fair play will prevail and you’ll use your logic and business acumen to move things forward.
The energy shifts from mid-month onwards as Mercury enters your fellow earth sign of Virgo on the 15th and the Sun joins Mercury on the 23rd. Don’t be surprised if you find that you’re eager and keen to have a break or get away from your everyday surroundings towards the end of August. Virgo rules travel, study and any activity that broadens your mind and your experience of life. Whatever you begin on or around the New Moon of the 25th has magic within it and new surroundings offer you a much-needed change of perspective.