This is an important month for you, Capricorn, especially with regard to your status, career and vocational goals. Your planet Saturn has been in Libra up at the top of your chart influencing these areas of your life since October 2009. Saturn’s now on the last leg of this journey and moves on early October 2012.
This month and last, Saturn’s been joined by the action planet Mars which suggests one final push on a project or chapter that began three years ago. Mars is the planet of drive and ambition and Mars and Saturn together can create great things although sometimes they cancel each other out and this produces delays, frustration or a lack. So it depends on your personal situation how this has been for you although as Saturn is your planet, discipline, structure and hard work are your friends.
Mars and Saturn meet in the heavens on the 15th and this is pivotal. It either suggests an ending, time to close a door and move on, or one final shove and push to achieve what you’ve been working towards for the last three years. It feels as if it’s the end of an era or an acceptance of the way your career’s played out. After the 15th you may decide to spend less time in the public eye and to step down from a position of responsibility.
If you are planning to move on in some way in your career, it’s perfect timing or if a difficult boss is on the way out, the same applies. Finally, if you’re celebrating a major achievement, good for you and well done with your dedicated application to the task at hand.
For some of you, there’s more money on the way this month and it could appear as early as the 2nd. This is when there’s a Full Moon cutting across your financial axis which feels positive as it makes a helpful aspect to the planet of prosperity Jupiter. Jupiter in Gemini throws your working life wide open and can boost your health and fitness levels too. A new set of colleagues or employees, more time for yourself, a sense of freedom at work; Jupiter can offer any or all of these things.
On the 8th, Mercury, the planet of communication, turns direct in Leo and your finance sector after three weeks on go slow. Mercury turned retrograde on July 19th and invariably brings delays or frustration, a sense of waiting for events to turn in your favour. When Mercury picks up speed on the 8th, listen out for good news or cash coming to you via a bonus, investment, inheritance or other financial scheme.
Later in the month, Mercury teams up with Uranus and Jupiter on the 18th and 22nd respectively for the 3rd time. This promises a second or third chance with regard to money, whether it involves your family, a property deal or a new job. Listen out for a pleasant surprise on these dates and take advantage of past connections to try again with an idea or scheme that didn’t work out first time around. Look back to late June or early July to see what was put in place back then and where in life you and your family can benefit financially or with regard to work.
Another promising date is the 17th when the New Moon takes place in Leo as this links helpfully to your ruling planet Saturn. This is a wonderful date for positive developments on both the work and money fronts.
But it’s not all about work or money this month as Venus, planet of love, moves into your opposite sign of Cancer on the 7th. This puts the spotlight on relationships and finding love. If you’re single, pencil the 26th in your diary as a potentially passionate date night and if you’re married or in a relationship, it’s the 9th that promises romance. Kind words or loving communication improve a relationship dramatically and it’s important to reassure each other of your love if you’re keen for your relationship to prosper.
The 15th/16th suggests a challenge to love or a confrontation when Venus clashes with the Uranus/Pluto square. This seems to be about what’s happening with you personally and how changes within your own family or your past have an impact on your esteem or self-understanding. If ultimatums are issued, one of you may need to close a door on the past before you can move forward sharing common goals and a vision for the future. Once you overcome this hurdle or obstacle blocking the path of true love, you can begin to enjoy yourself once more.
Finally, the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd and you benefit from travel or a course of study. Plus Mars enters Scorpio and if you’re looking for love, bear in mind that friendship and love are linked whether you fall for someone you know or an introduction from a friend leads to new love. Mars’ move also confirms that this month, less work and more play is what’s needed to ensure a healthy work/life balance.
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