Capricorn Monthly Stars April 2015

pussy willowCapricorn (22 December – 19 January)

There’s a lot going on in the heavens as soon as April begins. We’re heading for a powerful Lunar Eclipse on the 4th, Easter weekend, and this is a potential game-changer for you as it falls across the Aries/Libra axis, the foundations of your chart.

Libra is at the peak of your chart ruling your career & vocation, your status and reputation. It represents where you’re heading in life. Aries is down at the bottom of your chart ruling your home & family, your past. It represents where you come from. Eclipses are shadowy and they often bring hidden themes to light.

A Lunar Eclipse is ultimately about balance; how do you get the balance right between home and work? One thing we know about the Libran scales is that they are rarely evenly balanced and they continually shift as your own life changes.

This is part of a bigger eclipse cycle that began in October 2013 and continues until March 2016. In this time you might be making some big changes to the way you work or your personal work/life balance. Taking care of the people you love, children or parents, also affects the balance of your work/life scales.

This month’s eclipse is particularly punchy as it links in to the Uranus-Pluto square. This major configuration in the heavens is coming to an end and the 7th and final square aspect took place on March 17th. Yet this Easter weekend it’s still in play and brings a sense of urgency to a decision, announcement or significant lifestyle change.

It might help to look back six months as there was a similar eclipse on October 8th 2014 which took place at 15 Aries/Libra. This month’s eclipse takes place at 14 Libra/Aries so at a similar place in the heavens. Plus Mercury, the communication planet, is also in Aries and in action during the eclipse period.

Mercury in Aries is the straight talker, fiery and impulsive. This indicates that if you or someone close initiates an important discussion over Easter, it could quickly develop into a heated debate. You or someone close might say something you regret if you speak without thinking.

Yet the stars do suggest that you need to bring things out into the open but it’s how you go about it that’s important. Plus there is a really helpful and supportive aspect concerning Jupiter, the protective planet and the planet of opportunity. Jupiter is currently in Leo and the sector of your chart that rules joint finances and shared resources. Wherever in your life, you have money and/or emotional ties, then it’s no longer just about ‘you’ but about ‘we’.

Prosperity can be abundant for you but not if you go it alone. Money is more likely to come to you via other people, perhaps linked to your family, your home or your past or via business partners and joint ventures. If you’re feeling healthy and wealthy financially, then you might be discussing what to do with your money, where to spend it. This could include helping family or investing in property or business.

Tradition states that you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action or making an important decision. Let things settle for a few days before you ask for a loan, make a big payment, decide what to do about work/home/lifestyle changes.

Jupiter is in action on the 2nd when there’s a glorious Sun-Jupiter trine linking home & family with your finances but the best dates to act are the 6th and the 8th when first Mercury is trine Jupiter and then Jupiter turns direct in the heavens. It’s full steam ahead for Jupiter after the 8th until August 2015 and this is your chance to turn your financial situation around to improve your lot.

Work things out with the people you love and the people you are connected to through your work. The eclipse might throw in an unexpected announcement or event but Jupiter’s on your side so use your wise business head and make sound decisions.

The 10th and 18th bring new developments on the home and family front when first the Sun and Mercury come together, a symbol of good news, and second there’s a New Moon in Aries on the 18th. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. Any home or family-related project gets a big thumbs up mid-month.

There is strong emphasis this month on the sign of Taurus, a fellow earth sign. As the month begins, the relationship planets Venus and Mars are in Taurus and this feels sensual and potentially romantic. If you’re looking for love, this is a key month to get out there and let others know that you’re available. The 12th and 29th are ripe for a romantic conversation.

Mercury enters Taurus on the 14th followed by the Sun on the 20th and this is your cue to do more of what you love. Taurus rules love affairs, children, creativity, entertainment; in fact all the good things in life. This is a fertile time of year when the seeds you sow can prosper and flourish.

Keep your eye on the ball with regard to your everyday lifestyle, your regular work and health as Venus graces this sector of your chart from the 11th. You’re going to be extra busy over the next few months so set things up well now. Get other people on your side, work as a team, look after your health and adopt new healthy habits. Take life easy if you can and kick back a little and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

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2 thoughts on “Capricorn Monthly Stars April 2015”

  1. Hi Sally,

    You mentioned cardinal signs within the degrees of 14-16. Well, I am a capricorn 27degrees, moon in cancer 21 but my mid-heaven is 17 Libra, and I have Aries at 17 on the 4th house. Will I feel the affect also since I am 17 degrees.
    I have been thinking of buying a house but unsure where to move to.

    Your insight and clarity would be greatly appreciated.


    1. This eclipse is slightly wide for your 17 degree IC/MC (4th/10th house). Yet see what comes in this weekend – look out for signs that point you in a new direction. Uranus is often date-specific so note when Uranus is exact on your IC. I would suggest that’s when you’ll be on the move. Right now, it’s de-cluttering and tying up loose ends that’s most important for you. Have a clear out physically and emotionally so you create a clear space. Then moving will be easier. Hope that helps. best, Sally

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