Capricorn Monthly Horoscope July 2015

girl-768686_1280Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

The Sun is in your opposite sign of Cancer as the month begins and the Full Moon which takes place on July 2nd is an important one for you as it falls in your sign of Capricorn.

This highlights relationships and your one-to-one negotiations. During the Full Moon, the Sun in Cancer opposes the Moon in Capricorn. Immediately there’s a theme of polarity.

What’s important to remember about the Full Moon is that both the Sun and the Moon have equal dominance. The Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night. It’s the same in relationships, i.e. you need to find a balance whereby you can support each other equally. Trust your intuition at the Full Moon. When the light of the moon is at its brightest, you see your situation with clarity. This is a powerful date to make a key relationship decision.

Two other planets are in Cancer and your opposite sign throughout July. The first of these is Mars, the planet of passion and anger, which remains here throughout the month. This indicates that relationships are urgent i.e. you need to pay attention to them. The pace of relationships quickens and heats up with Mars fanning the flames.

When Mercury joins the party from the 8th until the 23rd, this is the time to talk. Mercury rules communication and you can’t avoid dealing with relationship issues now, either personal or professional. This area of your life is under scrutiny and whoever is pushing for answers, whichever end of the relationship axis is heavy or dominant, you have to confront what’s going on.

Yet it’s wise to choose your battles carefully and not to get involved in arguments for the sake of it. This applies both at home and at work. The key dates when tensions rise are the 15th to the 19th and the weekend of the 25th/26th. This is when Mars and Mercury clash with the Uranus/Pluto square.

Pluto is in your sign of Capricorn ruling you, your personal goals and ambitions, and Uranus is in Aries down at the base of your chart, ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. So this is personal and for some, this is not a new situation but something that’s been foreground in your life for months if not years.

Whether it’s an issue around family, a power struggle at work, a pet hate about a partner or ex, deal with the situation carefully. This is where your measured, respectful attitude can help you.

The other key date to mention is July 16th when there’s a New Moon in Cancer and your opposite sign. This is a brilliant date to initiate action and to set your intentions with regard to love and relationships.

A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings, a chance to start over or start fresh. Love can pick up the pace fast now but whether you’re reconnecting or beginning a new relationship, it’s not a calm energy. It feels volatile and urgent and there may be ultimatums issued from either side.

The other big news for you this month concerns money matters. On July 1st, Venus and Jupiter, the two best planets in the heavens, come together in the sign of Leo. Venus rules love and money and Jupiter rules opportunity, growth, expansion. Put the two together and this feels gloriously abundant.

If you’re expecting money to come in, this symbol provides the flow. It might be an inheritance, a return on investment, a cash bonus or windfall. It promises gifts and blessings. This is the time to invoke the law of attraction and to recognise that what you give out, you receive in return.

This coincides with good news about work as Mercury, planet of communication, is in the mix. Mercury is currently strong in Gemini and your work sector and the first week of the month shouts good news. This is the time to apply for a job, to submit a proposal and to sort things out in general on the work and money fronts.

There is one date in the month when you might have to play boss or put your foot down with regard to money matters. This is the 14th when your ruling planet Saturn squares Venus in Leo. Saturn is currently in Scorpio ruling your friendships and group connections or your involvement in politics or wider society issues.

This is the time to be less extravagant, to pay close attention to what’s going out and what’s coming in financially. This might apply to your own finances or to your involvement with a key group of people.

Yet once the 23rd comes around you’re back firing on all cylinders with regard to money and abundance. The Sun and Mercury both enter Leo and your joint finance sector on this date and along with Jupiter in Leo, this sector of your chart is highlighted until mid August.

Make the most of it. This is the time to speculate to accumulate, to set yourself up financially for the future as best you can. If you want to gift someone else or treat yourself, here’s your opportunity.

The Full Moon on July 31st also cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of your chart. This highlights money matters and it’s a brilliant date to make an important financial decision.

The other major planetary activity this month involves Venus, the planet of love and money, turning retrograde on July 25th. Venus remains on go slow until September 6th. Traditionally this is not the time to marry or purchase expensive beauty treatments.

Venus’ energy turns inward and it’s time to reflect and adopt a slower pace of life. Venus is retrograde in your fellow earth sign of Virgo ruling travel and education. If you have big plans in either of these areas, take your time and be cautious to ensure that you get the best deal.

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