Capricorn Monthly Horoscope January 2016

2016, CapricornCapricorn (22 December – 19 January)

The Sun is in your sign of Capricorn until the 20th and it’s your birthday month as well as the start of a brand spanking new year. Plus on the 10th there’s a New Moon in your sign of Capricorn.

This all adds up to a great start to 2016 and it’s prime time to make your resolutions for the year ahead and to set yourself some new goals, some new intentions.

Being a Capricorn means the mountain goat is your zodiac symbol and you’re at your best when you have a new mountain to climb. You like to have a goal to work towards as it brings out the ambitious, results-oriented side of your nature.

When the Sun is in Capricorn, this is the time to focus on your personal goals and aims, the things that mean a lot to you personally. It’s not necessarily the time to focus on work and career and this is also true because Mars leaves Libra and your career sector on January 3rd. You have other priorities that are more pressing now and it’s your personal life that’s key to your inner happiness.

Plus this month’s stars indicate that you also need to let go and relegate certain aspects of your life to the past and this is a changeable month for different reasons. Firstly, even though the Sun is in Capricorn, it clashes with the dynamic duo Pluto and Uranus on the 6th and 7th respectively.

Pluto is in your sign of Capricorn and Uranus is down at the base of your chart in Aries ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. These two planets have been active in your chart for many years now and together they bring about transformation, though not always in a straightforward or easy manner. Sometimes you have to learn lessons the hard way.

Yet they also help you to keep moving forward and this is important. Being a Capricorn, yours is the sign of tradition and convention and sometimes you stay in a position or a role for too long, simply because you don’t want things to change.

Change is inevitable when you have Pluto and Uranus egging you on, so once more there’s a theme of reinvention and in some shape or form you’re being asked to leave the past behind, to let go of what’s old and embrace what’s new.

This might apply to you personally, a kind of inner transformation. Personal growth work can enhance this progress plus an awareness that you can choose who you want to spend your time with. Ditch any toxic relationships and vow to move on.

So January is a month to focus on the future once you’ve released the past but do realise that it will take you a while to achieve your goals and aims and this month in particular may take you round the block to get to where you want to be. This is because the communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th and for almost three weeks until the 25th, Mercury is on go slow in your sign of Capricorn.

Mercury retrograde often coincides with a stop-start scenario in your own life. People aren’t around when you need them and the flow of communication can grind to a halt. Misunderstandings are more likely, correspondence can go missing and getting to the truth of the matter is harder than usual. You have to dig deep and listen carefully.

There will be times this month when inevitably you fall out with other people. The 5th, 20th and 22nd are likely dates. Choose your battles carefully and recognise that words have power. If you want to bring a situation or partnership to an end, you can do so now and don’t be surprised if you receive an ultimatum whilst Mercury is up to its tricks.

The turning point comes on the 25th and once Mercury is back up to speed in your sign of Capricorn, you can act with confidence. Leave the big decisions till the last week of the month and get back on track with your personal goals and aims.

Money matters are under the cosmic spotlight too after the 20th when the Sun enters Aquarius and your money sector. This is the time to focus on finances and to get your cash situation in order. Aquarius is the sign of systems and the more organised you are on the financial front, the more in control you feel.

The Full Moon on the 24th cuts across your money axis and this is a time when you see your own situation clearly. It’s a good date to take action in order to improve your finances. Trust your intuition and sign or seal a deal with confidence.

Love is hidden away or private for most of the month with Venus, the planet of love, in your previous sign of Sagittarius. When Venus and your ruler Saturn come together on the 9th, you have to think carefully about love. Notice whether you’re taking someone for granted or listen to your heart and where your emotions guide you.

You might not want to act immediately on your feelings but once Venus enters your sign of Capricorn on the 23rd, you’re ready to declare your true affections. This is a glorious transit for love and romance when Venus graces your own sign so make the most of it and focus on the one you love or finding someone to love. The 30th feels special when Venus and romantic Neptune schmooze in the heavens.

Passion planet Mars enters Scorpio and your friendship sector on the 3rd so if you’re looking for love, ask for an introduction. Friendship and love are linked and you want a lover who’s your best mate too.

Friends and groups will play a key part in your development over the next few weeks and months and if you’re invited to start or join a new form of collaborative venture in January, go for it.

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