Capricorn June 2019

Moon, Capricorn

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Get Busy

You’re likely to be busy as June begins. Or, at least, it’s a good idea to be proactive and get things done. This is especially true for you if you’re looking for work, seeking new clients or engaging employees. Same goes if you have new goals and aims with regard to your health and fitness.

This is because of the emphasis on the star sign, Gemini, as the month begins. Gemini rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. The Sun’s here until the 21st, the day of the Solstice, and most importantly, there’s a New Moon in Gemini on the 3rd.

A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and an ideal time to set your intentions, make a wish and take the initiative. It’s a good time to apply for a job or get busy in your current role. You might have lots of creative ideas or be juggling different roles within your current position. It’s lively but requires careful handling. Write things down, manage your time well and adopt efficient office systems.

Team Work

There is another planet in Gemini this month too. Venus enters this part of your horoscope on the 9th where it remains until early July. As Venus is the planet of relating, this confirms that you’re wise to get help for your work or routine, your lifestyle and health. Get the right people on board and you can make swift progress.

Venus rules women so target women in your marketing or networking or look for a women who can help you manage your life better. This might be a coach, a cleaner, a VA or a dear friend. Create a strong network of women in your life and socialise with your colleagues. Collaborative ventures are well-starred during the month of June.

The Full Moon on the 17th is also part of the picture. This Full Moon cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and Full Moons bring completion or culmination. They are a time of clarity when you see your situation clearly and can make key decisions.

Admittedly, this particular Full Moon could be overwhelming or coincide with an emotional time. You’ll hear more about this shortly. Even so, it’s likely to be an important date in the month for finalising plans and getting on top of a busy situation.

People Power

People are also key to your success and happiness in the month ahead. Yet, it’s here where you may have to tread carefully, especially if you’re dealing with some tricky individuals in your life.

This is because of the emphasis on your opposite star sign, Cancer. You have Mars here all month and Mars is both the planet of passion and the planet of anger. It’s a tempestuous influence, courageous and bold, also frustrating and infuriating. 

On the 4th, communication planet, Mercury, joins Mars in Cancer and remains in this sector of your horoscope until the 27th. These two together are a force to be reckoned with. They are dynamic, go-getting and speedy.

You might have someone in your life who’s running at top speed, wanting you to keep up. Or perhaps, there’s someone who’s backing you, on your side and keen for you to make swift progress.

Tricky Negotiations

If you’re in a love relationship or married, expect life to get lively and fast. You might encounter challenges together or have some big decisions to negotiate. The trickiest period or, at least, the time of the month when this energy is strongest, takes place mid-month.

Mercury and Mars join forces on the 18th and clash with your planet Saturn and power planet Pluto between the 14th and 20th. This suggests opposition to your plans, the voice of authority telling you what you can or can’t do. Alternatively, you may take on the role of Saturn and need to lay down the law or take charge if other people are out of control.

Notice whether your close relationships are supportive or draining during the middle of the month. Perhaps, someone close to you needs a lot of support or you’re the one who feels confused or disoriented. Ensure you’re there for anyone in your life who’s feeling vulnerable and ask for help yourself if you’re struggling.

The turning point comes on the 21st, the day of the Solstice, when the Sun also enters Cancer. This is a gentler influence and can bring with it insight and illumination. A third party may step in to end a brawl or argument. Or perhaps, they have a solution to an issue or problem.

There is a possibility that you might be swept off your feet by another person in the month of June. It could be excitement that overwhelms as you’re around individuals who throw themselves into life head-first. You may find yourself having to run to keep up. Discern your own situation and decide what works for you.

Seeking Answers

Finally, this month, there’s an expansive Jupiter-Neptune square on the 16th, the day before the Full Moon. These two planets are in their signs of rulership; Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces.

They met on January 13, 2019 and meet again on September 21, 2019. This is their second connection, the middle meeting. Wherever you find this combination in your horoscope is where you can take a leap of faith. For you, this is about a religious or spiritual path. Or, you may be seeking something more in life, exploring new languages, new cultures, new ways of thinking. 

Allow your imagination to take you wherever it leads. This is potentially creative and artistic. Find your muse and what inspires you in life. Be open to music, poetry, art. Learn to communicate in ways that are beyond the everyday and tap into the side of your nature that’s shamanic. This too can provide answers or, at least, salvation, as your planet Saturn teams up with Neptune on the 18th.

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