Capricorn July 2019

Capricorn, tree at sunset

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Eclipse Season

It’s always going to be an important month when you have an eclipse in your star sign. The eclipse date is the 16th when there’s a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn.

This eclipse is one of two in the month ahead, as there’s a New Moon or Solar Eclipse in your opposite star sign, Cancer, on the 2nd. These eclipses are part of a bigger eclipse cycle that began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020.

This eclipse cycle cuts across the sector of your horoscope which represents you on the one hand, your identity, your image and profile, your personal goals and aims. The other side of the spectrum represents your 1-to-1’s, your close relationships, both personal and professional. 

As eclipses bring change, it’s unlikely that your relationships are going to be the same at the start of this eclipse cycle as they will be at the end. Therefore, tend to these areas of your life and look at where change is needed or where change is likely to happen.

Look closely at yourself and decide whether you’re the person you want to be in a relationship, whether personal or professional. Have you lost sight of who you really are or do you wear another hat that no longer suits you in a significant 1-to-1? Also, notice who comes into your life during these eclipses as they are often turning points, moments of destiny, linked to both endings and new beginnings.

Love & Relationships

This month, Venus, the planet of love and relating, is also in Cancer and your relationship sector from the 3rd to the 28th. Plus, it’s closely involved in both eclipses. Therefore, this indicates that this is likely to be a significant month for you when you’re learning more about love and relationships and your involvement in them.

There will be times when you run up against challenges or find yourself limited with what you can and can’t do. Your planet, Saturn, opposes the Sun in Cancer on the 9th and Venus in Cancer on the 17th. There may be a love disappointment on or around these dates or a reality check. 

Plus, there’s another key planet currently in Capricorn and that planet is Pluto, which signifies transformation, also loss, analysis, deep and profound change. Pluto opposes the Sun in Cancer on the 14th and Venus on the 21st. Plus, Pluto is closely involved with the Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse on the 16th.

What might be important to remember now is that your planet, Saturn, is currently retrograde i.e. in retreat. It’s not, however, moving on its own. Saturn turned retrograde at the end of April 2019 next to the karmic South Node and they are moving backwards together until September/early October.

The theme is release and letting go, changing old habits, recognising deeply ingrained beliefs. There may be times when you feel stuck or back in your comfort zone. You might not want to embrace change, even if you suspect it’s for the better in the long run. 

Also, note that this month’s events aren’t entirely up to you. The majority of the planetary activity is currently taking place in Cancer and your opposite star sign. Therefore, at times other people will have control and you may have to follow rather than lead.

Mercury Retrograde, Learning to Listen

If in doubt, take the pace slow and don’t make any big decisions just yet as Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde from the 7th onwards. Plus, on the 19th, Mercury retreats back into Cancer. 

Therefore, now is the time to review your situation and think things through, rather than leap into action. Mercury retrograde can flag up misunderstandings or mis-truths so don’t believe everything you hear. 

There is one planet that’s helpful and supportive during this month’s major astrological activity. That planet is Neptune in Pisces and your communication sector. This is a kind and compassionate influence, teaching you to listen, to be open-minded, caring and concerned.

You might take on a role as carer, coach or mentor this month and being kind and considerate to others can make a huge difference. Big astrology indicates that changes are on the cards but not necessarily in your case. You may be the one supporting others as they undergo major life shifts.

Money Matters

The star sign, Leo, is also active this month and Leo rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope. It’s about money and financial partnerships. Action planet, Mars, is dynamic and go-getting in this area of your horoscope and remains in Leo from the 1st until mid-August.

There will be times when you need to rein in your actions and hold back from speaking up. The trickiest period is the 7th to the 11th as Mercury turns retrograde in Leo, pulls in Mars in the 8th and Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus on the 11th.

This could flag up a money issue with regard to a child or lover. Tempers could flare and it’s wise not to act impulsively. Instead, be patient, bide your time and give reassurance if necessary. Help someone out emotionally but be wary of getting involved financially.

If you’re looking for financial support, this could be a frustrating time too. Mercury retrograde often flags up where things aren’t working out. Patience is a Capricorn virtue, however, and being patient could pay off. On the 23rd, the Sun enters Leo followed by Venus on the 28th and a stunning New Moon in Leo on August 1st. 

This is a significant turning point so work towards the end of July and try again with regard to money and contracts. It’s not a smooth month of astrology by any means. Yet, if you pace yourself accordingly, you can make significant waves by month’s end and moving into August.

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4 thoughts on “Capricorn July 2019”

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for your coming July forecasts. As I have been always in confusion I wonder which factor of my horoscope matters most. I have Aquarius Sun, Saggitarus Rising with Jupiter, Capricorn Moon. And now Mercury will go backward in Leo where I have Saturn and Pluto. After reading your forecast I feel I will be affected by all three influences (Sun, raising, Moon). Please let me hear your professional opinion.

    1. An astrology reading takes into account all that’s happening in your horoscope. Yet, for solar horoscopes, it’s worth reading your Sun sign first followed by your Ascendant sign if you know it. Personally, I don’t read my Moon sign. Hope that helps.

  2. Thanks again, Sally, for the Capricorn readings. I find alignment and guidance in most aspects, particularly about money & contracts at this time. Strange but true, it’s as if you read the stars for me. Am grateful and appreciate receiving your monthly horoscopes.


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