Capricorn Horoscopes October 2021

Capricorn horoscopes, lights

Career Do’s & Don’ts

There’s a lot of planetary activity taking place in Libra this month, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope. This means it’s time to turn your gaze towards your future path, where you’re heading and why. Here’s the planetary line-up in Libra:

  • Mercury (communication) – all month, retrograde until the 18th
  • Mars (action/drive) – until the 30th
  • Sun (essence/ego) – until the 23rd

Mars in your career and vocation sector is often a period of ambition. You know what you want and you’ll go all out to get it. Mars is particularly active during the New Moon on the 6th and kicks in big-time on the 8th & 9th. This may be a time when you’re called to step into your power or you have a burning desire that wants to be fulfilled.

It can be a competitive or argumentative time but a New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to turn to a new page and make a fresh start. You may have to step up your game during this period in October.

Note, however, that talk planet Mercury is retrograde until the 18th. Therefore, it’s not the best time to sign and seal a contract while Mercury’s on go slow. Also, you may find that some information is hidden from you. If you’re discussing a new job or negotiating with an important client, make sure that you double-check everything and read the small print.

Once Mercury turns direct on the 18th, then you can go for any new opportunity with confidence. Plus, on the same day, the planet of opportunity Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius and your money sector. Put the two planetary events together and you could grab yourself a prize. It could be the day you start a new job, get promoted or invest your money in a business or venture that’s dear to your heart.

Jupiter’s the planet linked to abundance, faith and trust in life. Make the most of Jupiter’s beneficial edge this month and stay positive, even if some things don’t work out first time around.

  • Lucky work & money dates: 4th, 15th, 18th & 28th

People In Your Life

A personal relationship could be up for review at the time of the Full Moon on the 20th. The Moon is the symbol for your partner in astrology. Therefore, the lunations, the Full and New Moons often coincide with significant developments in your 1-to-1’s. 

Ensure that any relationship or partnership is right for you mid-month. Make adjustments and do what’s best for the both of you. A relationship may be able to move forward in a positive shift after the 18th. Up until then, Mercury is retrograde in Libra, the sign linked to relating. Don’t make any major relationship decisions before this date.

Friends too are there for fun, laughter, support and advice at key times throughout October. This is because of planets moving through Scorpio and your friendship and group sector. Here’s the planetary line-up in Scorpio:

  • Venus (love/relating) – until the 7th
  • Mars (action/passion) – from the 30th
  • Sun (essence/ego) – from the 23rd

Scorpio season is great for widening your social circle whether on your own or with your partner. If you’re looking for love, ask your friends for an introduction in the first week of October as friendship and love are linked. 

Use your connections well, especially once the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd. Being around people of influence could make a huge difference to your life, especially next month once ambitious Mars moves into this same sector of your horoscope. Network and make the right connections.

Balancing The Scales

Pluto is active this month as it turns direct in your star sign Capricorn on the 6th. Pluto represents power and intensity. At its best, it gives you laser focus and lends you super powers.

The downside of Pluto is obsession to the point of wipe-out. This flags up a cautionary note that the Libra scales are urging you to find a healthy work/life balance in October. Take care of your body, mind and spirit and adopt a holistic approach to your well-being.

  • Pluto Clashes: 1st, 17th & 22nd – less is more

The Full Moon on the 20th could be pivotal as it cuts across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope. You may have a big decision to make on the Full Moon regarding your career or vocation, where you live or your family situation.

This might be linked to money as your ruling planet Saturn turns direct in Aquarius and your money sector on the 11th. This if often a time to make a commitment, although wait until Mercury turns direct first on the 18th. Or, sometimes a payment or income stream comes to an end and you have to rethink your next steps.

The stars suggest that you’re wise to prioritise your work and career, your future goals. During the Full Moon, you may feel pulled in different directions and something’s got to give. Trust your intuition during the Full Moon period. Do what feels right and combine that with common sense, logic and rationality.

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments until the communication planet is back up to speed on October 18th. Here are some more tips:

  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • take a step back, do less not more
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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