Capricorn Horoscope March 2022

Capricorn horoscope March 2022, spring

Triple Conjunction

As the month begins, you have the planet of relating Venus and action planet Mars both in your star sign Capricorn. You might be deeply in love or be on a personal mission.

Mars is a go-getting ambitious planet and strong in your star sign. This is the empire builder when you want progress in your life and fast. However, both Venus and Mars clash with power planet Pluto in Capricorn on the 3rd. This is likely to be pivotal for you and could play out in an extreme fashion.

You may have to step into a position of leadership, ready or not. You may need to play for high stakes. Yet, this combination can signify an ending, a time to step back if you’re the one being dominated or controlled.

It depends on your personal situation how this will play out for you. It is intense so decide whether it means you have to dig deep and be resolute. Or, whether it’s the time to cut ties and close the door on the past.

Pisces Season

People count this month as the star sign of the moment is emotional Pisces. The Sun’s here until the 20th and talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Pisces from the 10th to the 27th.

Therefore, this is not the time to be on your own. Reach out to people close to you. Whether you want to ask for help and support or offer fun and friendship or vice versa, encourage the flow of love and connection in your life and the lives of others.

If you’re looking for love or companionship, notice who comes into your life on or around the New Moon on the 2nd. Your partner planet is the Moon so all the lunations – New and Full Moons – are significant for you when it comes to relationships.

This is an ideal New Moon for making new connections, seeking friendship and people of like minds. There’s a gentle vibe to your communications, offering you an opportunity to connect with people on a deep level.

Plus, this is a special New Moon as it pulls in lucky Jupiter and sentimental Neptune. There’s a Sun-Jupiter conjunction on the 5th and a Sun-Neptune conjunction on the 13th. This a is preview of next month’s epic Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th.

If you’re seeking a soul-mate connection, this is when you’re most likely to find it. Luck and good fortune are linked to your close connections and the web of networks. Look for synchronicities or coincidences that happen now and follow them up.

If you want to go back to school, here’s your opportunity. Plus, the more active you are in your local community, the more content and fulfilled you may feel.

This is an ideal time for networking, sales, making new connections. It’s a fertile period for ideas and brainstorming. Trust your intuition in knowing who to contact and when. Give in to the romantic side of your nature, whether you lose yourself in writing, you read poetry or you find another activity that taps into your soul.

This is a good time to reconnect or catch up with siblings, relatives or neighbours. This is also the theme of the Full Moon on the 18th which cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac. Full Moons are a time of celebration.

It’s about education and learning too and being inspired by other people. Attend a talk, read a book recommendation and be open to new knowledge. If new invitations come your way this month, it’s worth following them up. Step outside of your comfort zone and explore new ways of thinking and alternative activities.

Equinox – A Fresh Start

The 20th is a stand-out date this month as this is when the Sun enters Aries on the day of the Equinox. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac an this is the start of a new zodiac cycle. In the northern hemisphere, it coincides with the onset of spring.

Traditionally, this is the time to make a fresh start, whether you’re moving, spring cleaning or changing around your family or living space in some way. Aries rules your home and family sector, your past and where you come from. You may be taking a trip down memory lane or be ready to let go of the past and start over.

Money Matters

Also this month, money is under the cosmic spotlight thanks to Venus and Mars. Immediately they leave your star sign Capricorn on the 6th, they unite in Aquarius and your money sector. This is a strong symbol for joint ventures and business partnerships. Get the right expert or adviser on your side. Invest in technology and look to the future.

Venus and Mars are side by side in your money sector throughout March. Therefore, it’s an important month to balance the books, update your financial systems and get on top of money in general. Notice how your money is linked to your values, your sense of self-worth.

The trickiest period for finances may be from the 19th to the 22nd when erratic Uranus is involved. Try not to make impulsive purchases or investments during this period. Or, give money to a child or lover – if you do, you may not get it back – your choice.

Your ruling planet Saturn is also in Aquarius so this is about firming up your finances and keeping your gaze fixed on your financial security, your future path. Events on or around the 2nd & 28th may help you realise where you’re on track or off track. Readjust accordingly.

4 thoughts on “Capricorn Horoscope March 2022”

  1. Thanks for my March horoscope, Sally. Most of what you have read is relevant to what’s happening. Sure is good celestial guidance for me.

    All the best,

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