Capricorn Horoscope April 2022

Capricorn horoscope April 2022, waves

Work & Money

Your ruling planet Saturn is currently in Aquarius and your personal money sector. This month, Saturn is joined by action planet Mars making money matters red hot. When these two planets come together, as they do on the 5th, you know that this is an area of your life which may require your attention.

You could feel under pressure. Perhaps, because you have to make some tough choices around money. Saturn can sometimes coincide with lack or hardship. However, this combination is packed full of determination and a survival instinct.

If there’s something you really want to buy or invest in, you may have to dig deep during the start of the month. And, once Mars is able to move more freely and is past Saturn, then you can get motivated and set your plans in motion fast. Mars remains in your money sector until the 15th.

Plus, the Full Moon on the 16th falls in Libra and your career and vocation sector. Therefore, finances and work could be linked. Full Moons are about culmination, things coming to completion. They are a good time to make key decisions and balance your head and heart in making the right move.

The only issue with this Full Moon is the fact that it’s square to Pluto in your star sign Capricorn. Therefore, this may coincide with an ending and Pluto’s role could be a reminder that you can’t always have everything. You might have to make a choice between work or family, for example. Or, it might be an issue that links your future with your past.

Home & Family

Home and family affairs are also a key part of your month ahead and this may become evident during the Full Moon. There are other factors involved, however. For starters, the Sun is in Aries at the base of your horoscope until the 20th and talk planet Mercury is in Aries up until the 11th.

In fact, Aries is the sign of the moment as soon as the month begins as there’s a New Moon here on the 1st. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings. Therefore, it’s at home or within your family where there’s a sense of the new., Keep the lines of communication open during this New Moon so you can find new ways to live and work together.

There’s also a theme of healing around this New Moon in Aries. Perhaps, a chance to heal a wound or release pain that belongs in the past. A conversation or insight you have during the first weekend of the month could prove to be revelatory.

Cosmic Dreams

Communication is a key feature of your month, not only because of Mercury’s role but because of the epic Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. This takes place on the 12th in Pisces and your communication sector.

This is a wonderful combination for story-telling, a community venture, bringing people together, spreading your message far and wide. You could find yourself in the media or talking on television. You may experience your 5 minutes of fame.

This combination is hugely compassionate and caring and it’s not the time to be alone or on your own. The planet of love and relating Venus is also in Pisces from the 5th onwards and activist Mars joins the pack on the 15th.

Venus is in full flow towards the end of the month when she aligns with Neptune on the 27th and Jupiter on the 30th. This combination triggers the Jupiter-Neptune dynamic duo and you may get more of a sense about what it means for you. The theme is bringing people together, sharing love and hope, spreading good fortune.

It might be to do with a sibling or neighbour, perhaps it’s about your studies or a chance to become a teacher or mentor. It may incorporate a spiritual element that gives you a greater sense of meaning and purpose for what you’re doing out in the world. Make the most of this bounteous and boundless emotional connection.

Earth Sign Joy

It is important this month to find joy and pleasure where you can. The Sun enters Taurus and your fellow earth sign on the 20th and talk planet Mercury is here from the 11th to the 29th. Taurus rules romance in your horoscope, children & pregnancy, entertainment, creative projects and luck.

The planet of change Uranus is also in Taurus and active on the 18th and the 30th, the day of the Solar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse is the second New Moon of the month, also called a Black Moon.

It’s part of the eclipse cycle which began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023. It cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the pleasure and social sectors of your horoscope.

Therefore, things could happen fast in these areas. You may be willing to take more risks than usual, to ring the changes, to turn life around quickly. Keep close tabs on the ones you love and, if necessary, step in without being over-controlling. These are fast and furious times we live in and the skill is to know when to use your power and how to use it for good effect.

There may be reason to celebrate as the month comes to an end. Eclipses have a bad reputation but a New Moon/Solar Eclipse can be a power point of energy.

Plus, this Solar Eclipse is ruled by Venus and there’s a lucky Venus-Jupiter conjunction on the same day, the 30th. Listen out for some good news or step in to be there for someone close.

Jupiter-Neptune themes

The once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is exact on April 12th. We’ve been surfing its waves since February and there’s a way to go yet. It peaks this month, continues into May & there may be a Jupiter-Neptune revival in November/December.

Jupiter-Neptune themes conjure up big dreams, a cultural renaissance, a spiritual awakening, miracles, revelation, awe & wonder. In Pisces, it’s a flood of emotion, a wave of imagination, a rush of compassion & interconnectedness. It’s also wise to avoid fake news, be wary of scams, choose your faith carefully & lose yourself in a good way.

The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction falls in your 3rd house ruling communication, siblings, neighbours and your local community. This would be an ideal time to launch a website that helps other people, become a story-teller, reconnect with relatives or people who live close by, join a neighbourhood initiative, become a teacher or mentor. You need more to life than the everyday to feel inspired.

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