Capricorn February 2019

CapricornCapricorn (22 December – 20 January)

If your planet, Saturn, is going to teach you one thing this year, it’s about the importance of remaining hopeful and finding ways to allay any fear or doubt. As you’re one of the earth signs, you need practical tools to help you as you like to see results for your efforts.

You may also be receiving key lessons in your life this month about fairness and equality and what happens when other people lose sight of decency, morals and sound behaviour. This is your chance to be an advocate for keeping standards high and doing the right thing.

This is your responsibility on some level, because you now have Venus, the planet of relating, in your star sign, Capricorn from the 3rd until the end of February. Venus recognises the importance of compromise and kindness and working together alongside other people to create the best possible outcome for everyone concerned.

You might be involved out in the world making a difference or in your community or perhaps, this is a mission that lies closer to home. Venus teams up with your planet Saturn on the 18th and runs into power planet Pluto on the 23rd. Both dates could prove significant for you and this is a time when duty and responsibility kicks in.

Plus, Venus is the planet of love, so close and intimate relationships fall under the cosmic spotlight this month. You might be learning important lessons about love and relationships, whether you’re ready to make a significant commitment or you feel compelled to end a relationship and move on. 

The two dates mentioned above could be important in this respect. If you’re a typical Capricorn, you take love and commitment seriously. It matters to you, it’s a big deal.

After the 14th, passion planet Mars, enters Taurus, another earth sign and your romance sector. Mars remains here until the end of March. This indicates that it’s a key period of the year to turn your attention to love and relationships, whatever your current situation.

Mars in Taurus is earthy and sensual. As it enters Taurus on Valentines Day, the 14th, bear this in mind. If you want to boost your sex life or meet someone new, here’s your opportunity.

With both the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, in earth signs, it’s a key month to work at love and take the necessary steps to find happiness and fulfilment in your 1-to-1’s.

Family relationships remain intense this month, at least for the first two weeks. Mars is in Aries and your home and family sector until the 13th and, on the 2nd, Mars clashes with Pluto in your star sign, Capricorn. 

This combination feels extreme as if tempers could flare. If you’re not getting on with someone at home, this isn’t the date to try and sort things out amicably. There’s a sense of inevitability about this planetary combination, as if you can’t change things the way you would like.

Also, Mars encounters Uranus in Aries on the 13th and this is the last major planetary conjunction that Uranus makes before leaving Aries on March 6th. Uranus has been in your home and family sector since 2010/2011 and is a volatile and unpredictable factor. You might have moved frequently in the past few years or perhaps your family situation has changed radically.

Mars and Uranus are going out with a bang so events mid-month could coincide with the unexpected. You may decide to cut ties with someone in your family or someone you’ve been living with. Or perhaps, someone close to you makes a radical move. Uranus is the planet of freedom and liberation after all.

You can work alongside other members of your family this month to improve your cash situation or pool resources. This is because money is under the cosmic spotlight during the New Moon on the 4th. This New Moon falls in Aquarius and your personal money sector. You have talk planet Mercury here until the 10th and the Sun until the 18th.

This whole combination suits collaborative ventures and working alongside other people to improve your finances and help others out where possible. This would be a good time to consider running a business from home or starting a business or project with someone from your family or your past.

People in general become more important to you as the month progresses and this isn’t a time to go it alone, whatever you’re dealing with in your life.

On the 10th, communication planet Mercury moves into Pisces and your communication sector, followed by the Sun on the 18th. Pisces rules all forms of communication in you horoscope, including the spoken and written word.

It’s about transport, siblings, relative and neighbours and your local community. In brief, it’s about life close to home and making the most of your network and support in your neighbourhood.

You might be the one to step up and take on a leading role within your community or perhaps you need people to lean on, to give advice and support.

Either way, this whole combination feels giving and caring and it’s a gentle reminder of the kindness of strangers. If you want more connection in your life, reach out to others. Be open and attentive, open your heart and allow other people in. There are a host of good reasons why this is the way forwards in the second half of the month.

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